As soon as I added the female he exploded in color! Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Pictures: a young 3" Male, above, and below a 1.5" Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Common Names : Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. You may need to remove her from the tank until she’s ready to spawn; and when you think she is, try to introduce her to the male again. Their grills and scales will suffer. As the fish ages, the stripes fade, although traces of iridescent blue, green and turquoise scales remain on a deep blue background. Feed only what your fish can eat within a couple of minutes, as any leftovers will decay and contaminate the water. That sounds SO weird. The safest option is for you to keep them as the sole species in a tank, especially if you’re not experienced in handling their aggression. NIBCO 5810 3 H x H x H 45 Wye ABS, Pack of 20, Penn-Plax Deco-Replicas Granite Aquarium Ornament & Hideaway 8 Piece Set – Realistic Stone Appearance – Safe for Freshwater and Saltwater Tanks – Small, Medium, and Large, Gray, Model Number: RR1070, question degrading the dechlorinator, say. But an Electric Blue can be closer to $20. They’re found in tanks…, Jack Dempsey Fish Tank Mates: Good And Bad, The 15 Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Catfish, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates…, Indian Almond Leaves: Benefits For Your Aquarium, The 35 Best Low Light Aquarium Plants (Must-See), 35 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank (Updated List), Malaysian Trumpet Snail 101: Detailed Info & Care Tips. The one I had that almost killed my oscar was a regular jack. One reason Jack Dempseys are so popular is that they come in a wide range of pretty colors. This will give you a good indication of the timeline and when they are ready to mate. Care Level : Easy. Jack Dempsey fish is native to Central America Atlantic hillsid… When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. If all goes well, the pair should end up as mates for the rest of their lives. -Hey, my buddy, owns “Todd’s Tropical Fish Store” in Denver, for 18 years, his father had that store, and before him his grandfather. One thing to look out for is the possibility that the pair will try to bully and scare away the other fish. Keep with Other Fish, Flowerhorn Not Eating, Head Shrinking, Not Active. The wanderers most likely escaped from fish farms or were released by aquarists who either couldn’t, or didn’t want to, care for them. Place several caves throughout the tank so each fish can claim its own territory. The Internet is great for acronyms and this variety is often referred to online as the EBJD — Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. I didn’t know they acted differently. Lifespan : 10 - 15 years or longer -I like to try my best to do a 25%-30% water change once a week on the same day. It is carnivorous, eating worms, crustaceans, insects and other fish. After about three days, the eggs will hatch. U have to pair one regular and one electric and some. Another advantage of sand is that it settles and levels itself after the fish dig in and sift through it. starting at $36.00 Just remember males are territorial, so it’s important to provide enough caves and crevices for each fish to establish its own territory for hiding. -Enough that Jack Dempsey… know the electric blues live rather short lives, right?-Well the standard 8 to 10 years is able to get boring.. I’m good with a shorter span for a far more interesting and enjoyable fish.-This is precisely why I decided to go with the electric blue … In about 10 days, the fry will be happily swimming about! Now I must learn more! One of the most popular tropical aquarium cichlids, the Jack Dempsey is named for its similarity, both in facial appearance and aggressive behavior, to the legendary boxer. With proper care, Jack Dempseys can live from eight to ten years. Actually, if you have a neglected tank, the best thing to do is 10-15% water changes more often than usual (like maybe every 3-4 days), so the water quality will evolve more gradually to a healthier one and the fish will have time to adapt. If a fish can runaway and hide things will be much better. -hey, bass are carnivorous and have huge mouths! This video is a care guide and species profile on the Jack Dempsey. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Growth Rate. The electric blue Jack Dempsey is one of the most recent and spectacular genetic mutations to come into the tropical fish hobby. Planted . Processed dried foods, including pellets and flakes, are inexpensive and widely available. We’re fans of the rock cleaning process (it’s very cute). Some popular choices are: To prevent inbreeding, purchase your fish from different breeders at different times. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. I understand that the Blues are less aggressive. Because they aren’t fussy, you can feed them prepared, frozen, fresh or live food. I have two of them and want to add some other fish to my aquarium. It’s only a 55 sand bottom for the two of them but I plan to upgrade. The fish’s thin body shape is characteristic of cichlids and other species of carnivorous, predatory fish. You’d expect any animal named after a legendary boxer to display an aggressive behavior, and the Jack Dempsey cichlid is no exception. To treat fish affected by this ectoparasite, raise the water temperature in your tank to 86 degrees. The quality of … I have an interest in Dempseys because they are so beautiful especially the Blue Dempsey. Flowerhorn Tank Mates? General: The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (Rocio octofasciata) is a naturally-occurring color morph of the Jack Dempsey Central American cichlid. Common Name: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Max Size: 12″ pH: 6.0-8.0 Hardness: Hard Temperature: 70-82° Aggressiveness: Aggressive Region of Origin: Central America Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred Diet: Flake or pellet, frozen and live food Compatibility: Alone, in pairs, or with similarly sized Central or South American cichlids Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons -Depends on the deal I come across lol I was thinking maybe a 75? But life does happen and I end up more often then not doing a 50% when I notice my tank needs it. Because of its temperament, this typical cichlid does best when under the care of an experienced aquarist. Also how much bigger should I go for the two of them? The most famous and sought after is the brilliant Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Jack Dempseys / Electric Blue Dempsey. This part of the process is very interesting to watch even if you’ve bred other species of fish. Origins. Two chemicals that must never be present in your tank are ammonia and nitrate, which even in small amounts can cause stress in your fish. Reviews. These are specifically for cichlids to hide in. Here is a cool piece I bought a couple weeks ago. I heard that having it off for more then a hour kills any beneficial bacteria. The most sought after and attractive coloration of the bunch tend to be shades of: Young fish begin life as pale gray or tan flecked with green and between 10 and 12 distinctive vertical stripes. He just replied to me and said, and I quote, “average 2 years for those he’s seen, and their eyes eventually sink into their head and they go blind”. Remember their wild cousins live in slow-moving, tropical waters, such as canals, lakes, murky rivers and swamps. Any input would be welcome. The most common one is called the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid. Males can reach up to 10in length. In addition to their native habitats, Jack Dempseys have been found in Australia, Thailand and even the United States, including Florida, South Dakota, Connecticut and Hawaii. Piranha Fish Aquarium Size? They are super active though.. and love to race each other. This is a color variation. If you prefer a less aggressive fish than the standard Jack, the smaller Electric Blue Jack Dempsey features an iridescent pale blue color and longer fins. Jack Dempsey fish are popular for a reason, but that doesn’t mean they’re for everyone. They are about half an inch to 1.5" at the moment. Because handling their aggression can be a challenge, you should only consider keeping Jack Dempseys if you’re a relatively experienced aquarist. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey have been recognized to be less aggressive, and reach a relatively small size in comparison to the natural standard Jack Dempsey … Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish: Recently, Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish, shortly known as EBD has become quite popular, especially on the internet, partly the aquarium market promoting as a variant to original species of Central and South American river Jack Dempsey Cichlids. Im pretty sure she is a female by the way they are acting. One of the tanks I maintain. A member of the Cichlidae family, which also includes angelfish and discus, the Jack Dempsey fish, or Rocio octofasciata, is native to Central America in places like Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. The red tips on the dorsal fins are another eye-appealing contrast. Also I was wondering about the filter. These freshwater fish can be incredibly rewarding to keep, and by the time you’re done reading this, you’ll know if they’re right for you. Millie is a passionate aquarist who caught the fishkeeping bug in high school and has been addicted ever since. Although fluorescent lighting is most popular for aquariums, it tends to highlight only the substrate, plastic plants, and ornaments while losing the natural colors of the fish themselves. I saw a guy on YouTube catching them out of storm drains and sewers! Thanks. If spawning is desired, tankmates of other species should be kept to a minimum or avoided altogether. However, if that doesn’t turn you away and you really like the look of the fish we highly recommend getting one. Species you might consider as good Jack Dempsey tank mates are those of a similar size with the ability and temperament to stand up for themselves. Oh, and to answer the question: I water change my planted tank 20% every other week and do filter maintenance once a month, unless it’s needed sooner. Topic: What are good tank mates for an electric blue jack Dempsey? Since I stoped doing that and treating the water itself like a living thing, and being gentle with it, my fishes are healthier than ever. Gold Jack Dempsey that carry the Electric Blue Gene do not exhibit the coloration of the Electric Blue and the Platinum Jack Dempsey, but they are an important part of our breeding program that helps to strengthen our lines. Keep a thermometer in the tank to ensure the temperature remains within this range. Although both sexes feature long fins and large oval, muscular bodies ranging in size from 10 to 15 inches, the more brightly-colored males sport longer bodies and even longer fins with pointed tips. However, as often occurs with hybrids, there are individuals that display various skull shapes among siblings, and some may feature irregular scales. Of the fry will b electric . The main key with keeping cichlids together is to make sure you have enough hiding spots. Jack Dempseys are relatively easy to breed and do best when you raise four or five together and wait for one pair to leave the group. When she’s ready, the female will lay her eggs on the stone, up to 500 at a time. Caring for and keeping Jack Dempseys can be a very rewarding experience! We hope that this care guide was helpful and has given you the essential information you need. This is the same species as the regular Jack Dempsey. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey: A Knockout Species. If you think your fish would like some shade, try adding a floating plant, such as hornwort. I have a question degrading the dechlorinator, say you are doing a 25% change and you but the hose in, are you putting enough dechlorinator to make up for that new 25% or do you need to do it for the full tank? Larger gravel, in contrast, forms uneven piles and craters when disturbed. William Harrison "Jack" Dempsey (June 24, 1895 – May 31, 1983), nicknamed Kid Blackie, and The Manassa Mauler, was an American professional boxer who competed from 1914 to 1927, and reigned as the world heavyweight champion from 1919 to 1926. I have some in a tank w roainw sharks angels and discus  and assortment of tetras . *Awarded Answer Unless you want them to end up as a meal, don’t place peaceful fish, such as tetras, or invertebrates, such as freshwater snails and shrimp, in the same tank as Jack Dempseys. -Feeding large game fish is easy now, they sell frozen minnows at some gas stations near fishing spots for about  $3! The EBJD is known to be less aggressive than its counterpart and is smaller in size. -Agree with everything but one thing I learnt recently: If you have negledted your tank (I did a lot), never ever do a 75% water change in one row. High-quality dry, frozen, and live meaty foods will all be readily accepted. It obviously needs it but my siphon is too big. the PH from the new water will be almost sure different from the one in the tank, and it will damage the fish. Size : Anywhere from 6 - 10 inches (15 - 25 cm) pH : 6 - 8.0. Jack Dempseys are large fish and produce lots of waste, so you’ll need a powerful filter to keep the water clean. The species has got Rocio name by the name of its describer’s wife; in Spanish “rocio” means “dew” and indicates the presence of sparklet-spots in the fish coloring.Specific name of the fish “octofasciata” comes from Latin words “octo” (eight) and “fascia” (a belt or a stripe) and it is translated as “eight-striped”.In fact the fish has definitely more than eight stripes on its body. There really isn’t a true answer to how fast your fish should grow but an average of a couple inches a year sounds about right. If you feed them prepared foods, you should occasionally offer frozen or live foods to ensure your fish get all the nutrients they need. -Mine was “washed out” when I bought him. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey For Sale! I need fish that get alone with electric blue jack Dempsey’s. Some argue it’s a cross between a standard Jack and another species of cichlid, while others believe it’s the result of a mutation. Its ability to survive warm, even hot, water temperatures up to 86 degrees further proves the Jack’s hardiness and the appropriateness of its name. You can also add tough live plants, such as Anubias or Java moss. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey require an aquarium of at least 55 gallons and should be provided with multiple places where they can find shelter (driftwood, rock structures (especially caves), and dense vegetation). Vallisneria, or eelgrass, gives the fish a tall, underwater meadow-type environment to swim through. Life Expectancy: 10 -15 years. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey variety is known to be less aggressive nature compared to standard Jack Dempsey fish. Standard breeds will usually cost around five to 10 bucks. However this variety is a little smaller reaching closer to the 8 inches (20 cm) in length, rather than the almost 10 inches (25 cm) of a full size Jack Dempsey fish. Gold Jack Dempsey. It is a slightly elongated, laterally compressed, brilliantly colored species that has a base color of electric blue to gray, mottled with iridescent blue to blue/green spots that give it a spectacular appearance, especially when breeding. As far as I understand . You can also feed them exclusively fresh or live foods. If you have any follow up questions or suggestions on how we can make our guide better, let us know! I have bass that display vivid colors only when they are eating or in ambush mode hiding in the plants. In addition, LED lighting creates a more natural-looking tank. Commonly referenced to as cichlid caves. In fact, they’re one of the most popular…, Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. Some delicacies that they will enjoy are: Feed adult Jack Dempseys one or two times daily, but feed young fish two or three times a day to ensure they get the nutrition they need to grow. Jack Dempseys are typical cichlids that dig in the substrate for food, so fine sand is the best choice, as it’s the easiest for them to sift through and hunt. Electric  blues  r more peaceful than regular  n u can set up a community tank  w them . In terms of water hardness, shoot for a range of 9-20 dGH. But with vibrant blue for its skin color, smaller, and less aggressive. I’ve always wanted to keep game fish bass. Always quarantine new animals, plants, and rocks before you add them to your aquarium. Heros octofasciatus Regan, 1903; Archocentrus octofasciatus (Regan, 1903); Cichlasoma octofasciatum (Regan, 1903); Nandopsis octofasciata (Regan, 1903); Cichlasoma hedricki Meek, 1904; Cichlosoma biocellatumRegan, 1909 However, that hasn’t stopped them from becoming one of the most popular aquarium cichlids. Videos. One of the most popular tropical aquarium cichlids, the Jack Dempsey is named for its similarity, both in facial appearance and aggressive behavior, to the legendary boxer. Jack Dempseys prefer a somewhat acidic environment, so keep the pH from around 6 to 8. It gives them great hiding places and helps to control aggression. If the female isn’t yet ready to breed, the male may try to chase and harass her. -Well.. u kinda have to. If you’re looking for a docile, dainty fish for your tank, you’d probably be disappointed with the Jack Dempsey fish. A common health issue, Ich, or white spot disease, shows up as white nodes on the fins and general body surface. Call for pricing on larger sizes. Adult Size: 10 inches. It’s also best to have only one male per tank to avoid aggressive territorial behavior. Part of the original species’ charm is in its subtle coloration and the challenge of conditioning it over years to create a stunning adult. Electric Blue Jack Dempseys. -Can you show a picture I need to get ideas for planted and something that will work for an adukt bala aswell. In the wild, the carnivorous Jack Dempsey will consume any animal that fits in its mouth, including small fish, worms, insects and crustaceans. I think they are awesome fish! That tank I’m talking About Has rainbow fish danios  Congo tetra and rasbora tetra only thing they ate was the neons. The parents will then collect the fry and place them into pits they’ve dug in the substrate to hide them from intruders. The Jack’s lighter blue lips provide a striking contrast, giving the appearance that the fish is wearing pale frosted lipstick! Even with the best of care, Jack Dempsey Fish can become ill like any other animal. Common Name: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish. A heater is essential to maintain a water temperature between 72 and 86 degrees. -Is your jack friendly? If fish are exposed to these pollutants over a long period of time, their immune systems will weaken and make them more susceptible to disease. In this guide, you’ll learn all about Jack Dempsey cichlids and how to care for them. They generally have a life span of 10 - … Once this is done the male will fertilize them. Click on each picture to see a bigger picture. No real limit though. -Enough that Jack Dempsey… know the electric blues live rather short lives, right? -Well the standard 8 to 10 years is able to get boring.. I’m good with a shorter span for a far more interesting and enjoyable fish. -Yeah. – I’m eventually going to have to try the fill-hose method, as I’m getting so sick of buckets. -I’m not sure since they live alone with my pleco. I’m surprised, though, that you can run cold tap water into the tank, even gradually, after a major change and not have any problems. The fish’s operculum, or gill cover, features the same beautiful patterns. Here is link and photo: Here is a list of fish off the top of my head: -Electric blue jack Dempsey has his partner. The recommended aquarium size for the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be 55 gallons or larger. Because the Jack’s natural habitat is slow-moving water, you don’t need an air or water pump in your tank. Also take care not to overfeed them, as not only will too much food cause obesity, but leftovers can contaminate your tank. It’s like the original fish. 619-283-1811. I have a lot of trouble trying to clean the top layer of gravel under stuff like my drift wood. Hi, new here so please forgive me if I’ve posted in the wrong spot. Don’t be afraid to select a filter that’s a size larger than recommended because it needs to handle a large tank that holds large fish. And less aggressive that it settles and levels itself after the fish ’ s mimic. 1 foot in length temperament, this typical cichlid does best when the! Mistake that many new owners make, but leftovers can contaminate your tank, …! Be closer to $ 20 Dempsey cichlids and other fish to keep the from! 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