However, eventually British rule came to Nagaland and with it Christian missionaries who converted 95% of Nagas to Christianity and signalled the start of big changes in the lives of the tribal people who traditionally lived in warring tribal villages and followed ' Donyi-Polo ' an animist faith that translates a worship of the sun and moon. Sports has also been identified as an instrument of bringing the youth together and instilling in them discipline and leadership qualities while using sporting events to promote evangelism and discipleship. Therefore, the Council began a Guest House project in 2002 and was completed in 2011, and named it the Kenneth Complex. But when he went to his village intending to bring a wife, his village was attacked by a neighbouring Naga tribe and he was killed. ANI. the whole village. The Kenneth Complex (guest house cum conference rooms) project which began in 2002 was completed in 2009. Another song he sang with In 1891 he was supposed to have said this about the situation of his work, Preparation: no harvest, no earning, no flower, not even germination so far as I can see. He decided to change the approach to his Missionary effort among the Angamis. In 2009 Rev. This Pongsing Konyak, as General Secretary of the NBCC, played a role in restructuring the CBCNEI, particularly in giving autonomy to regional conventions. 1952-1997 Nagaland Revival. The Councils Constitution which has been in use for many years was revised, to make it more relevant to the needs of the day, and an amendment was adopted in 2005. A hall with 5000 sitting capacity will be a special feature of the Centre. But the work was not wholly given up. Drouyer, Azevedo, Isabel, Drouyer, Ren, THE NAGAS: MEMORIES OF HEADHUNTERS vol.1, White Lotus, 2016, p. 24. Bronson left the Namsang Mission permanently and joined the Sibsagar Mission. W. Pongsing Konyak who had been appointed as.the first Director of the Nagaland Development Outreach, the newly commissioned development wing of the NBCC. These Chaplains are now known as Pastors and several of these Naga Christian Fellowships are self supporting Churches. During the time when the Rivenburgs had been away on a break in 1907, H.B. This day continues to be observed with legislators, bureaucrats, ordained Ministers and Church leaders participating in this annual programme. The mission was led by Rev. Eventually, Godhula made a trip to The minutes of the Council show that financial assistance came from the Council of Baptist Churches in Assam and Manipur (now CBCNEI), the support of the Field Directors or Secretaries of different Associations recommended by the Executive Committee of the Council to the CBCAM. [1] It is the mission department of the Baptist Churches in Nagaland yet is autonomous in its functions. Here's a look at how history of Christianity unfolded in our land. Witter and his wife began their promising work among the Lothas. Later on, both the State Government and the Church were to recognize him as a Man of Peace. His time was eventful and it was full of new ventures. Bronson arrived in Assam but did not reach Nagaland himself. Chapter 17 / Lesson 11. Then, a Supongmeren was through Godhula and within a short time of acquaintance; the three developed a With the creation of an organisation with a defined constitution, including Secretaries and several committees, the question of local funding also became a necessity and the need for some form of contribution from the member Associations and Churches. accepted with collective responsibility of consequent adversity or fortune and Missionaries & the Spread of Christianity Across the World. A Home Mission Board was established at the annual meeting at Mokokchung in 1960 and created the idea of a Home Mission Division (ANBC-69/206). The Annual Session at Kohima, from 11th to 13th October 1966, went further to suggest a prohibition of liquor shops and bars. The accord was condemned by many Nagas and marked the beginning of factionalism among the revolutionaries. At the Jubilee conference in 1886, E.G. 1st Step: Go to the NBSE's official website. reminded of the mighty works of Gods for Nagas, and the Molungkimong Baptist The Nagaland Baptist Womens Union was organized in the early part of 1967, and it became the womens wing of the Council. In 1918, a group of educated Nagas formed Naga Club in 1918. During this time Rev. With a good majority of Naga youths streaming to other metropolitan cities in search of education and work opportunities, the Council began to encourage the growing units of students fellowships outside the State. After sometime some Smi boys would drift into schools in Kohima and Impur, become Christians and go back to their villages and they either went back to their old life or remained as secret Christians. The 37th Annual Session at Ngawlwa, from 1st to 3rd March 1974, gave a mandate to constitute a Nagaland Theological Conference for Fellowship and promotion of theological. Khiamniungan Baptist Association6. Gospel, he was convinced that this God would liberate them from every possible The inhabitants, belonging to the 16 major tribes and other sub tribes of Mongoloid race and are collectively called the Nagas. If you want to submit, write to us Contact ]. [8], On 14 August 1947, the day before India gained independence from British rule, the Nagas were the first ethnic group from the northeast to declare their territory an independent state, not belonging to the new nation. into the realm of wild animals and head hunters and after the exhausting days This was in one way a better plan and finally, the Patkai Christian College was established at Chumukedima, and the NBCC became one of the major sponsoring bodies. His evangelistic work came under the purview of the Nagaland Missionary Movement as this was part of Mission and Evangelism programme of the Ao Mungdang. strategic plan, the natives sent out smoke to signal the arrival of the White As early as 1962 a proposal was made to organize a Nagaland Theological Fellowship (ANBC 62-89). Assamese. The effort was stepped up with renewed vigour after President's Rule was promulgated in March 1975. Mr. E. W. Clark visited Molungyimchen village for the first time in December 1872. It is on record that Lhousietsu, the first Angami convert, was baptized by C.D. The NBCC also initiated the annual Heads of Schools Conference. Buckinghams Bungalow at Amguri. The American missionary by a name Rev. of Molungkimong had gone down to Sibsagar to search for his son, got acquainted And yet he declared, I propose to continue, in the months to come, to work as I have in the past, trusting that the Lord will use my efforts to build up His kingdom here. But it is known that at least two of the early converts were destined to give many years of faithful service as teachers and evangelists. The Naga Baptist Executive Secretaries Fellowship was held at Pfutsero, from 25th to 28th November, 1982. Resolutions and Pledges were passed from one District to another as the public responded to the call for peace. With this, the Peace Mission was formed. October 1871. In a short while, with the seeds of Molungkimong village with Supongmeren and some other Molungkimong natives in He served the Council from 1962 to December 1966. passionate zeal that touched the natives was Temolung Meyipang, Temolung In May 1975 the Liaison Committee of the NPC, consisting of Rev. The Council having understood the responsibility of the Church to address the needs of society and to address socio economic issues, began to reach out to impact society. For this, different programmes are being initiated for its Associations and Churches. That day, 620 candidates were baptized by 20 Ministers. A complete solution for peace, which remains crucial for the people of Nagaland and the development of India's northeastern states in general, has not completely been found.[13]. There was even some discussion about changing it to a more appropriate name, but the Council meeting at Kohima from 23rd to 31st March, 1958 affirmed, the name of the Council should remain as it is (NBCC Action No.8), except for the slight change of Naga to Nagaland at a later stage. Today, more than 95% of Naga people identify as Christians, mostly Baptist. Borrowing its name from the State Bird of Nagaland, that is the Hornbill, this festival is meant to celebrate the spirit and the cultural diverseness of the state. December 16 through the RongsensLenmang (Ao-Ahom Trade Route that ran The Naga hills have been an area of continued resistance as they had long been isolated from outside cultures. As the Council continued to make rapid advances in work, the number of staff expanded to meet arising needs. With the help of a Mr. Godhula, an Assamese Christian, they established the first church, a Baptist one, in Molungkimong (Dekha Haimong Village) in 1872.[7]. Edwin W. Clark and his wife served as missionaries in Nagaland India. Instagram. in closer to the new religion, the Village Council of Molungkimong resolved to Another Naga, Longchangleplepzuk from Merangkong village, was baptized by E.W. Sign up here to get the latest news, updates and special offers delivered directly to your inbox. W. Pongsing Konyak was elected as the next General Secretary, at the Eleventh Triennial Convention held at Shamator in 1989. Each group is distinct in character in terms of customs, language and dress. During the mission work of Baptism is the predominant denomination, and the state is known as the only predominantly Baptist state in the world. In the following year, he was joined by his wife and his sister, Rhoda Bronson. The cessation of ceasefire ended in 1972. Modern education, together with Christian missions, contributed to the politicization of Naga ethnicity. The Touch Kohima movement saw Power Points being formed in different colonies where people from different Churches gathered to pray. uphill journey, they reached Angotzkong hillock from where, as part of their village, persistently invited Godhula and Clark to their village to teach them The Namsang Naga Mission was abandoned for about thirty years, from 1840 to 1870, until Rev. Vikesheswu Vikesheswu 04.09.2020 Sociology Secondary School answered Who was the first christian missionary if Nagaland? A number of consultations and seminars on various themes were also conducted which are significant and may remain as land marks in the history of the Council. A working Committee has also been set up to work out a strategy to initiate changes. First School of Engineering in the State of Nagaland: First Autonomous College in the North East / Nagaland: First American Baptist missionary to start a school in Kohima: First Naga Post-Graduate: Mr. Sashimeren Aier. The natives went on talking about the new stories in their houses, jhum fields Godhula Brown, the first evangelist to the Naga Hills Supongmeren, along with other Ao natives, persistently invited Godhula and Clark to their village to teach them the gospel and also teach the ways of knowledge to their children especially after what they saw in the classroom at Sibsagar. And all of a sudden, mass conversion took place and many Smis became Christians within a short time. uncivilized Nagas from the hills, dubbed by the Assamese as head-cutters, The NNC agreed to the unconditional acceptance of the Indian Constitution and surrender of arms. Michael Balavoine had worked with Fr. The Nagaland Development Outreach which had been set up as the development wing of the Council at Nikhekhu village at Dimapur, began to expand its activities. Nagaland is covered by the law as India says rebel groups operate from thick jungles of an unfenced region that also spans the neighbouring states of Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh, which border . Rev. Tanquist, The Gospel Among the Nagas, as reported in 1936). Under Wic-Wic, people were called to wipe their life slate clean with Christ before entering the new millennium. A book "This is my story," by a Christian ministry, the Sinai Ministry . "God through my. Miles Bronson established a Christian Mission Centre at Namsang village in 1839. The decade 1887 to 1896 saw the humble & of Church memberships in Nagaland. In addition to the Missionary activities of the Clarks at Molung in the Ao Field and the Kings in the Kohima Field, W.E. Zeliang Baptist Association. Before the end of the decade he had taken an extended break and returned as a medical Doctor. of representatives were given out, some other zealous natives also volunteered Meanwhile, the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) emerged and this Forum undertook the task of bringing about a reconciliation of all Naga factional groups. First Deputy Speaker of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly: First Secretary of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly: First woman Rajya Sabha MP from Nagaland: First Naga Woman President of the United Democratic Party, Nagaland: First Naga to be appointed as Governor of an Indian State: First Naga Woman to be Chairman of a Village Council (2005): First General State Election conducted (46 seats): 10th-16th Jan. First Nagaland Legislative Council constituted: Feb. First Naga to be a magistrate of British India: First Naga Woman IFS (Indian Foreign Service) officer: First Naga to serve as an Indian ambassador: First Nagaland Armed Police battalion established: First Director of Health Services in Nagaland (1963): First Chairman of Nagaland Public Service Commission: First Naga woman member of Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC): First Naga or the first Naga Woman Member of the UPSC: First Transport service inaugurated in Nagaland: The first Police Commissionerate in Nagaland: First Naga matriculate (passed class 10): First Naga graduate in science stream (PCM): Graduated from Madras Dental College in the year 1973, joined Nagaland state service in the year 1974. The Year 1997 was also declared as the Jubilee Year and the Council appealed to all Nagas to maintain peace. At the 33rd Annual Session at Molvom, from 24th to 26th October 1969, a strong Nagaland Central Committee on Liquor Prohibition was formed to further work on this issue (AEC-69/59). At first, the name Naga Baptist Church Council was used but after the inauguration of Nagaland as a separate State, a consequential amendment was made and it was then regularized as Nagaland Baptist Church Council as it is used today. 71, Michael Scott with the object of the restoration of peace. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Chief Minister escaped without any bodily harm but his daughter was seriously injured. Kohima, Oct. 22 (EMN): It was on October 15 1977 at Pfutsero in Phek district when churches affiliated with the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) made a covenant with God to send 10,000 missionaries into the world to spread the Gospel, the message of Christ Jesus. The Council decided that the new religion will be The constitutional head of state is the governor, appointed by the president of India. This effort continued in 1997 with 2nd December being marked as Repentance Day and Churches observed this day with prayer and fasting. The Lothas began to take forward strides. evangelism, fifteen more natives were ready to accept the new religion. He continued to report that there was no visible progress to speak of. Secondly, the Government decided against a further extension of the ceasefire agreement. Youtube. The period from 1917 to 1926 saw a peoples conversion movement among the Smis. The State consists of eleven Administrative Districts, inhabited by 16 major ethnic groups along with other sub-groups. It was in 1897 that the first Naga , named Nisier, converted to Christianity - a religion brought to this exotic land by the American missionaries. Talking of Godhulas Christianizing Kohima 797001, Nagaland. He continued to inspire the independence movement from there till his death in 1990.[10]. Rivenburg seemed to lose his interest owing to the indifference and unresponsiveness of the people. Some also believe that Paul was the first missionary. At the Council headquarters, the compound not only looked bare and old and despite visitors preferring to stay at the compound, it was not possible to host guests. Later it was also proposed to take over the Christian English School at Dimapur from a private management and from 1974 it came under the management of the Council (ANBC -74/296). The organisation seeing the need and importance of education, set up a Board of Christian Education to supervise the Baptist English schools in Nagaland. following his appointment as missionary to India, left Boston in October 20, Realising the need to minister to these people, the NBCC began to place Chaplains and Pastors in Churches that served in pockets where the uniformed personnel and their families were stationed. The word Kisama as the locals informed me is a mix of 2 words as in the 2 villages (Ki-gwema & Phe-sama) who donated the land for the Heritage village.This is the place which has been worked out very well by its architects,each morung is in its place as depicted in the map of nagaland.And well Hornbill festival is something else,a visionary delight amplified with beautiful songs and music . protect my life, and give me strength to live and labour many years among these What ensued was Supongmerens act of teaching Ao language, custom and culture In pursuance of the 1958 decision to appoint three Secretaries, the Executive Committee at its meeting held in Kohima, from 6th to 8th February 1959, decided to appoint L. Kijungluba, Longri Ao and Mhalie to promote the work of the Council with a view to developing it to an effective working body from the beginning of 1960 (EC 59-4). Sema Baptist Association 12. Clark took charge as superintendent of the Mission According to the consolidated view of M. Savino, L. Kijungluba and Longri Ao, who were present at the first meeting, the Naga Hills Baptist Church Advisory Council was organised at Tanquists Bungalow on 5th April 1937. to baptise. Get the answers you need, now! Missionaries, like J .E. P. Dozo was released from his post as General Secretary and Rev. true friend and a messenger of the Gospel, and he was bestowed every favor and or curse upon their clan of those who decided to accept the new religion and on The NBCC gave full endorsement and cooperation to the NBWU and its leaders in their struggle for total prohibition of liquor in Nagaland (ANBC-74/283). Clark along with the new converts established a new village, Molungyimsen, near Deka Haimong in 1876. labor and the nature of the work, Clark writes, the news from the Naga hills The idea of a Nagaland Baptist Church Council was sown in the mid-thirties and its origin can be traced back to 1935. Some two hundred Naga Church and public leaders attended the consultation. And I am not a persecuted Christian in India. The NBCC has also responded to the grave situation of HIV/Aids in the State. But after years of education, consultation and theological deliberation, some Churches took the initiative to address the issue. It was also decided that Home Mission Committees be formed in each of the central towns of Nagaland, with a view to strengthen the efforts of the NBCC Home Mission (ANBC-69/215). officers of the village. In his confinement, he sang the sweet gospel hymn Though they were seasoned Missionaries working in the Ao area, their interest was not confined down to the work in that one region. Under the leadership of Rev. see the school increased. During this period, the work among the Lothas faced a setback owing to the absence of the Witters. strength he can go with them. interested in these simple people, I learnt a little of their language, and as Edward Winter Clark was unveiled in Akhoya village, in Nagaland, casting him as 'the first missionary to the Naga soil.' This description, however, is not substantiated by historical fact. Nagaland Post . On 23 January 1993, the Isaac-Muivah group of the NSCN (NSCN(IM)) was admitted to the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO). In its initial years, the British East India Company prohibited evangelising amongst the colonies. They were vicious warriors using inter-village fights to settle land disputes and establish power. Supongmeren, along with other natives of the 9 and 10). For some time there was little insurgency inside Nagaland. The six districts have 20 of Nagaland's 60 Assembly constituencies. The work among the Lothas continued with Haggard reporting in 1899 that an Assamese Preacher had been sent to work among the Lothas, and that they were also considering the possibility of sending someone to work among the Smi tribesmen. Kuki Baptist Association 8. peering in at the children who were studying and reciting.(Bowers 1929:197) Tanquist, in an unpublished paper in 1936, referred to the use of a Naga Mission to distinguish it from the other two fields, namely, Assamese Field and Garo Field, all under the American Baptist Mission. chapel was built in the village with the permission of the Kosasanger Village promised to visit Molungkimong. Was Paul the First Missionary? Godhula stayed in the village praying, singing and spreading the Gospel and after staying a few months he returned along with nine Naga converts from Dekha Haimong village. The final session was held at the Zonal Council Hall where the Chief Minister, Ministers and a number of MLAs attended. Missionary if Nagaland it is the Mission department of the NBCC also the. This, different programmes are being initiated for its Associations and Churches the consultation was elected as the Year. 1936 ) its Associations and Churches observed this day with prayer and fasting been appointed as.the first Director the! Naga ethnicity contributed to the call for peace Christians, mostly Baptist in.... Feature of the NBCC has also responded to the indifference and unresponsiveness of the people permission the. Gathered to pray without any bodily harm but his daughter was seriously injured any bodily harm but daughter. 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