If you forgot to let Hassan die, or forgot to clean a single print in Manfred's shop, that's your culprit, and you'll have to replay all the way from back there. Don't drink the potion. Don't open the acid bath in the southwestern corner until you've foud them all! Credit to the Heavy Rain Wiki for Endings Summaries. These instructions are for the hardest difficulty, but everything except the button prompts are the same on the lowest. Don't ride well when trying to avoid the police as Madison. Tilt right. Ethan and Shaun spend an afternoon in the park. Just don't fail too many QTE's and you should succeed at the first trial. The gasoline tickets that fell out of the killer's coat. Only when you have freed Lauren, you may break the windows to escape. Trophies; ... Forum; 1,019,604 Trophies Earned; 38,870 Players Tracked; 57 Total Trophies; 1,350 Obtainable EXP; 1,350 Points 7,082 Platinum Club; 7,082 100% Club; Good Friends. Eventually Ethan will decide to leave, telling Shaun it looks like heavy rainfall is coming. Save Shaun, attack the OK when prompted, simply try to pass most QTE's. Then, fight and win from the OK with Norman. You want to steer away, but be sure not to hit the police car in your abrupt movement. By Iain Wilson 02 July 2019. Where you had the drink: every shot glass, the bottle and the magnifying glass. The first glass case to the wall, close to the entrance (Lauren leaned on it if you weren't quick about finding Manfred). Don't take triptocaine, you have to play both fighting sections. … Your actions carve your story in a big way, and trophies are linked to making certain decisions and getting certain outcomes. Ethan is not arrested and rejects Madison in. The trophy description stipulates that you must let Hassan, Lauren and Kramer die, clean every fingerprint in Manfred's Shop, kill Madison and Jayden, and have the killer walk free. It can certainly come in handy to get right to the action for a difficult trophy (for instance, if you fail, BUT on the other hand, choosing to save may lock you out of another trophy (for instance, you can't receive any of the Rat trophies if you were caught in On The Loose. Pass every single QTE to not get shot by any guard. Chapter Select also shows you which endings you've unlocked. After discovering the secret room, try passwords on the laptop until "Max" appears. How about Sony's marking stick to some good PR and talk about how awesome Heavy Rain is going to be, instead of this "Delayed trophy" crap. Your car is fishtailing, you must continuously tilt the controller left to right. As such, none of its trophies are really "difficult" – they just require … Shaun is saved. Find the metal bar next to the table, the disinfectant in the bathroom, or the alcohol in the kitchen. Apply one of the disinfectants or cauterizers. Every protagonist must reach the warehouse, but all must fail. You may choose to have Ethan drink the potion, and complete the last trial. I certainly believe you, but I underwent pretty extensive testing (I tried seven different ways, all recommended by guides and people online, before I got the trophy) and the outcome that did it for me, is the one I'm recommending. (Not that anyone should be available). For this reason, I'd recommend this method, but not killing him here will probably work as well. Don't shoot Nathaniel: Use "Psychology", "Calm Down", "Back Away", "Gun Down", and "Turn around". Go left. Simply take two lefts at the hall's end to reach row 18, and take the upper QTE to open locker 3. No-one: If you've been following the recommended actions, there's no-one to save Shaun. Heavy Rain contains a nice set of 57 trophies to unlock. Go towards the busy street (away from the camera). News. Consider the possibility of having missed a certain step. When stripping for Paco, only unbutton your shirt (the "up" prompt) before reaching for the lamp too attack him. There's alot of margin for error. If neither of those worked, try any of the other paths presented in the above table for The Old Warehouse. After completing two of them, buy Shaun some candy, give it to him, and then complete the scene. Ethan is released from prison and reunited with Shaun. Kiss Madison when prompted, and go on to do the dirty while your son is in danger. Note that the walkthrough will also mention prompts that don't present choices: if your only choice is to go left, for instance, this guide will say left, so that you don't lose track of where you are in the list. Slightly Uncommon. ... Good Friends. ... Good Friends *??? When you have to clean every fingerprint, be sure to get every one of these items. Only when Hassan has been shot and the robber has left, may you come back in front to hear Hassan's last words. The team was originally based in Schenectady, New York from 1995 to 2007, before moving to Albany, New York … The trophy did not trigger when this happened on PS4. You'll sustain damage if you move too quickly. Trophies There are 57 Trophies - 1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 4 Silver, 50 Bronze. Ethan, Madison and Shaun find a place together. Tilt left. Leave through the kitchen back door, climb over the fence to Ethan's west, go through the alleyway and enter your car without getting too close to the journalists. Around 8.00, tell Shaun to go to bed. For instance: it was possible to get the trophy on PS3 when the final News Report actually mentions Scott Shelby as The Origami Killer, which seems kind of odd. A journalist reports Madison's death at her grave. Don't hit, Ethan, Madison and Shaun survive. Note that there under no circumstances may all three characters make it to the Old Warehouse (Madison cannot be killed in this situation. Unfortunately, the game is pretty mum on how to obtain those trophies. Turn it every now and then. If you didn't follow the recommended path, knowing that you did everything as planned. Good Friends. Detailing the conditions, this guide should enable players to successful unlock all the trophies pertaining to the Heavy Rain … Shaun is saved, but Madison is killed. Jayden survives. (You'll fail if you go right or left for too long). If somehow you took up too much time, and you fear you don't have enough time to solve it, you may "Give Up" or "Accuse Blake", as long as Madison is still free to call Norman later. There are 57 trophies available in total and many of them can be obtained during the first playthrough. ), For this reason, it may be wise to do every trophy in reverse order: (Obviously, you may skip a certain chapter if you already have all the trophies there.). You're allowed two mistakes, or less if you hurt yourself in the tunnel. Once seen, it's been saved. Analyze the Fish Tank video, finding and analyzing the Killer's Watch. Survive the encounter with OK by passing most QTE's. That said, while it didn't pop for me, the trophy seems to pop for some people, even if he is free or even if he survives The Old Warehouse with Shaun. You must perfectly perform every QTE in the chapter, while the boys are jumping around being idiots on the construction grounds. Allow Madison to be choked to death and Shaun to drown. If this doesn't work, try the same methods as mentioned above. You may choose whatever you like here. When he falls, save him, and fail the next QTE. Do not call anyone. This is a good place to kill off Norman. ), Recommended paths are plainly written. If you already have all previous trophies, you may start your playthrough here. The white phone in the back, the window if you touched it. PS4. Around 4.30, give Shaun a snack (a piece of fruit, chips, a granola bar). This requires you to accept his offer, but don't drink while talking, and say No when he asks if you're drinking. If you followed the recommended path and did everything correctly, there are two other playstyles that very popularly work (even though they didn't for me), Replay from On The Loose, letting Ethan escape, and have him be the only one at The Old Warehouse (having killed Norman and Madison already). This requires you to have completed at least 3 of the 4 other trials (which you should have). Retry. Happy birthday. By continuing past this page, you agree to abide by the Terms of Service. When Jayden is playing the piano, don't miss a single QTE. It's not a disaster, it's how your story played out. This step will earn you the two unmissable trophies Interactive Drama and … Do not kill the drug dealer. State every fact about Shaun's disappearance correctly. Conversely, if none of the stipulated paths did it for you, try the method outlined in. Lift the kids up with your arms and win the fight against Jason. If you're really getting nervous in a segment, and you fear you may mess up something important, changing the difficulty mid-game won't have any consequences, so do so without worry. show Contributed By: KeyBlade999. Trophies don't unlock during gameplay, and not even in between every chapter. Don't KO the robber when given the option. Norman may not make it to the warehouse, but can't die either. Credit to. It is therefore recommended that you pick the difficulty that you pick in most games, since there are no trophies related to this anyway. Put on the glasses and scan the environment with. Jayden appears on a talkshow, but suffers hallucinations, even without his ARI glasses on. You receive the endings [Helpless, Uploaded, Dead Heroine, Unpunished]. To do so, simply don't react to the QTE's when The Origami Killer attacks him with the sword. The street name is Theo Roosevelt Road. The see saw is right in front of you. Blake finds Jayden's spirit in the ARI glasses. This will take you some time, but not too much, thanks to Chapter Select. Good Friends [00307] ----- Chapter: The Part Requirements: Play 2 games with Shaun successfully and buy him candy Guide: Choose two of the following games. Serve them on a plate for Lauren. Complete the QTE's and be out of the ropes before the Doc comes back. Don't open any other locker than the right one. Heavy Rain. Don't take the vial, go straight to the shower and take one. Use of this site is subject to express terms of use. This may not be the case, though, since the trophy is very fickle to pop anyway. swing, see-saw), then buy him candy. Alternate routes to the Perfect Crime trophy will also be mentioned this way. Don't put them down when prompted, just keep going. Succeed at most of the QTE's and select "Impress". Inside tent: boy's face, orchid on chest, origami in hand, hand second time, cut on leg. If you're more intent on doing a good job than creating your own story, you can immediately replay the chapter in chapter select. You can now go play outside. You won't be earning any of the silver trophies yet during this run, but the guide will help you work towards them, so they won't require much effort later on. The walkthrough will stipulate how I earned it, while offering other options for those that were unsuccesful with this method, or simply want to do it differently to coördinate with other trophies or endings. Good Friends - During … HEAVY RAIN ™ Master. ... suggestions, whatever, as long as it has to do with this FAQ. These QTE's are pretty complicated, even on the lower difficulties, so be prepared. Norman can DIE here. Three sets of blood trails that lead to the acid bath, Tire tracks that match the Origami Killer's. The fourth trial. The game is over. Go right. 1: Madison survives. 41,429 of 99,043. You can either escape without her, or just wait until the timer runs out, at which point Scott will swim out by himself. Choose whichever kid you want to play with first. On the docks, help the OK. Be sure to pass then next QTE though. Heavy Rain. Call whomever won't make it to the warehouse without your call. Pass through the cars, and turn between them whenever you can. Find all the clues with ARI. Be very careful in choosing what to do here. The park - … Switch to the easiest difficulty if you're worried (the "slowly" prompt will not appear in the easiest difficulty). So don't take up too much time. May not get it the first time around, you can just practice later. Agree to find his teddy, which is downstairs, on the washing machine. When you find out Madison's a reporter, choose to forgive her. Have Madison die in Killer's Place or The Old Warehouse and Jayden in Fish Tank or The Old Warehouse, just to be sure. Unlock all trophies. These are arguably not the only parameters though. Good Friends : The Park - Play two games with Shaun successfully and buy him candy : You’ll have a few options of games to play. She doesn't know the adress, so won't be able to call anyone. Just past that, … ... Good Friends… In stead of pressing. Sadly, some trophies force you to complete the game many times and make different decisions. After getting through the tunnel and arriving at the electric wires, simply leave through the Coward door to the left. You can't fail a single QTE. So some remarks for people who wish to stray from the walkthrough: Logically, for it to be a perfect crime, Ethan cannot be free. Just in case though, there is also the swing set. Ethan rejects Madison or is arrested in. This will likely not go on your first run, so just move on and retry it with chapter select later if so. Ethan and Shaun survive. The best way to make this happen, is to keep your controller LEVEL while tilting right. Save Shaun, and Ethan will get killed by the police upon his exit. Be quick about it, because you'll also fail if you take too long. There are three difficulties in the game, and they decide how complicated the QTE's in the game will be. In the car, select Roosevelt Road. Be very mindful of whether or not you use Autosave. Good Friends. After moving the wood from the window and pushing the red box towards it, climb out with Ethan. There are various Heavy Rain endings that can be unlocked, this article looks into the conditions for the Heavy Rain endings, how many there are altogether and what the conclusion to these endings is. The clues are: When Lauren is taking a shower, get some eggs out of the fridge, take a pan, heat the stove, and keep the eggs on the stove for a while. You must change her diaper, warm up her bottle, feed her and rock her to sleep. Use your flame to find the correct path. Select it to find Shaun's location. Just know that it means that it didn't work for me. The tire tracks near the highway. Simply hit as many of the QTE's as possible, so you can arrest Korda in the market's cold storage. Get caught trying to escape. The hardest trial in the technical sense, you must make it through the Butterfly trial for the second hint. Replay Chapter: The Park. When the Doc goes to answer the door, immediately start untying your right leg. Full list of all 57 Heavy Rain trophies - 50 bronze, 4 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum. Be careful while taking a weapon and make sure you don't drop anything. Thanks to. It can be received for: The Park - Play two games with Shaun successfully and buy him candy You will fight Mad Jack. There are 57 trophies available in total and many of them can be obtained during the first playthrough. There's some argument whether Norman and Madison must be killed at the Origami Killer's very hand or not. Simply follow the QTE's until you writes Ethan's signature in the corner. In the playthrough where Norman is already dead, and Ethan has been arrested, you may choose whether to let her survive or not, but it is recommended that she does not. Unlock the Platinum Trophy with our complete guide to unraveling David Cage's emotional adventure. Again, try your best at them, but don't panic if you fail. (Though this locks you out of an easy trophy. Follow the direction in which the flame is going. Intervene when Blake gets physical with the Doc, by hitting him and/or continuously protesting to his behaviour. Ask him to drop his weapon. When the robber comes in, take the rightmost lane to sneak up to him. You must play through from wherever you began to whichever outcome you wanted. Shaun is saved, but Jayden does not figure out the location of. When Kramer has a heart attack, don't get his meds. For All Endings, you need to see, well, all endings. After confronting Gordi, hit most of the QTE's to beat his bodyguards. In the subway, go down to a platform, then cross the train tracks to board one of the subways. Don't drink the drink Doc gives you. Quit and Continue if you don't think you'll make it. He can't arrive at the warehouse. Difficulty changes how many button prompts there are, so lower it if having difficulty. You must sever a part of your finger for this trial. Kiss Madison. HEAVY RAIN ™ Master. You must start with this chapter, rather than Jayden Blues, because. Reason with the OK and make good choices until you can reach the metal bar. Good Friends. When Kramer gets a heart attack after the interrogation, reach into his drawer to find his meds, and hand them to him. At the end of your journey, you will get five endings (one ending = one character's final cutscene + you always get a news report that summarises your playthrough). Guess the wrong adress (either Street or Lane). ... Good Friends. You may NOT play a certain chapter and then skip ahead to the next relevant chapter. Accept the challenge and drive through the traffic. If I offer a path, but "don't recommend it", it's still perfectly possible that it will work for you. don't go into tthe bathroom) during the first half of the chapter. HEAVY RAIN ™ Master. The player also has the option to buy Shaun some Chewiesas a snack. The most troublesome part: right after the tollbooth, a police car will ride up to your left. If you want to take a break, pause the game in stead of leaving it idle. Choose a fitting difficulty. Any of the characters can face any kind of adversity in their adventure (among which: death), so simply try your hardest to keep them all alive throughout the game, but keep playing if someone dies. Your controller must form a 90° angle with your body. You must, again, find all clues in the area, scanning with ARI. When the mother asks you to, take care of the baby. Analyze and Geoanalyze "The Killer Is A Cop". HOLMDEL, N.J., Aug. 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Bennett Realty & Development (BRD) and EDEN Property Company (EDEN) are proud to announce their latest joint development project in the Netherwood section Go through the closest crowds, so that you knocked over at least 50 people before the sequence ends. The non-recommended paths are written in, Don't shoot me if you got the trophy in a different way. The Park - Play two games with Shaun successfully and buy him candy. As Ethan the player can select options to discover Ethan's thoughts about his current relationship with Shaun, discuss school and other minor topics with Shaun, and even play games with Shaun. Go into the kitchen in stead of trying to exit , clear the fridge, and hide in it. However, if you fail to do something that's required for a silver or gold trophy, replay that chapter immediately (with Save On) and continue on from there. Sadly, some trophies force you to complete the game many times and make different decisions. Some areas could get quite a bit of rain in a short period of time, which could lead to some … Fight the OK as Norman on the conveyor belt, and die by missing too many QTE's. Please put "Heavy Rain Trophy … Once you've untied yourself, tend to her before trying to smash in the windows. Go into the kitchen in stead of trying to exit , clear the fridge, and hide in it. When given the chance, Reject Madison's apology. I'll still offer alternative paths in the guide. Heavy Rain is a choice-based adventure game by Quantic Dream that has gameplay almost entirely based around quicktime events. The Park - Play two games with Shaun successfully and buy him candy. Then attack him with it and save Shaun. This is just a list to scratch off any ending you see, don't try to do these on your own, that's what Section IV of this guide is for.You can scratch the endings you already got in your first playthrough off your list. Break the wall to the right of the entrance with the green box to escape and navigate through the flames. The park - … Rather, trophies will only pop whenever you switch characters, during the loading screen with the character's face. How to unlock the Good Friends trophy. HEAVY RAIN. Ethan kisses and forgives Madison and is not arrested in. One new mechanic is introduced: balancing. Unlike in other games, where you can look at the trophy set through the XMB, Quantic Dream leaves you guessing on how to collect them. Killing him here worked for me, while killing him elsewhere didn't. The scattered papers on the floor, the bullet shells near the door, the gun in the corner, Paco's body. The time was 4.15, his jacket was beige, and his trousers were green. Simply hit the most QTE's with every character. When your wife comes home, help her with the groceries and she will ask you to set the table. Go left. Heroine will not unlock until you've seen both segments. Ethan should arrive at the warehouse alone. If you want, you can Chapter Select to the first chapter relevant for Perfect Crime (Hassan's Shop), or from a later step if all the previous steps have been fulfilled in your previous playthrough, but remember that you must play through to the end from the chapter at which you begin. PSN Trophies. He must either be arrested, or killed. Some people have reported it's fine if they die of other means, but this is, again, not recommended. Warn Ethan about the raid by calling room 207. Don't drink the potion. For both, you may not stop until the game makes you. Heavy Rain Trophy List • 57 Trophies • 508,611 Owners • 45.18% Average 1 Platinum • 2 Gold • 4 Silver • 50 Bronze Jose_64's Heavy Rain Trophies • PSNProfiles.com Don't intervene when Blake attacks him, simply stand around. Do not call anyone, choose to go Alone. For instance, the second to rightmost wires are the safest starting point. (The latter three will always be the same across Perfect Crime Endings). Follow the itinerary on the kitchen board. Resist Triptocaine. Here are the instructions for the perfect route: It is recommended that you pause the game every 2-4 actions so you can check your next move. No sweat if you miss a bronze trophy during this run. She must get arrested. Immediately give up trying to solve the puzzle. Scott will allow Ethan to kill him. Just load up their chapter and follow the instructions as stated in Section III. Ethan lays Shaun down before exiting the warehouse, and gets killed by the police. Only these combinations of people may make it this far: Ethan alone (Jayden and Madison must both be dead already), Norman alone (Madison must be dead already), Madison alone (Jayden must be dead already), no-one (Madison and Jayden must be dead already), Madison & Norman, Madison & Ethan (Jayden must be dead already) or Ethan & Norman (Madison must be dead already). If the guide states "X" OR "Y", your actions are up to your preference, or simply take the path that leads to the trophy that you don't have yet, if you already have some. Good Friends trophy in Heavy Rain (PS3) Good Friends. There are multiple ways in which she can die, but apparently it's safest towards the Perfect Crime trophy to let her die in the least amusing way: letting her choke in the secret room by doing nothing for five minutes. You'll face five "trials" in this game. The timer starts once Madison starts pushing the red box, so you can just stand around from then on. 0. Don't interfere or move. HEAVY RAIN ™ Master. Around 6.00, tell Shaun to do his homework, to do it now, and sit with him while he does it. Good Friends is a Bronze trophy in Heavy Rain. TrueTrophies. If your car doesn't hit the police car, you did it right. For the hardest single-chapter trophy of the game, you must choose the best path to the end and do so impeccably. Gaming. Heavy Rain: Achievements and Trophies. Tilt right. Unlock all trophies. There are clocks on a living room wall and a kitchen wall to keep track. Almost every one of the bronze trophies can be earned whenever using chapter select. Heavy Rain: Achievements and Trophies. Earn every trophy and see every ending with this chapter-by-chapter walkthrough of the 2010 interactive drama classic Heavy Rain. On one side, the QTE's determine a heck of a lot during a playthrough, so you don't want them to be too difficult, on the other, the experience will be less exciting if you pick a difficulty under your level. Complete two games with Shaun (f.i. Replay from the chapter where you first strayed from the walkthrough, and play through as recommended. If you kept the controller level, but it still didn't work, try tilting slowly next time. Break the wall to the right of the entrance with the green box to escape and navigate through the flames. Accept the drink, don't drink when you're talking to the doc, but say "Yes" when he asks if you're drinking. Go into the kitchen in stead of trying to exit , clear the fridge, and hide in it. The see saw is right in front of you. That makes getting that Platinum trophy … PlayStation Trophies is not affiliated with Sony or PlayStation, it is owned and run by Resero Network Ltd. All other registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Get to the other side of the room by picking the path with the least electricity on its fence. After discovering the secret room, try three passwords on the laptop to trigger OK's arrival, but do not enter "Max". Only lower the flame once Scott says the eggs look ready. You can either do this cleanly, or brutally. Every chapter becomes available in Chapter Select the moment you reach it in your playthrough. Heavy rain is expected to spread from the Southwest into the Southern Plains and Southeast. Heat the metal bar on the stove until it glows. OR Accuse Blake of being the OK after doing a little digging. You can see which endings you've earned by going into Chapter Select. As Madison, call room number 207 to warn Ethan of the police's raid. Note that you can't just change something in a certain chapter, and expect this to have the desired outcome five chapters later. Full list of all 57 Heavy Rain trophies - 50 bronze, 4 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum. As long as you complete the QTE’s, there’ll be no need for another. Bronze Trophies-Happy Birthday: At the prologue you must complete the drawing, set the table, and finally play with the kids.-Interactive Drama: Just complete the chapter in the mall.-Good father: Follow … If you're following the "recommended" path (in which Norman is already dead), it is again recommended to get arrested here, by failing a QTE or not jumping. Now all you should be missing are a couple of bronze trophies: DEAD HEROINE, RESIGNATION, A MOTHER'S REVENGE]. Heavy Rain Trophy Guide ... Good Father - During Father and Son, follow the schedule with Shaun and put him to bed in good mood. Madison may not make it to the warehouse, but can't die either. To see every ending, you must chapter select to certain places, and play through in a certain manner from there until the end. No-one's here, so there's no gameplay here. Break the wall to the right of the entrance with the green box to escape and navigate through the flames. After exiting Lauren's apartment and seeing the guy go in, go back inside and complete the QTE's to beat Troy. *There are 52 secret trophies. 41.8% . Ethan doesn't kiss Madison or does not forgive her, or Madison dies, and is not arrested in, Ethan and Madison survive, Ethan kisses Madison and forgives her and isn't arrested in. There are several ways to do this, but not every way seems to work for everybody. Scott's grave is shown, Lauren talks if still alive. Break the wall to the right of the entrance with the green box to escape and navigate through the flames. Shaun drowns. Rare. Get Lauren to confide in you by selecting options "Compassionate" and "Trick". Anyone at this step should already have. The Park - Play two games with Shaun successfully and buy him candy, You’ll have a few options of games to play. PSN Trophies. When you go looking for the keys to Ethan's shackles, go into the camera room (the room from which you view the interrogation room, so south of where Ethan is) and turn off the camera before you help Ethan escape. 1 guide. After taking the inhaler and the robber comes in, stay in the back of the store. If you failed, no foul, you get a brilliant piece of dialogue about raw eggs. Finally, make sure Madison makes it through the police. Don't shout her name, don't interact with her. Around 7.00, take care of dinner (take something from the fridge and heat it up). The bathroom door and bathroom, if you used it anyway. Take it back up, and tuck Shaun in. You should take a right, left, left and right. You may also choose to not drink the potion, and work out the adress yourself afterwards. It also makes more sense for Shaun to not survive (since he can tell the police what Scott looks like), but this also appears strangely irrelevant to the trophy. Madison must be alone here. You must save Lauren from the sinking car. After the drug dealer chases you around his apartment, choose to shoot him with. Get the plates out of the cupboard (under the wrapped presents) and gently place them on the table. In this … Choose from options Nice, Help, Calm, Reason and Name. Welcome to this roadmap/walkthrough for Quantic Dream's amazingly interactive drama Heavy Rain. Happy birthday. What's annoying about this trophy, is that still no official confirmation has been given to what's supposed to happen to Ethan, and everybody seems to have differing opinions. The New York Buzz was a professional tennis team competing in World TeamTennis (WTT). In the tunnel, move slowly. Don't save Lauren. Heavy Rain Trophies. Don't touch anything you don't have to (f.i. All three protagonists should now be present. When the OK chases you, fail every QTE. In this … It's possible (but not at all confirmed) that parameters for the Perfect Crime trophy have shifted from the PS3 to the PS4 version, and this may be one of the reasons of there being such a huge discrepancy between everyone's experience with the trophy. When time stands still and you're supposed to follow Jason, try to hit as many people as you can. Direction in which the flame is going certain outcomes Jayden resigns from policework and hands in his ARI glasses does... Papers on the stove until it glows Madison inches away the metal bar on the conveyor belt, hide... In his ARI glasses, the bullet shells near the door and Select `` leave '' on your first,! 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Move too quickly different decisions your wife comes home, help her with the green box to escape and through... Is saved, but it still did n't work, try the same methods as mentioned.. You agree to abide by the police as Madison, even without his ARI glasses Shaun to drown freed. Which endings you 've been following the recommended actions, there is also the swing.! Saved, but Jayden does not figure out the door, the in. Game is pretty mum on how to obtain those trophies the OK chases you try. Police as Madison with her Origami in hand, hand second time, cut on leg and play as! Way to make this trophy possible since the trophy in Heavy Rain and `` Trick '' be obtained the. After making the mistake, to make this happen, is the merry go round this method, suffers! The game will be when prompted, and his trousers were green then cross the tracks. Hear Hassan 's last words flame is going to play both fighting sections sequence ends lefts at the hall end... Must perfectly perform every QTE in the corner, Paco 's body n't get meds! Rather, trophies will only pop whenever you switch characters, during the first.... Every protagonist must reach the metal bar leave through the closest crowds so. Your story in a different way potion, and fail the next QTE though 's you. Except the button prompts are the same methods as mentioned above the cupboard ( under the presents. Trophies do n't go into the kitchen in stead of trying to,. Tickets that fell out of an easy trophy finally jump off the building as Ethan to and! Abrupt movement and hand them to him Coward door to the warehouse, and his trousers were.. Possible, so you can also Quit and Continue if you already have previous. The ropes before the Doc comes back freed Lauren, you may not stop until the many. 'Ve unlocked inside tent: boy 's face, or less if you used heavy rain ™ good friends trophies anyway on... ( PS3 ) good Friends may also choose to go to bed, as long as it to... Not figure out the door, immediately start untying your right leg the camera ) grave, with inches. All must fail means that it did n't work, try your best at them, buy Shaun candy... Are the safest starting point go to your left buy Shaun some Chewiesas a snack the... Conveyor belt is, again, not recommended Ethan shoots himself at Shaun 's grave is shown Lauren! Her to sleep windows to escape and navigate through the Butterfly trial for the hardest single-chapter trophy the... For endings Summaries 's in the corner shows you which endings you 've untied,... Button presses on the washing machine the path with the green box to escape trophies. Goes to answer the door, the bullet shells near the desk, the gun in area! Die on the docks, help her with the character 's face, because:! Are for the hardest trial in the easiest difficulty if you want to play both fighting sections is saved but... Room number 207 to warn Ethan about the raid by calling room 207 his drawer to find his...., Reject Madison 's death at her grave follow the direction in which flame. It for you, fail every QTE in the market 's cold storage but this is,,. Simply do n't intervene when Blake gets physical with the green box escape. Each type drama classic Heavy Rain trophy … Heavy Rain trophies n't unlock during gameplay, and out. Passwords on the washing machine the OK. be sure not to hit as many them... In case though, there ’ ll be no need for another KO the comes... Is going help her with the green box to escape and navigate through the.... Timer starts once Madison starts pushing the red box towards it, because find the metal bar next the! There is also the swing set chapter Select non-recommended paths are written in, do n't shoot me you! '' in this game the wrapped presents ) and gently place them on the,! To right touched it stands still and you should succeed at most of the entrance with green! And turn between them whenever you switch characters, during the loading screen with the sword second! Rain contains a nice set of 57 trophies available in chapter Select 's with every character silver 2. Alternative paths in the subway, go straight to the left be quick about,. Saving Shaun ) board one of the entrance with the OK and make Madison! You which endings you 've untied yourself, tend to her before trying to exit clear... Smash in the center of the 2010 interactive drama classic Heavy Rain trophies 50. Load up their chapter and then complete the QTE 's, not recommended methods as above! With this chapter, while killing him here will probably work as well Max! Best way to make this happen, is the merry go round a car! Lauren talks if still alive Gordi, hit most of the QTE 's and jump... Exit, clear the fridge, and die by missing too many QTE 's and you have... '' in this … good Friends - during … the points are calculated on. Are a couple of bronze trophies can be obtained during the first time around, you a... So just move on and retry it with chapter Select also shows you which endings you 've been following recommended. The busy Street ( away from the walkthrough, and gets killed by the police as Madison option to Shaun! Loading screen with the sword 's spirit in the windows way to make this,... The time was 4.15, his jacket was beige, and fail the next QTE though is very fickle pop... Mum on how to obtain those trophies shoots himself at heavy rain ™ good friends trophies 's is...
heavy rain ™ good friends trophies
heavy rain ™ good friends trophies 2021