[20] State governments have also codified ESG initiatives into lawCalifornia leading the charge with the passage of Senate Bill 826 and Assembly Bill 979, which require a certain percentage of directors on the boards of public companies headquartered in the state be composed of females and individuals from underrepresented communities. (go back), 94CoreCivic, Inc., Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on May 18, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1070985/000119312521165313/d184269d8k.htm. In setting this precedent, it is important to understand that there are technology platforms that have already left irreversible marks on Black communities and communities of color around the country that need to be addressed. [21] Most shareholder activists are cognizant of the stance of institutional investors and proxy advisory firms on ESG issues and have increasingly incorporated ESG factors into their proxy campaigns. We will continue to urge Airbnb to thoughtfully engage members of our communities in developing solutions to support long-time Black residents at risk of displacement from their neighborhoods.. In the U.S. market there are now over 600 ESG funds and exchange-traded funds for investors to choose from with approximately $161 billion in assets under management (AUM), which is more than double the AUM of ESG funds in 2010. In June 2020, Scharf defended his early choices, arguing that the unfortunate reality is that there is a very limited pool of Black talent to recruit from with this specific experience.. The methodology is publicly available in a technical paper for other companies who want to detect and remediate bias and discrimination on their platforms. Airbnb has consistently engaged in fighting bias and discrimination on its platform since 2016, after its first civil rights audit, authored by Laura Murphy, former Director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Washington Legislative Office and President of Laura Murphy & Associates. The following proposals will be put to shareholders at its May 25, 2022 annual meeting: Atlanta-based Home Depot, the largest home improvement retailer in North America, faced a shareholder proposal in 2021 that requested a political contributions congruency analysis. [121] Comptroller DiNapoli described the vote as an immense success for a first-time proposal . And lastly, whether a company has sufficient mechanisms in place to monitor effectiveness. For all companies, and especially tech . (go back), 69Citigroup Inc., 2021 Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on March 17, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/831001/000120677421000735/citi3828191-def14a.htm [hereinafter Citigroup Proxy Statement]; see also CoreCivic Inc. Proposal, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), available at https://exchange.iccr.org/node/88686/text. [44] Advocates of Racial Equity Audits believe that they are essentially intended to be implemented in furtherance of risk management and risk tolerance, criteria that fiduciaries may choose to measure in order to protect their investments. What Makes Patagonia A World Leader in Sustainability, Medium, Tom & Jerry, January 13, 2021, available at https://medium.com/climate-conscious/what-makes-patagonia-a-world-leader-in-sustainability-486073f0daa. Back Submit . (go back), 70Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69; JPMorgan Chase & Co., 2021 Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on April 7, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000019617/000001961721000275/a2021proxystatement.htm [hereinafter JPMorgan Proxy Statement]. A Racial Equity Audit is, at its core, an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a companys policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. called upon to navigate the challenges presented by climate change, racial injustice, economic inequality, and numerous other issues that are fundamental to the success and sustainability of companies, financial markets, and our economy. [72] After the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, 66% of S&P 500 companies posted statements on their websites or social media accounts, 36% made financial contributions to racial justice organizations and 14% stated in their communications that Black Lives Matter. [73] While it has been observed that these companies were quick to issue statements supporting Black Lives Matter and promis[ed] to do more to be responsive to non-white consumers, employees and communities, [74] most companies on the receiving end of a Rule 14a-8 proposal to implement a Racial Equity Audit have actively resisted such proposal by seeking no-action relief from the SEC to exclude the proposal from their 2021 proxy statements, negotiating with proponents to withdraw their proposals, and, when the company had been unsuccessful with the foregoing, recommending that shareholders vote against the proposals. Some studies have shown that promoting racial justice can increase profitability and competitive advantage. [39] A study by McKinsey & Company found that implementing or improving racial justice policies can positively affect a companys bottom line. And even they are far from perfect. In 2020 and 2021, at least 12 public companies received shareholder proposals to conduct a racial equity audit from pension funds and other shareholder supporters. The following proposals will be put to shareholders at its May 19, 2022 annual meeting: The following proposals will be put to shareholders at its June 1, 2022 annual meeting: Alphabet, the parent company of Google and YouTube, faces nine shareholder proposals this year on issues relating to diversity, racism, lobbying activity, and platform use problems facing the company. (go back), 48Webinar, Pamela Coukos, Co-Founder of Working Ideal, supra note 23; supra note 27. Shareholder activist Engine No. (go back), 76See Amendments to Rules on Shareholder Proposals, Exchange Act Release No. Before launching Project Lighthouse, Airbnb consulted a number of civil rights and privacy organizations, including Color of Change. Google has blocked companies from using racial justice, Alphabets business practices are enabling racism and discrimination, posing legal, financial, and reputational risk., Shareholder proposal requesting additional reporting on lobbying, Item 9, Shareholder proposal requesting additional reporting on gender/racial pay, Item 11, Shareholder proposal requesting a report on customer due diligence, Item 5, Shareholder proposal requesting a report on customer use of certain technologies, Item 13, A Racial and Gender Board Diversity Report, Item 7, A report on Respecting Indigenous Peoples Rights, Item 8, Shareholder proposal relating to a racial equity audit, Item 7, Shareholder proposal relating to insuring law enforcement, Item 8, Shareholder proposal relating to lobbying, Item 4, Shareholder proposal regarding political contributions congruency analysis, Item 7, Shareholder proposal regarding gender and racial equity on the board of directors, Item 8, Shareholder proposal regarding racial equity audit, Item 10, Stockholder proposal regarding a lobbying report, Item 5, Stockholder proposal regarding a racial equity audit, Item 9, Stockholder proposal regarding a report on concealment clauses, Item 10, Stockholder proposal regarding a human rights assessment of data center siting, Item 13, Stockholder proposal regarding a report on data collection, privacy, and security, Item 14, Stockholder proposal regarding algorithm disclosures, Item 15, Stockholder proposal regarding misinformation and disinformation, Item 16, Stockholder proposal regarding a report on external costs of disinformation, Item 17, Stockholder proposal regarding a report on board diversity, Item 18, Stockholder proposal regarding the establishment of an Environmental Sustainability Board Committee, Item 19. (go back), 97Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69. The good news is that some tech companies have been promoting racial equity and justice long before these latest protests and the tragedies that inspired them. The most wishlisted Design and Creative Space stays for inspiring retreats, Visit North Carolina and Airbnb relaunch partnership to boost rural tourism, Get to know your Host community in Europe: Meet Katerina from Greece. At the higher end, proxy advisory firms may offer official guidelines on what they believe are minimum actions a company should take with respect to Racial Equity Audits in order to receive the advisors support. . According to Bloomberg, Glass Lewis has broadly said conducting the audits would help companies reduce risks of high-profile controversies that may result in customer and employee attrition, regulatory inquiries and significant fines, and that [g]iven broad societal changes, it is particularly important for consumer-facing companies, which depend on their customers trust and loyalty, to address issues of racial equity. [102] On the other hand, according to Bloomberg, ISS has stated that racial audits arent warranted because companies are taking sufficient meaningful actions to address racial inequities such as expanding opportunities for people and communities of color, as well as improving the diversity and inclusion of its workforces. [103] The following chart sets forth the recommendations ISS and Glass Lewis made with respect to each Racial Equity Audit proposal in the 2021 proxy season: Source: ISS Corporate Solutions and Proxy Insight, During the 2021 proxy season, Amazon.com, Inc. (Amazon) faced a shareholder proposal requesting the company to conduct a Racial Equity Audit. S7-11-19, available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2020/33-10825.pdf; New Human Capital Disclosure Requirements, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, Margaret Engel, February 6, 2021, available at https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2021/02/06/new-human-capital-disclosure-requirements/. Public, third-party racial equity audits have supported companies like Facebook and Airbnb in acknowledging areas for improvement and beginning to put in place company infrastructure to prevent and mitigate harm. [66], Similar Racial Equity Audit proposals were submitted by shareholders at several public companies during the 2021 proxy season with substantially the same resolution clause copied above, but with different issues highlighted. [4] According to research from Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), ESG Funds were among the largest winners in 2020, taking in a record $60 billion in net flows, nearly triple their 2019 total. [5]. Companies Negotiated with Shareholders to Withdraw the Racial Equity Audit Proposal. (go back), 32Webinar, Pamela Coukos, Co-Founder of Working IDEAL, supra note 23. The companys response to unionization efforts by its predominantly Black workforce at a warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama raised further concerns about justice issues. [16] Enhanced performance in these areas can lead to less scrutiny from environmental regulators, increased customer loyalty, more productive employees, reduced employee turnover, more lucrative business partnerships and increased profitability. (go back), 25Remarks by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli at SEIU Capital Stewardship Program and CtW Investment Group Webinar Entitled Racial Equity Audits: A Critical Tool for Shareholders, NYS Comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, April 13, 2021, available at https://nyscomptroller.medium.com/remarks-by-new-york-state-comptroller-thomas-p-397b006d1d5c. The Staff has stated that substantial implementation under the rule does not require the company to have implemented the proposal in full or exactly as proposed by the shareholder. Given current trends in ESG, public companies should stay informed on Racial Equity Audits and their adoption, crafting and implementation. (go back), 105Id. [11], ESG considerations are becoming increasingly relevant to shareholder activists. 1 launched a proxy campaign in December 2020 to effect change on Exxons board of directors. [94] In the financial industry, BlackRocks decision distinguishes it from other financial institutions that have asked shareholders to vote against similar audit proposals and/or have sought no-action relief from the SEC. Dismissal and neglect of these concerns led to Engine No. Airbnb was born in 2007 when two Hosts welcomed three guests to their San Francisco home, and has since grown to over 4 million Hosts who havewelcomed 1.4 billionguest arrivals in almost every country across the globe. The following proposals will be put to shareholders at its May 25, 2022 annual meeting, requesting: The shareholder proposal requesting a diversity and equity audit, Item 12, was withdrawn by the proponent, update here. [134] ISS will use the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey as a key component of ISS annual policy development process to assess potential policy changes across regions and markets for 2022 and beyond. [135] While ISS has largely appeared hesitant to support Racial Equity Audits in the circumstances presented in the 2021 proxy season, the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey could change its future guidance and recommendations on such audits. Companies that sought to exclude Racial Equity Audit proposals from their 2021 proxy statements by requesting no-action relief from the SEC argued that the exclusions set forth in sections (i)(3), (i)(7) or (i)(10) of Rule 14a-8 applied. Not everyone did. [48] New York State Comptroller Thomas F. DiNapoli, a staunch advocate of Racial Equity Audits, has stated that such an audit should ascertain at least three things: First, whether a companys policies, practices, and products are equitable and nondiscriminatory for employees, customers, and the communities in which they operate. These votes follow a 2021 season in which eight racial equity audit proposals were proposed at companies in the S&P 500, seven of which received more than 20 percent support. (go back), 107Amazon Proxy Statement, supra note 104. Resolutions calling for racial equity or civil rights audits at major corporations have received substantial shareholder support. Only the Anti-discrimination team, Security team, and research partner will have access to this information. SEC interpretations of this rule provide that proposals that concern ordinary business matters but focus on significant social policy issues would not be excludable because the proposals would transcend the day-to-day business matters. [82] In seeking to exclude Racial Equity Audit proposals, companies argued that these audits concerned day-to-day aspects of their ordinary business operations, including: (i) product sales and advertising; [83] (ii) customer relationships; [84] (iii) the nature of the companys public relations, messaging, and communications with its shareholders and other constituents; [85] (iv) workforce management; [86] (v) relationships with suppliers; [87] (vi) community impacts; [88] or (vii) decisions regarding the products and services [the company] offers. [89] Furthermore, these companies contended that the proposals did not focus on a significant policy issue that transcended their ordinary business. We have made significant progress in the last few years to address painful stories of individuals who had requests to book a listing rejected and other negative experiences because of their race. [69], Proponents contend that Racial Equity Audits would help public companies identify, prioritize, remedy and avoid adverse impacts on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color [70] and would help a companys board of directors assess such companys behavior through a racial equity lens in order to obtain a complete picture of how it contributes to, and could help dismantle, systemic racism. [71]. [97] Wells Fargo Co. (Wells Fargo) said it is conducting a human rights impact assessment, and that it will update its Human Rights Statement to better align with the expectations of companies under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. (go back), 79See Citigroup No-Action Letter, supra note 78; JPMorgan No-Action LetterFebruary, supra note 77. Shareholder Proposal of CtW Investment Group Securities Exchange Act of 1934Rule 14a-8, Gibson Dunn, January 25, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/nyscrfamazon012521-14a8-incoming.pdf [hereinafter Amazon No-Action Letter]; J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78. For example, the SOC Investment Group, formerly known as the CtW Investment Group (CtW), a group that works with pension funds sponsored by unions affiliated with Change to Win, a federation of unions representing nearly 5.5 million members, submitted the following proposal to Bank of America Corporation for inclusion in its proxy statement: RESOLVED that shareholders of Bank of America Corporation (BofA) urge the Board of Directors to oversee a racial equity audit analyzing BofAs adverse impacts on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color. Policy issue that transcended their ordinary business of civil rights and privacy organizations, Color... 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