Mama Quilla (Inkan) - As the Goddess of the moon she was the protectress of married women. This pregnant Goddess's name means "silver shining" referring to the reflective quality of the moon. Anunit (Babylonian) - Goddess of the moon and battle. May 12, 2013 - Museumize is a comprehensive museum gift store since 1997. Her name means "Woman With Copper Bells on Her Cheeks", and when the moon rises full and red you can still see them. Coyolxauhqui was a powerful magician and led her siblings in an attack on their mother, Coatlicue, because Coatlicue had become pregnant. Sina (Polynesian) - This moon Goddess was the sister of the sun God Maui. Yolkai Estsan (Native North American) - A Navajo moon deity fashioned from an abalone shell by her sister Yolkai, the Goddess of the sky. [3], This relief is one of the best known Aztec monuments and one of the few great Aztec monuments to have been found fully in situ. A goddess of abundance, Chicomecoatl presides over the fields – over corn and agriculture. She was the Aztec moon goddess, Coyolxāuhqui (pronounced “coy-ol-shau-key”). She was worshipped mainly by women as she was the Goddess of marriage, pregnancy and childbirth. Arawa (African) - Lunar Goddess of the Suk and Pokot tribes of Kenya and Uganda. A large temple to her was erected at the Inkan capitol of Cuzco. Still, the lad made the best of a bad job and flung her head into the sky, where it became the El: Canaanite God of fertility and the moon. In this representation, Coyolxauhqui is nearly naked, barring her serpent loincloth. Varuna: Hindu moon God. Hearing of the attack, the pregnant Cōātlīcue miraculously gave birth to a fully grown and armed Huitzilopochtli who sprang from her womb, wielding "his shield, teueuelli, and his darts and his blue dart thrower, called xinatlatl. The Triple Goddess symbol, comprised of a waxing crescent, full moon, and a waning crescent, is often thrown into the mix of trending moon imagery but has deeper roots and more profound meaning than you may have expected. Arianrhod (Celtic) - Goddess of the moon and stars, her name means "silver- wheel" the wheel of the year and the web of fate. She was also associated with the evening star and later became known as Ishtar. Discovered beneath the plaza in Mexico City, the low relief sculpture dates from the 1400s and tells the story of the deity known as "Golden Bells." [6] It is difficult to verify these variations of the narrative with 16th century sources. Many of the lunar Goddesses like Hecate and Cerridwen, are also associated with magic and the intuitive nature of women. Meztli is the goddess of the moon, the night, and … She was a Goddess of the moon, compassion, and healing. Some might call her a psychopomp, she guides those who have died to the other side safely. She is usually depicted as a red serpent, but sometimes takes the likeness of a dog. In Aztec mythology, Coyolxauhqui ("golden bells") was a moon goddess. Much like the Greek Artemis, Diana began as a goddess of the hunt who later evolved into a lunar goddess. The Coyolxauhqui stone would have served as a cautionary sign to the enemies of Tenochtitlan. Search Our Site. Epona (Roman/Celtic) - This horse Goddess was associated with the night and dreams. I know she's the aztec moon goddess, and she convinced her 400 brothers to murder her mother for having an affair and conceiving a child.The child is born a warrior and rips Coyolxauhqui into pieces, sending her head to the sky which became the moon. This union, however, lasted only for a year. The latest in my line of Altar Icons. She was Christianised as St. Lucia, a saint still honoured at Yule in many parts of Europe. It is a pastiche of the Aztec moon goddess Coyolxauhqui, just before her dismembered head is thrown into heaven by her half-brother and assassin, Huitzilopochtli, to become the moon. Cerridwen (Celtic) - This crone, Goddess is most famous for her cauldron of wisdom. On the summit of Coatepec ("Serpent Mountain"), sat a shrine for Coatlicue, the maternal Earth deity. Isis (Egyptian) - This powerful and widely worshipped Goddess was not only a moon deity, but a Goddess of the sun as well. Teczistecatl (Aztec) - A Goddess of sex, symbolised by the four phases of the moon: dark, waxing, full, and waning. [9] The stone laid in the center of a platform that extended from the foot of the stairway. Trivia (Roman) - She is the equivalent Goddess to Selene in Roman mythology. The discovery renewed the interest in excavating the ancient city of Tenochtitlan, underneath Mexico City. In her myths it is said that she grew tired of working for her brother and fled to the moon to live in peace. Selene (Greek) - A mother Goddess linked to the full moon. It measures 1.30 and comes with a neck cord. His shrine sat on top of the pyramid of Templo Mayor in the Aztec capital, and was decorated with skulls and painted red to represent blood. She was also a Goddess of magic, fertility and feminine power. The attack is thwarted by Coyolxāuhqui's other brother, Huitzilopochtli, the national deity of the Mexicas. And so the sun and the moon were in a constant battle for control of the sky. Her parents were the creator God Tororut and his consort Seta. Metzli (Aztec) - In Aztec mythology mother moon leapt into a blazing fire and gave birth to the sun and the sky. [1] She led her brothers in an attack against their mother, Cōātlīcue, when they learned she was pregnant, convinced she dishonored them all. Mawu (African) - She ruled the sky with her twin bother, the sun God Lisa. In the Aztec myth, Coyolxauhqui, the daughter of the earth goddess Coatlicue, and a powerful goddess in her own right, plans to kill her mother after finding out that she has become mysteriously pregnant. However, … Coyolxauhqui, the Aztec moon goddess, appears in this elegant museum replica by artisans from the Angel Cerón Artisan Association. [9], The Coyolxauhqui stone was located in what was named Phase IV of the Templo Mayor during its excavation. Sefkhet (Egyptian) - According to some myths this lunar Goddess was the wife of Thoth. Coyolxauhqui - The Aztec Moon Goddess Pendant Necklace Women's Men's Jewelry Free 33" Long Cord Necklace Included Turtle Island (these Products Are Not Indian Made Or … [15] During the ceremony, captives’ hearts were cut out and their bodies were thrown down the temple stairs to the Coyolxauhqui stone. Coyolxauhqui represents the Moon in the Aztec mythology. She is typically depicted as a young and beautiful woman, adorned with bells and decorated with lunar symbols. Diana (Roman) - Diana was the Goddess of the hunt and wild animals. Michael Snell / Robert Harding World Imagery / Getty Images. Modern feminist Pagans believe she far pre-dates Buddhist origins. The Coyolxauhqui Aztec Moon Goddess pendant was cast in Pewter with Brass Plating. She later took over from Luna as the Roman Goddess of the moon, responsible for fertility and childbirth. "[5] Thus, she became pregnant with the Aztec deity Huitzilopochtli. Candi (Indian) - The female counterpart to Chandra, ancient Hindu lord of the Moon. Yemanja (Native South American) - She was the Brazilian Goddess of the oceans symbolized by a waxing crescent moon. Parastone Museum Replicas, Rodin Statues, Degas, Greek and Roman Art, Egyptian Art. "[5], Huitzilopochtli killed Coyolxāuhqui, beheading her and throwing her body down the side of Coatepec: "He pierced Coyolxauhqui, and then quickly struck off her head. Mayahuel, goddess of Agave. [12] She wears only the ritual attire of bells in her hair, a bell symbol on her cheek, and a feathered headdress. Coyolxauhqui, goddess of the moon and leader of the Centzonhuitznahua, associated with the moon. Aztec Moon Goddess. The number "400" means "legion" in the sense of "too many to count" in the Aztec language and Coyolxauhqui's 400 siblings are sometimes referred to as an "army of stars." Coyolxauhqui, the Aztec moon goddess, appears in this elegant museum replica by artisans from the Angel Cerón Artisan Association. She was associated with the metal silver. Coatlicue was the Aztec goddess who was the mother of Aztec god of sun and war, Huitzilopochtli. [11], On the disk, Coyolxauhqui lays on her back, with her head, arms and legs severed from her body. Her breasts sag downward. [3] The prominent position of the Coyolxāuhqui stone suggests the importance of her defeat by Huitzilopochtli in Aztec religion and national identity.[1][4]. Lasya (Tibetan) - Goddess of the moon and beauty who carried a mirror. Coyolxauhqui may be a goddess you are not familiar with. Miss Golden Bells the Moon Goddess Yemanja was also considered to represent the essence of motherhood and a protector of children. Artemis (Greek) - The Greek Goddess of the hunt, nature and birth. Coyolxauhqui: Aztec Goddess of the Moon This week, I will be talking about the moon goddess, Coyolxauhqui. Her mother Coatlicue, the earth goddess, was defiled when a ball of feathers fell into the temple. Mayahuel, goddess of Agave. The moon goddess Coyolxauhqui. Find your thing. Coyolxāuhqui is the firstborn daughter of the Aztec Goddess of Earth, Cōātlīcue.. Coyolxāuhqui became the Goddess of the Moon and ruled the skies unparalelled, until her mother gave birth to her brother Huitzilopochtli, God of the Sun. [1], In 1978, workers at an electric company accidentally discovered a large stone relief depicting Coyolxāuhqui in Mexico City. Her head faces upwards, away from her torso and in profile view, with her mouth open. Aztec historian Richard Townsend describes it as one of the most powerfully expressive sculptures of Mesoamerican art, using "an assurance of design and a technical virtuosity not previously seen at the pyramids. Aztec moon goddess Coyolxauhqui. Culture: Aztec Gender: Female; The Aztec goddess of the moon Coyolxauhqui ("Golden Bells") was portrayed as in mortal combat with her brother, the sun god Huitzilopochtli, an ancient battle that was enacted in ritual sacrifice at several times in the Aztec … Hanwi (Native North American) - Goddess of the Oglala Sioux, she once lived with the sun God Wi. Coatlicue was the Aztec goddess who was the mother of Aztec god of sun and war, Huitzilopochtli. In this, Coyolxauhqui came to represent all conquered enemies. Hearing of her pregnancy, the Centzon Huitznahuas, led by Coyolxauhqui, decided to kill Coatlicue. Jyotsna (Indian) - A Hindu Goddess of twilight and the autumn moons. Xochitlicue was the Aztec goddess of fertility, and therefore also of life, death and rebirth. Bendis (Greek) - Bendis was the consort of the sun God Sabazius. This fertility aspect of the lunar Goddess is reflected in large numbers of the entries below. She was also the deity of time, the stars, and architecture. On February 21, 1978, a group of workers for the Mexico City electric-power company came across a large shield-shaped stone covered in reliefs while digging. The fire goddesses represent the element of fire in its many different forms; from the spectacular volcano Goddesses to the more benign Goddesses of the hearth fire. The Aztec moon Goddess pendant was cast in Pewter with Brass plating. Discovered beneath the plaza in Mexico City, the low relief sculpture dates from the 1400s and tells the story of the deity known as "Golden Bells." Coyolxauhqui: Aztec Moon Goddess. Coyolxauhqui, An Aztec Moon Goddess. This led to the excavation of the Huēyi Teōcalli (Templo Mayor), directed by Eduardo Matos Moctezuma. Her name means "Woman With Copper Bells on Her Cheeks", and when the moon rises full and red you can still see [4] Scholars believe that Mexica artists and builders incorporated images of the Coatepec narrative into the Huēyi Teōcalli during a major renovation from the years 4 Reed to 8 Reed (1483-1487) under the rule of Ahuitzotl. It is difficult to verify these variations of the narrative with 16th century sources. The feast takes place in the 15th month of the Aztec calendar and is dedicated to Huitzilopochtli. Juna (Roman) - A Goddess of the new moon. According to Aztec history, female deities such as Coyolxauhqui were the first Aztec enemies to die in war. Gnatoo (Japanese) - One of twelve Buddhist deities called the Jiu No O, adopted from Hindu mythology. Her mother Gaia, the ancient earth Goddess, hid her in a cave during a Titan attack on the Olympic deities to prevent her from being taken away. She led her brothers in an attack against their mother, Cōātlīcue, when they learned she was pregnant, convinced she dishonored them all. The lunar deities are also very important archetypes in the modern pagan movement and Wicca. Aztec Moon Goddess . She is the sister of Chimalma and Coatlicue, according to Aztec mythology. [13] These objects identify her as Coyolxauhqui. She or they were probably the same deity as Yohaulticetl and Coyolxauhqui and the male moon god Tecciztecatl; like the latter, she feared the Sun because she feared its fire. Her name means "Golden Bells." She "snatched them up; she placed them at her waist. Britomartis (Crete) - In addition to her lunar attributes she was also the patron Goddess of Cretan sailors. Huitaco (South American) - This Colombian Goddess was a protectress of women as well as a deity of pleasure and happiness who was always battling with her male counterpart Bochica, a God of hard work and sorrow. Posted on April 5, 2018 by David Taliesin. Her violent death was a warning for the fate of the those who crossed the Mexica people. Search for: The Triple Goddess symbol has been adopted by most witches, Pagans, Wiccans, and Neopagans as a sacred symbol. Eclipses were said to occur when she was eaten and the regurgitated by the Jaguar Woman. Anyway, she is the goddess of the moon, and is the leader of the Centzon Huitznahuas. Celebrations to this Goddess were held on Midsummer night. It is a pastiche of the Aztec moon goddess Coyolxauhqui, just before her dismembered head is thrown into heaven by her half-brother and assassin, Huitzilopochtli, to become the moon. The discovery of the Coyolxāuhqui stone led to a large-scale excavation, directed by Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, to unearth the Huēyi Teōcalli (Templo Mayor in Spanish). Her cult flourished in Athens during the fifth century BCE. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Coyolxauhqui: The Aztec Moon Goddess Coin of Mexico With Album & Certificate at the best online prices at … Some authors have written that Huitzilopochtli tossed Coyolxauhqui's head into the sky where it became the Moon, so that his mother would be comforted in seeing her daughter in the sky every night, and that her scattered brothers became the Southern Star deities. Aine (Celtic) - Goddess of love, growth, cattle and light. The moon goddess thus became the receiver of blood sacrifices and played an important role in the Aztec ritual calendar. In Aztec mythology, she also gave birth to the moon and stars. Anahita (Persian) - A river Goddess who was also Goddess of Venus and the moon. Coyolxauhqui, goddess of the moon and leader of the Centzonhuitznahua, associated with the moon. She was Queen of the Ages. Aztec Moon Goddess – Coyolxauhqui – Original Oil Painting • Millions of unique designs by independent artists. NOVICA Ceramic Archaeological Decorative Plaque, Beige, Aztec Moon Goddess': Home & Kitchen Her dismembered torso lies flat on her back. Learn about the elemental Goddesses of Earth, Air, Wind and Fire. And so the sun and the moon were in a constant battle for control of the sky. She was the daughter of the Earth goddess, Coatlicue and … [8], The Coyolxauhqui stone sat at the base of the stairs of the Huēyi Teōcalli, the primary temple of the Mexica in Tenochtitlan, on the side dedicated to Huitzilopochtli. Up ; she placed them at her waist parts of Europe who ruled the land of the Mexicas were... Are under her control is the daughter of the moon and leader of the moon, the Centzon.. 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