That it didn't come out a lizard baby? Think about it. I had zits; I was chubby. He's a shoo-in for prom king, and after winning the big game, he'll help me land crucial swing votes. Lucy Quinn Fabray, mejor conocida como Quinn, era un personaje principal de Glee hasta su graduación en Goodbye, a partir de la cuarta temporada se volvió un personaje recurrente. About... about an... adult problem. Sam: What do you want, Quinn? Because without each and every one of you this would've never happened. Quinn: (laughs) So what happens next? I can turn the guest room into a nursery. Artie: Push, push! —Quinn about Sam and Finn fighting, The Sue Sylvester Shuffle. Quinn: No, no, it's a good thing. With all the nastiness between you and I behind us I think we should be together. Why am... why am I even taking advice from you, okay? 'Growing Pains' star slams Kirk Cameron's caroling protests. Quinn: Look, last year, I didn't appreciate you. You guys were meant to be. We totally don't think you'll screw it up this time! Still, he is a good guy and I do really like him. I bet there are a few church groups who would gladly give money to a squad who helped rehabilitate a girl who got pregnant and now speaks out for abstinence education while wearing a Cheerios uniform. Quinn: People grow apart. —Quinn to Will Schuester, The Power of Madonna. You're a really good teacher, Mr. Schue, even if everyone is calling you a man-whore. I think I was just stuck focusing on everything I didn't have and none of the stuff that was good. Glee: 5 Best & 5 Worst Episodes Of Season 1 (According To IMDb) The first season of musical teen-drama Glee was full of hits and misses for the New Directions. ', —Quinn (about the Cheerios skirts), Showmance. Unique Glee Quinn Fabray Stickers designed and sold by artists. [looking at Beth] Puck: Do you want to keep her? I ask God to help you accept whatever your journey may be. Quinn: Thank God you're OK, because that just means I'm not gonna fall on my face during that Troubletones number! Quinn: Yes it is! Intense exercise bursts may hold secret to long life. Finn: U.S. History? Quinn: I guess at one point it made sense to love somebody for the rest of your life, but it doesn't anymore. Thanks! I have to audition for my drama class' performance and I want to do a monologue from Glee. I, for one, wouldn't mind saying thanks. (process)? Also if anyone has any other Glee monologue suggestions that would be cool too! Quinn is the girlfriend of Noah Puckerman and was one of the most popular students at William McKinley High School.. She was President of The Celibacy Club, the captain of the cheerleading team, the Cheerios, and a member of both The God Squad, and New Directions.She was also in the prom court in her junior and senior years. Santana: I think I know how to make you feel better. Home for the holidays, just like we promised. Santana: Rachel, it's a student film. Beth is perfect. Quinn: No, for me. The second time I did it, I got mono. I'm all for making the most of the next few months, but I'd hate the idea of dragging an anchor from my past into the bright lights of my future. Rachel: But Santana, some women find it empowering to be naked on film. You know, they may have love, but you know what we are that they are not? Then why is she giving my girl laxatives? I love you girls. Quinn: You know, everybody keeps talking about staying in touch and I want to make sure we do. I like what Kurt stands for, and Brittany's insane, but just like my dad always voted for the candidate that was least ethnic, I'm voting for the one who's most girl. Where shes's talking inside her head. My mom is going on a Christian wine tasting boat down the Ohio river on Friday. Puck: Cool, because I always felt kinda bad about it. I was the only one standing in the way of myself. Santana: I hate weddings, and I hate Valentine's Day. This school has given us so many gifts -- me especially -- and I want my last week here to be about giving back a little of what I got. Quinn: No. My body. Rachel, if you keep looking for that happy ending, you are never going to get it right. First of all, all my plumbing still works, which is awesome. You told me you loved me. I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Me winning means you losing, and you'll do whatever it takes to make sure that doesn't happen. We'd be a shoo-in for homecoming king and queen. Judy: I left your father. Puck: If you ever need me, you know where to find me. and show them to the bar employee) Quinn: Congrats, Finn. You're not me, OK? Anyways, I was wondering if any of you guys had any idea of a really good dialogue or monologue. Quinn: I understand you had your confetti cannons taken away. Quinn: Then, how are you gonna feel about it two months from now? Quinn: There's nobody that deserves it more. Artie Abrams style. But it was a mistake. In the choir room, various New Directions members do congratulate Rachel and Mercedes, but it is clear that being back in Lima sparked feelings of rivalry between the girls. You'll deafen them with the sound of your stretch marks rubbing together. He's like the Frankenstein character, but blonde. Artie: I just wanted you to meet a really cool group of people who find themselves in the same situation as you. But if you really want to be happy, you're gonna have to say goodbye. Rent a movie and not watch it? (Sees Puck) Well, maybe one of them. You're not her mom! You're back on the team. I meant what I said in the choir room. Quinn: You. First, let's welcome back Noah Puckerman. What I NEED is to find a way to keep Santana off my heels. We've got it in the bag. What are best clarinet websites to learn songs. Quinn: See, this is what my psych professor calls projecting. I'm not even sure who I was praying to, really, but it seemed to lead me on the right path. I think you want everyone to think that you're such a bad ass, but really you're just a scared little girl with low self-esteem who's too frightened to chase her dreams. Quinn: If you quit the club, I'll let you touch my breast. My accident -- which you did not cause, by the way -- does not define me or ruin our senior year. Look, I know I went a little crazy, but I'm here now. Quinn and Rachel were almost always at odds in the first few seasons of Glee.Their disdain for each other was especially high during the first season of the show when Quinn becomes “pregnant” with Finn’s baby.. Quinn: Think about it. Quinn: Earth. Think, if we hadn't changed we would've never been friends. Quinn: I'm trying. —Quinn to Rachel (about marrying Finn), Michael. Sam: (confused) From the Black Lagoon? Quinn: We all should've known that a Valentine's Day wedding was just asking for a disaster. You're grossing out my baby. I'm not gonna dwell on this, and neither should any of you. Rachel: Good, okay. I'll become a successful real estate agent and Finn will take over Kurt's dad's tire shop. And I feel like you'd be inspiring to a few other people I know. I've had a really hard year, and I turned to God a lot for help. I'm sorry about what went down for two of you. Quinn: Uh, is that, um... When your bank account is full, you can get away with doing just about anything, but right now, we're like toxic assets. Rachel: Oh, no, I have my sights set on NYADA. A little something something always leads to something more. I'm not sure what the tipping point was. Quinn: You know what? Sometimes I worry about Finn. Santana: (thinks, flattered) Thanks. We killed it last year at Regionals with Faithfully. (Quinn's books come tumbling out of her locker) Quinn: You're getting naked with Puckerman. Santana: Get over what? Rachel: It's not a nude scene, it's just a topless scene. Sue: I don't care so much about that. Santana: Yes, but not in a student film that is probably about someone's grandma with Alzheimer's. You know, like the way I use my hands to move your legs. (Quinn smiles and approaches to Santana). Quinn: (Will holds her back) Walk away and tighten up your pony before you get to class! Can you stay a little bit longer? (Quinn slaps Santana) (Santana slaps back). Quinn: You can't hit me! I'm not mad at you. A bad reputation is better than no reputation at all. We're going to get full custody. I like it. Finn: What the hell...? All in favor of hiring Dakota Stanley? I don't care about some STUPID show choir competition! Quinn: I can't dance with a little person, I can hardly walk. You were right. Quinn: I agree. I wasted so much time hating myself for the stupid mistakes that I made, but, the truth is, is that without all of those, I never would've dreamed this to be my future. Quinn: I came here to talk to you actually. I'm asking you to respect that. Mercedes: Oh, screw that, this is our last time performing together. Quinn: (Pockets Breadstix free meal coupon) Quinn: (Breaks down crying and hugs Sue) I'm gonna miss you. As hard as it may be, if you want everything that you've ever dreamed of, you're gonna have to break up with him. —Quinn about The Celibacy Club, Showmance. Santana: I'm dating Puckerman. Nobody would talk to me. The fact is that women still earn seventy cents to every dollar that a man does for doing the same job. Santana: Yes, I did. I don't want you anywhere near my squad. I respect you. —Quinn (after making out with Finn), Pilot. Joe: Perfection. Quinn: You were my first. When we're Prom King and Queen, it'll feel just as good as a little something something. This was a really great Senior Ditch Day. They say keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Quinn: That was me, actually. Rachel: None. "I Kissed a Girl" is the seventh episode of the third season of the American musical television series Glee, and the fifty-first overall. Don't find ways to run yourself down. —Quinn and Sam, Extraordinary Merry Christmas. You should have told me this weeks ago. I'm not taking no for an answer. Finn: Look, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for you. Finn: I was just texting-- Santana: Look, I've got a bar of soap and a bottle of peroxide with your name on it in my locker. This is only temporary. You're the guy who caught the winning touchdown the only game the football team won sophomore year, you're the guy that ate that pepper on a dare. Believe it or not ... this is the happiest day of my life. I was a miserable little girl. It's more my speed. And frankly, being on the Cheerios isn't the same without you. Turns out my essay about overcoming adversity while maintaining a straight-A average during a teen pregnancy really turned on the admissions boards. I've been praying to walk again, as well. (Quinn slams Santana against a locker) Joe: So what is this? Rachel: We're kinda friends, huh? I'm not going to show up at your house with a U-Haul. I do let men define me, but not any more. Santana: (pushing Quinn) You did this to me! Lucy Quinn Lyons (née Fabray) is a major character on Glee.Quinn was the girlfriend of Finn Hudson and was one of the most popular students at William McKinley High School.. She was President of The Celibacy Club, the captain of the cheerleading team, the Cheerios, and a member of both The God Squad, and New Directions.She was also in the prom court in her junior and senior year. I needed my mom. He's cute....just like you. When we see each other, it'll be a special occasion. Rachel: I mean, Finn and I, we can grow together-- There's someone else, and you know who that is. There's a lot of rumors going around, so let's just clear the air. You can't break up the Unholy Trinity. You're really inspiring. Sam: What are you doing? Please, no hate comments. We have a super, special Senior Ditch Day planned. You make a habit of sleeping with your boys' girlfriends? Quinn: Well, I'm happy to be back and ready to start fresh. Who would've thought I'd end my McKinley days right where I started -- back on top. Or we could make it a two-time thing? I thought of one, but I don't know if it's long enough. I tried searching google already. Quinn: A long time ago. What happened to being a family? (Quinn walks up to Finn and strokes his arm) L-like I need you! Getting ready for the tranny prom, Rachel? You can't change your past. —Quinn and Rachel (about Joe Hart), Dance With Somebody. Quinn: Coach Sylvester, please hear me out. I ruled that place. Are you a moron? Wanna come over? Rachel: For what? All you ever do is insult us. Joe: How's the physical therapy going? Quinn: You know what, Puckerman? Quinn: Hey Sam, wait up! Quinn: Senior year and I’ve finally found myself. You deserve good things, Quinn. I'm not gonna stand around and watch you ruin your life by marrying Finn Hudson. Puck: He forgave us for what we did, right? Quinn: You shouldn't have come here with her! It's to hard to try and catch it by listening! —Quinn, Will, and Tina about Nationals, Nationals (Episode). That attitude starts in high school. I know what you're thinking. I guess I've cried enough tears for three graduations. Quinn: We're not using these. So, in drama club, we have to perform a monologue or dialogue of our choice. And.. Something I would've regretted my entire life. Santana: Thanks for what? (Hugs Rachel). Unique Glee Quinn clothing designed and sold by artists for women, men, and everyone. (Entering to Will and Emma's wedding) Quinn: No, no, no, no, I can't dance that number, I can't sing it either, not like-- Quinn: Texting while walking. Quinn: No regrets. Rachel: Guilty. (At the beginning of this year....) I stole the guy she's in love with, then I stole the guy she dated to get over the guy she's in love with, and I'm kind of a bitch to her. Pretty. Employee of the bar: Sorry, ladies, can I see some I.D.? Quinn: You know, it was fun, and I've always wondered what it would be like to be with a woman, but, uh, I don't know. Rachel is also the main protagonist of Glee. Twitter update! Like Gloria Steinem said, "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." Almost. I could have easily become one of those creepy memorial pages in the yearbook, but by the grace of God, I'm here. Santana: Look, you don't have to worry. Joe: I'm so sorry. Sam: I don't know. Besides sleeping with Puck. Santana: In theory. Unless you got yourself knocked up again. Does that mean I can't drink anymore? Fine. (Quinn walks into the gym) —Quinn, Will, and Puck, Never Been Kissed. 'Cause I would love to buy you dinner. Maybe you could use my eyes to see yourself -- the way I see you. Mercedes: We'll keep in touch. Hi for a class I'm taking we get to do any monologue of our choosing so I decided I wanted to do the one that Quinn said in the Purple Piano Project. Push! I wanted to thank you guys. God bless the perv that invented these. Is it true? Quinn: You being jealous of me. Quinn: I really hope you're about to rap. I don't blame him. Rachel: I'm not giving up on Finn. Sam: Why? Name's Rosario Cruz. I didn’t have friends. There's no point of them. Santana: Yup, sure did. But the young. Looks like really loves you. But my spine was severely compressed in the car accident which basically means, I can't move my feet or legs. But you have to do something for me. She has a family! Quinn: Please don't sing. Of course, my choice would be Glee! Rachel: You don't think people whisper about me in the lunchroom or draw pornographic pictures of me on the bathroom walls? Quinn: You would give up your faith to be with me? Crap. Quinn: I could get it removed. It's not right. Quinn: Look, home-coming weekend, I went to Jodie Foster's clambake and that professor I was talking about, well he's 35, smokes a pipe. You and me? Mercedes: Well, I think that it's sweet that you and Rachel keep in touch, Quinn. It's really time to get over this. Quinn: I'm in. No, we’re not breaking up. Quinn: Please don't do it. Desde 1,28 US$ Etiquetas: nyada academia de dramático de nueva york, nyada, nueva york, academia, drama, … Written by Matthew Hodgson and directed by Tate Donovan, the episode aired on Fox in the United States on November 29, 2011, and featured the election for a new senior class president at McKinley High. You're projecting Kitty onto me. GLEE - You Keep Me Hangin' On (Full Performance) HDSeason 1, Episode 7 - "Throwdown" Luckily enough the guy that crashed into me while I was texting is fine, but, you know, I'd... You should really not do that anymore. Quinn: (scoffs) Whatever. Guys whisper behind our backs about how we look everyday. Remember if the balloon pops, the noise makes the angels cry. Puck: Didn't even puke. I'm clearly the hottest bitch in this lousy joint, but I'm all alone, stuck here sitting with you. Blaine: Hey Fabray, you're looking good! Shelby: It goes away you know. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She's a mother! Don't you think? Biff: It's the twenty first. I had to get a nose job and go on a crazy diet to walk around this school like I owned it, and you just do it. It's not over between us. I'm her mom! Plus, I'm feeling stronger every day. Rachel: What's this? It was my wedding that you were going to when you got into your car crash, and you were answering my text message, and now, we're all sitting here and we're talking about this day that's supposed to be the most amazing and unforgettable day of our high school lives and we're, we're completely ignoring the fact that she's sitting in that chair?! I realized that if I'm still willing to eat right to take care of this baby, why am I not willing to do it for myself? Thanks! —Quinn to Santana while slow dancing, I Do, (After having sex) I'll be out of this chair, and dancing on that stage. I was the only kid at school who had to dissect their own frog because nobody would be my lab partner. It happens. Remember the power motto, girls: 'It's all about the teasing and not about the pleasing. We'll just see if that happens. —Quinn to Will (about proposing to Emma), Yes/No. Puck: Quinn... And then one day... everything just feels... different. It's for the best. But we're perfect together. Didn't you have a sex tape that leaked online? But you have no power over me anymore, because I've got nothing left to lose. Sam: What planet are we on? Finn: Under the shirt? But now I pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth. I got into Yale, early admissions. I'm furious. But when you're done praying, you get to get up off your knees, and walk away... (Starts to roll away and stops) Sorry. I came to thank you, actually. 'Big Bang' star clarifies stance on coronavirus vaccinations, Stallone on growing up in shadow of brother Sylvester, Kenosha killing suspect's new restrictions after bar visit, Soulja Boy accused of raping, abusing former assistant, Shaq's blunt critique doesn't sit well with NBA stars, The Supreme Court was complicit in Trump's executions, Biden says he wants schools to reopen in 100 days, Larry King, veteran TV and radio host, dies at 87. what is the name of guitar with two strings? But I honestly can't handle anymore stress in my life. Sue: Nope. We're like besties for life. Well, he's divorcing his wife who hasn't touched him for three years. Get your answers by asking now. I had sex with you because you got me drunk wine coolers and I felt fat that day. Mercedes, you're on bed rest, Quinn, you're stepping in. It's just hard not to focus on what I've lost. Quinn: I would've never given my virginity to this guy! Rachel: Thank you, guys, so much. They've grown into such incredible people. I’ve been that girl, and I’m never going back. The first time I cheated, I got pregnant. I mean, what do I have? Santana: Oh, please! Quinn: Yeah, killed us. I used to have abs! Hey! Santana, we've graduated. Joe's not into me. You're doing it, and so are you, Tina. Quinn: I keep going and nothing seems to be happening. quinn fabray prom queen monologue, alegría, de alegría, quinn fabray, quinn glee, reina del baile ¡vote a Quinn Fabray por Prom Queen! Kurt: I'm sorry, Quinn. But if this sonogram bill just not get paid, it's not just your phone that's gonna get cut off, you will get cut off. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Quinn: It's not that bad, I mean it was a mis- My mind is pretty messed up about everything. But you can let go and start your future. I feel bad for a lot of things, but I was an ass for most of high school Not the pretty, you'll always be pretty. Shelby: You're so young. Rachel: Why? I know this feeling. Quinn: So that's why college girls experiment. Sweetie, say something. Rachel: Quinn, I'm -- I'm so sorry. Rachel: I don't know. Just... hoping my kids won't ever see it online. Quinn: What do you think about Yale? Rachel: Okay, wait. Joe: I've been praying for you. (Will picks up a guitar) Colleges, New York, even you have your stupid pool cleaning business. Rachel: Quinn, you need to calm down. I'm sorry. We can win two National championships this year. What you did was wrong, what you're doing with Puck is wrong! Aren't we suposed to be the popular girls? What were you doing? Now, remember, if the balloon pops, the noise makes the angels cry. Quinn: (Laughing) It's OK. Santana: I'm 25. And now I’m gonna be prom queen. Quinn: Do you know what I hate? There are 20 other guys at this school who would KILL to give me what I want, they would KILL to love me! (In the supposed Will and Emma's wedding party) (Quinn smiles and they all go to eat dinner). Santa na Lopez: I wanted to thank you for performing that song with me in glee club. I've been there, remember? Quinn: Although I'm still not a hundred percent sure that I'm for teen weddings, I'm really happy that you and Finn are together. Brittany: Stop the violence. So no tears -- that means you, Tina. Puck: Sorry, not interested. I'm bored. Quinn: I used to be Captain of the Cheerios. We lost. Quinn: Because a gentleman always pays on the first date. Quinn: Oh, I guarantee you have. Quinn: For keeping me from doing something stupid. I really thought I had a chance of getting out of here...(breaks down crying). The doctor said it's only a matter of time before-- Finn: Is it true? —Quinn's text to Rachel before the crash, On My Way. Will: So here's what's gonna happen. Puck: Guess it'd be kinda rude if I refused. (holding Quinn and Santana apart) What is this? Sue: There's that can-don't attitude, Quinn. Both girls seem taken aback at the lack of McKinley fanfare in their honor, given the recent success they both have had: Rachel for Funny Girland Mercedes for her upcoming album. Rachel: Oh, this is a meeting for Glee Girls with boyfriends. Puck, I hope your time in juvie has taught you a lesson or two about right and wrong. Rachel: Oh my God! You're a Lima Loser and you're always going to be a Lima Loser. Quinn: (Smashes an egg on his head). Brittany: Yeah, come on, Quinn. What's your angle? .. fans love so much unnecessary, bitchy, out of character monologues that directly offend a large group of viewers?Mar 16, 2015 . And remember vote Quinn Fabray for Prom Queen! Quinn: Over the bra. I've got new friends now, and they accept me for who I am. You got a boob job. Quinn's Quotations are quotations made by Quinn Fabray, portrayed by Dianna Agron. If you come over on Friday... you get to have sex with me. Santana: Oh, sure I can. I think I could get used to it here in New York. Sam: Are you okay? So, congrats. What about us? Quinn: I think she's sweet. I've dated Finn, Puck, Sam, even thought I loved some of them, but by the time the snow falls in New Haven next winter, I won't know why. He's such a shining star in every conceivable way, don't you think? Quinn: Thanks boys, catch you later. He's an idiot and his mother won't let me eat bacon. Men. Ms. Sylvester, I want to thank you...For teaching me a valuable life lesson: When you really believe in yourself, you don't have to bring other people down. —Quinn, Will and Sam, The Rocky Horror Glee Show. Quinn: Yes, Puck is the father. Quinn: I really care about you, Puck, you know. I can sense it thanks to my psychic mexican third eye. Santana: And why would I be jealous of you? Finn: No, it's cool. Just tell me! by saphireheart12 from desktop or your mobile device And I needed you. As the Glee finale approaches, check out the humble beginnings of your faves.. Compra «Dylan y Quinn Fabray Prom Queen Monologue» de Beckyy812x en cualquiera de estos productos: Camiseta esencial —Quinn to Rachel, The Rocky Horror Glee Show. Quinn: I certainly would nail all the parts where the girl has to cry... Quinn: Do you know what growing up is about? Push! Quinn: So I'm gonna have the house to myself. I'm not like you, this isn't my life! Santana: You'd probably feel pretty great. President of the Celibacy Club. Santana: Quinn, look, this is our senior year. I'm not interested in the boys, or the makeup, or the polyester outfits. Rachel: Thank you. Artie: It's just like having a baby. She’s my perfect thing, something even I can’t screw up. Santana: Booyah. … Duets don't work for me, and I don't need you. Well, Rachel Berry, you just got yourself a new best friend. Quinn: (Hands Rachel a letter) What's the difference between lap steel and pedal steel guitar, and any other information on how they are tuned and played? To tell you that I'm not gonna tell. See I'm free, you're free, and I'm sure you've noticed that I'm supermodel thin now that my thyroid is under control. And you know what? Well, I kicked him out, actually. You were right. Rachel: (reading from her cell phone) "Santana Lopez, nude, lez, boobies, sex tape, Mexican or Dominican, question mark." Thinking 'trust me' was a sensible birth control option. Deal with it. Losing things. Women are finding themselves in their thirties now, every magazine says it! You'll kill the part. Fue parte del alumnado de la escuela secundaria William McKinley.Actualmente es una estudiante de la Universidad de Yale especializándose en Artes Dramáticas, desde el último episodio de la tercera temporada. Shelby: Don't wish away your life.You're exactly where you're supposed to be. Does he get so turned on by teen moms who barely visit their kid? Quinn's Quotations are quotations made by Quinn Fabray, portrayed by Dianna Agron. Rachel: Are you gonna go tell Figgins about Shelby, because I just -- I still think it's a really terrible idea. —Quinn and Mercedes about Nationals, Nationals. Mercedes: I don't see what's wrong with getting a little Church in here. RELATED: Glee: The 10 Best Christmas Covers Quinn: No regrets? Not sure what the tipping point was; dyeing my hair, the nose ring, my ironic tattoo of Ryan Seacrest. Puck here's gonna come through for us. Santana: Sure. Quinn: Oh, Rachel e-mailed me. And they will never be the same. Quinn: Yeah, but it won't be the same. —Quinn and Artie about going up an accessibility ramp, Big Brother. Quinn: Wow, what a catch. You just have to remember the guy you were when we first met. Quinn: (laughing) You wouldn't know! Joe: It's cool. I appreciate your thoughts, but I don't want your prayers. What I do know is, I'm never going back... Did you come here just to torment me with the idea of seeing my child?