Journal of Health Psychology, 13, 147-153. While the unethical psy-op carries on, the British Psychological Society (the regulator of psychologists), the Health and Care Professions Council, psychologists, mental health charities, psychotherapy organisations, politicians, and so-called political activists are completely silent about this deliberate psychological torture of our society and our children. She has received several prestigious awards for her work on chronic illness self-management, including the Pain Research Medal of the Irish Pain Society, a Chapter of the European Pain Federation EFIC, and the Early Career Award of the International Society of Behavioural Medicine. Results of Synergy will be disseminated in a living document. However, with the rapid uptake of smartphones and tablet computers (now used by 1 in 5 people worldwide) attention is shifting to the potential of mobile digital delivery of healthcare support – mhealth (Bacigalupo et al., 2013; Schueller, Muñoz, & Mohr, 2013). to manage asthma, pain and fatigue) and health professional resources (e.g. What are the psychological and behavioural consequences of risk communication? What are examples of theory-based intervention programmes? International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 19, 82-96. doi: 10.1007/s12529-011-9163-8 Risk and worry in everyday life: Comparing diaries and interviews as tools in risk perception research. Finally, we review principles for evaluating usability and functionality. (2007) argued that we not only need to translate concepts from theory into practice to create interventions but we also need to make sure our work meets the standards of current evidence-based practice. For example, deliberately adjusting or misrepresenting statistical analyses to mislead the audience into thinking that a study’s outcomes were different from what the data suggest is clearly wrong. Qualitative Research, 9, 81-103. The health promoter then applies methods for influencing the determinants of the agent’s behavior using methods which are appropriate for changing determinants at environmental levels. Gill is an active EHPS-member since 2013, Dutch National delegate since 2018, co-founder of Practical Health Psychology (, executive editor for Health Psychology Bulletin and reviewer for EHPS journals. Engaging with Other Health Professions: Challenges and Perspectives, Cooke et al. ; keeping the aims in view, but can they change? Chamberlain, K., & Murray, M. (2008). In R. Ursano, A. Norwood, & C. Fullerton (Eds. I am very honoured to be the President of this Society that has contributed so much for my training. The 15th European Conference on Psychological Assessment will take place in Brussels, July 7-10, 2019. As the corona virus pandemic is afflicting, in different ways, all countries on our Planet and affecting the personal and professional lives of all of us, the EHPS Executive Committee would like to reach out to each one of you, and wish you and your families all the best. Day 2 (am): What can Implementation Science contribute to Health Psychology? 17th biennial conference of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. An intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in undergraduate students using implementation intentions and mental simulations: A cross-national study. His research focuses on health and the everyday, with specific interests in medications, media, materiality, mundane ailments, food, and disadvantage, and in qualitative research methodology. Participants should be equipped with computers and wifi for this hands-on workshop. This seminar is for faculty, students, administrators, and academic staff and covers how engagement in social media can benefit the academic career and increase one’s impact. Throughout the workshop participants will focus on developing their own paper or application. The workshop venue was a modern-equipped teaching room in St. Andrews University. As is the case with many fields and across many countries, Health Psychology generates a tremendous amount of research evidence, with systematic reviews now highlighting effective Health Psychology-based interventions for promoting behavior change and for improving health processes and outcomes. What particular problems are posed by using mhealth for delivering interventions (e.g. Covid-19: The Impact on Health Workers and Families. Crilly, N., Blackwell, A., & Clarkson, P. (2006). Two grants are available for attendants of the Synergy workshop against workshop registration, conference fee, accommodation and travel. The workshop took place immediately before the EHPS conference in Leiden, The Netherlands (16 -18 August 2000). Participants do not need a background in social media to participate. It will also promote the use of innovative methods for designing qualitative research projects, for approaching data collection and analysis, and reporting research findings. Qualitative Research in Health Psychology -This document contains a list of further readings on qualitative research in health psychology recommended by Kerry Chamberlain who was the facilitator of the CREATE workshop 2003 in Kos. Jo studies the education and training of health care professionals and has particular interests in healthcare professional behaviour and in communication about lifestyle behaviours and has more than 50 publications. Researchers interested in using theory and in developing methods of application and analysis at the individual level. More specifically, we aim to: Day 1 (am): Introductions from participants and presentations on participants’ experiences of health psychology and implementation science – 5 minute presentations, with optional slides (max 5). These planning techniques are two of the most recognised and frequently-applied components in health behaviour interventions (Adriaanse, Vinkers, De Ridder, Hox, & De Wit, 2011; Bélanger-Gravel, Godin, & Amireault, 2013; Webb, Sniehotta, & Michie, 2010). OUPS, Open University Psychological Society; P. Plega: Sport Psychology; Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology; Psychonomic Society; Psychological Society of Ireland; Psychologist's Federation of Venezuela; R. Romanian Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies; S. Singapore Psychological Society OUR NEW WEBSITE IS COMING SOON! Call for Papers: Psychology, global threats, social challenge, and the COVID-19 pandemic: European perspectives
Tags: APS History. Apply for the Expert Meeting by 30th April 2016 20th May 2016, Apply for Synergy grant by 13rd May 2016 20th May 2016, MOVING RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE: NOVEL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY APPROACHES TO IMPLEMENTATION SCIENCE, Conference Venue (Via Ugo Bassi, University of Padova), Italy; 28th & 29th August 2017, Facilitators: Dr Molly Byrne (National University of Ireland, Galway) and Dr Justin Presseau (University of Ottawa), Reduced fee: €150 (for all participants working in countries that are ranked low income or lower middle income. These provide a major opportunity to present one’s work, to get informed of developments in health psychology and to meet other health psychologists from Europe and beyond. Mannay, D. (2010). Dr. Powell is a Lecturer in Health Psychology at the University of Aberdeen. Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience; German Psychological Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Psychologie, DGPs) Gestalt Theory and its Applicaltions (GTA) Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Kerry Chamberlain is a critical health psychologist who has used and written about qualitative research in health psychology for a number of years. Finally, we will plan an innovative presentation showcasing the work developed from the workshop for the conference. We employed a special software package, the Tailored Health Builder. Social Support and Patient Adherence to Medical Treatment: A Meta-Analysis. To understand the steps and principles involved in conducting a meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence. Modeling the Within-Person Process: Continuous Outcomes (con’t), 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm 6. Abraham, C., & Michie, S. (2008). Czech Republic Date: Thu May. This dislocation of theory and experimental theory selection impedes theory development and makes it more difficult for health psychologists to develop evidence-based interventions. There are numerous reasons why these techniques have attracted so much attention: (1) they are steeped in established social psychological theory, have been embedded in popular and well-cited theories of social cognition applied in health contexts such as the theory of planned behaviour, and address a commonly-known limitation of these theories (i.e., the intention-behaviour ‘gap’); (2) they have intuitive appeal in their parsimony; (3) they have low response burden making their promulgation through multiple modes of delivery comparatively easy; and (4) they are low-cost. Jo is part of the EHPS UN sub-committee and EHPS UK National Delegate and has had organisation/leadership roles in the St Andrews 2001 and Bath 2008 EHPS conferences. How to “package” or brand the skills in a way that makes them useful for academia, private sector or non-governmental organizations – whether as your employers, clients or collaborators? (2004). If one is not aware of the risky nature of one’s actions, motivation cannot emerge. Welcome to the European Health Psychology Society. The EC and the Local Organisers of upcoming conferences are aware of the lockdowns in many countries, the restrictions in travel and the travel bans imposed by many governments, institutions and Universities. More information on the facilitators can be found at their websites (Gerjo Kok and Rob Ruiter) and at Google Scholar Citations (Gerjo Kok and Rob Ruiter). Find out more. Over the past two decades there has been a remarkable progress in Greece in the field of Counselling Psychology (Malikiosi-Loizos & Giovazolias, 2013; Malikiosi-Loizos & Ivey, 2012).This is evident both from the successful operation of two major graduate programs, as well as the parallel development of professional and research activity in the field. Gill ten Hoor is assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN), Maastricht University, and adjunct instructor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Stavri, Z. The way forward: what would a ‘gold’ standard design for a planning intervention study look like? Mhealth interventions are potentially attractive to users as they can provide convenient, private, instant access to automated, expert and peer support to help achieve a wide variety of behavioural goals. Join Create to learn all about planning health promotion programms with the Intervention Mapping approach! Theory may initially emerge out of descriptions of observed associations and develop as explanations of how and why certain events are associated. Senior researchers, which are Synergy’s target population, are especially encouraged to apply as well in the case of financial need. Aleks Luszczynska, Trauma, Health, & Hazards Center, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA and Warsaw School of Social Psychology, Wroclaw, Poland. Researchers familiar with single case methods and interested in using these methods to test theory and evaluate interventions. As the theoretical framework we used an integration of social cognitive models – such as social learning theory, theory of planned behavior, health belief model – referred to as the Integrated Model of Behavior Change, or the I-Change Model. As a result, participants were taught the skill of designing their own theory- and evidence-based prevention interventions.\. candidates and other colleagues, publishing policies, and societal codes of conduct. Please develop and bring a research topic, issue or proposal that you are currently planning, or one you are interested to develop, so that it can be worked up and developed collectively during the workshop. It is often assumed that any distinctive differences there may once have been between the approaches taken by European and American researchers have decreased or even disappeared. His current projects examine the psychosocial and behavioural outcomes of delivering polygenetic risk information for coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes and improving home dialysis treatment with new technology among dialysis patients. develop critical thinking about qualitative research in general; extend knowledge about and use of emerging and innovative qualitative research methodologies and methods; provide experience in developing, conducting and reporting more complex qualitative research; promote understanding of the value, and the implications of, a creative and reflexive approach to research practice; and. Design issues around planning techniques and interventions based on them (e.g., sustainability of behaviour change, intervention fidelity). Martin Hagger (Curtin University, Australia) and Aleks Luszczynska (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs) both have considerable experience with the use of implementation intentions and action planning interventions in health behaviour. European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) European Society for Developmental Psychology; Experimental Psychology Society. Implementation Science also draws upon theories and methods across a range of disciplines, including Health Psychology, to inform understanding and promoting the uptake of scientific evidence into health services to improve health. Invited Presentation for the Society of Multivariate Research, at the 60th annual conference, Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX. She has been a longstanding member of the EHPS, first joining a CREATE workshop in 2000 and since then been involved in a number of ways. Beyond prevention and intervention: increasing well-being. Multiple text analysis in narrative research: Visual, written, and spoken stories of experience. We should also note that there is no ‘right way’ to do qualitative research – this workshop looked at one perspective on how to conduct worthwhile interpretative research that strives to be excellent. Journal of Health Psychology, 13, 287-298. American Journal of Health Promotion, 22, 437–442. As one of the leading PIs in social and health psychology in Finland, he has worked in numerous areas and trained a number of students to become active, influential scholars in the field. Day 3: the morning will commence with a presentation on challenges for research ethics and creative presentation of research findings, arising from the use of innovative methods; the balance of the morning will be small group work focusing on finalising the research projects, including ethics, data analyses and reporting; the afternoon will be spent on presenting and critiquing the projects. For more information visit the Meet the Expert page. This is likely to include: (1) a feasibility study aiming to test a medication review for people with dementia alongside a training intervention for care home staff caring for people with dementia in the UK; this involved qualitative elicitation research to develop the intervention, standardized outcome measures at baseline and follow-up, and a qualitative evaluation; and (2) a study of multidimensional barriers to cervical cancer prevention in Bulgaria and Romania, which included in-depth interviews with women and health providers, as well as nationally representative surveys. Journal of Health Psychology, 16(2), 332-341. Using EMA has many advantages, such as being able to assess behaviour and its determinants in daily life and over prolonged periods of time. Leventhal et al. Online prevention aimed at lifestyle behaviors: a systematic review of reviews. It is in times like this that we understand the importance of standing together and looking after each other. At the end of the workshop, participants will be familiar with the benefits and challenges of combining qualitative and quantitative methods, the ways in which they can be combined and integrated, will have tried some approaches through hands-on exercises and will have a better sense of which are the positions and techniques with which they most resonate. Currently, I am a member of the editorial board in seven international journals and an Assoc. In recent decades, researchers have become increasingly interested in understanding people’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in their natural contexts. future The Russian Psychological Society organizes the XVI EFPA Congress that will bring together scientists and practitioners of psychology from all over the world. Michie, S., Johnston, M., Abraham, C., Lawton, R., Parker, D., Walker, A. (2012). COVID-19 Recommendations of the Russian Psychological Society. Norris, F.H., Friedman, M, Watson, P., Byrne, C., Diaz, E, Kaniasty, K (2002). Promoting excellence in psychology. ; who is the audience? As President-Elect, I plan to focus on the strengthening of the international impact of the EHPS, as well as on the enhancement of the collaboration with local national health psychology societies/organizations. The workshop took place from Sunday 18th to Tuesday 20th September, 2011. My research focuses on the development and evaluation of complex interventions for the promotion of health behaviours, prevention and self-management of chronic conditions. Note: PHP, the EHP, HPBM and HPB are open access. Keats, P. (2009). He is a Consulting Editor for Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, and on the Scholars Board of the British Journal of Health Psychology. Every half day in the workshop includes an introduction in the theme, a brief theoretical background, followed by contributions from participants: empirical research examples, practical experiences, theoretical ideas and discussion. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 58(RR07), 1–26. The applications for this workshop have closed. Regarding the weight or priority given to the components, we will give examples of qualitatively driven or quantitatively driven studies. Theresa’s work on incentives in Health had substantial impact in science, policy and practice. Researchers can obtain repeated observations over the course of hours, days, and weeks. This website uses Cookies to give you the best experience while visiting our website. Kelley, K. & Abraham, C. (2004). Links between explanatory theories and the change techniques in interventions may be only loosely related, confounding variables may not be controlled and it may be unclear which theory-based techniques were responsible for the observed behaviour or health change (Michie & Abraham; Rothman 2004). Kok, H., Schaalma, H., Ruiter, R. A. C., & van Empelen, P. (2004) .Intervention mapping: A protocol for applying health psychology theory to prevention programmes. Staging data: Theatre as a tool for analysis and knowledge transfer in health research. breakout sessions The purpose of this session was to provide information on issues regarding publishing in English language scientific journals, and to teach participants basic skills for writing scientific papers. We take a critical approach to such work, and the workshop emphasised the themes of criticality, creativity and reflexivity throughout. There is undoubtedly a grain of truth in this assumption. Lunch and dinner will be provided on Monday; lunch will be provided on Tuesday; and refreshments will be provided during the breaks throughout the workshop. He was awarded his PhD by the University of Southampton in 2014, and subsequently joined the Aberdeen Health Psychology Group as a Research Fellow working primarily with Dr Julia Allan. We will circulate a number of blog posts (and some brief papers) that will briefly be summarized when we start with the Expert Meeting to provide some background, specifically (this list will probably be extended): CREATE organised a workshop prior to the 8th annual conference of the EHPS in Florence, Italy, on September 29-30, 1999. For accommodation possibilities, please check the conference website (. Luszczynska, A. Representation: what/whose story to tell? The proliferation of interventions using planning has largely been a direct response to the considerable literature which has recognised the limitations of intentions as a predictor of behaviour (Dekker, 2008; Sheeran, 2002; Webb & Sheeran, 2006), the so-called intention-behaviour ‘gap’. An implementation intentions intervention, the use of a planning strategy, and physical activity after myocardial infarction. He has undertaken many ‘real world’ intervention trials, their evaluation and scale-up in health-care settings, work organisations, schools and other community settings in Australia and other countries, including Finland, China, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka and South Africa. Celebrating Ten Years of the EJPT. Bagnoli, A. On the other hand, many researchers who engage in questionable research practices do so with the best of intentions. - Sit Jan 2020, 9. As well as supervising many successful PhD students, Val inputs health psychology expertise to multidisciplinary research teams across a range of chronic conditions, identifying patient and carer responses that subse-quent interventions address in order to optimise psychosocial outcomes. The feedback session will be followed by a general discussion of the main issues, with all participants encouraged to contribute. Specific objectives of the workshop were: Facilitated by: Dr. Richard Cooke, Dr. Wendy Hardeman and Dr. Rachel Shaw. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22, 478-483. Photovoice: A review of the literature in health and public health. We will adopt an interactive and collaborative approach throughout. Planning to reduce weight: Implementation intentions intervention helps to reduce body weight among overweight or obese women by prompting action planning. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, 1129-1148. What new technological developments and business models are needed? The goal of this workshop was to learn and to apply basic principles of computer tailoring. We will draw on Pragmatism’s functional definition of knowledge to overcome our epistemological differences and using innovative techniques (including conceptual encounter and dialogal research) we will work through theoretical and practical barriers to collaboratively create a working definition or ‘rough guide’ of mixed methodology in health psychology. It will involve presentations by the facilitator on key issues – methods, data collection, data analysis, ethics, reflexivity, and reporting research – but a significant amount of time will be spent working in small groups to develop specific research projects brought by participants. (2004) map out a series of theoretical domains from which intervention designers may select relevant theories. What are the methodological challenges for evaluating mhealth interventions (e.g. This session was highly interactive: Students were offered an opportunity to ask questions about problems they encountered in their research. Daryl is joint Editor-in-Chief of the journal Psychology & Health, serving in this role from 2011 and on. Dear colleagues and members of the EHPS, The draft schedule of the EHPS Online Scientific Meeting: Health Psychology’s role in shaping solutions to global crises is now available. The 19th Create workshop will be facilitated by Gerjo Kok, Rob Ruiter and Rik Crutzen. ), Bioterrorism: Psychological and public health interventions, (pp. increase opportunities for research and collaboration between our members; support the work of our UN subcommittee in order to understand how to influence policy and support the UN in the complex implementation process of its SDG’s for the health of the population and the planet. Each day of the workshop focused on a different theme: The workshop took place on the three days (2-4 September 2001) preceding the EHPS / DHP conference in St. Andrews (5-8 September 2001). I have been a member of the European Health Psychology Society since 2002 and I was the Greek National Delegate for several years (2004 – 2010). (2004). Day 2: the morning will commence with a presentation on data collection and management focusing on non-textual data; the remainder of the morning will involve small group work involving the development of participant projects and reporting back; the afternoon will start with another presentation and discussion about data analysis and reflexivity in research; this will be followed by further group work to refine and justify the methods to be used in research projects. Health Through the Life Cycle: A Life Span Perspective. The workshop teachers had outstanding academic records and excellent teaching reputations. 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european psychological society
european psychological society 2021