He tells them not to mess with the mail or peek into them because such acts are "punishable by banishment" and Sulley and Mike than… Up to and including kidnapping children to harvest their screams, even. One of the most prevalent ones is foreshadowing, which frequently presents clues of something that will happen later in the novel. is doing, too. 13.) The late night cameo. Sulley puts the stuff from Boo's room in a locker. The monsters believe that human children are highly toxic and only the bravest and most talented venture into a kid's bedroom. The difficulty in scaring children and the constant scrutiny of the CDA (Child Detection Agency) has led to a power shortage as Monsters, Inc. struggles to keep the city lit. What are the first signs that something strange is happening on Maple Street? 14 Great Moments Of Foreshadowing In Films. when Sulley hurls him through a door in the door vault to banish him. The scarers entering the power company floor. Bonus points when, in the outtakes, the play actually gets made. arms still outstretched, becomes a picture like those used for psychological "James, this company has been in my family for three generations. Finding Nemo wouldn’t come out until 2003. from MovieDetails. It works, as Waternoose thinks he may have missed the memo. It was directed by Pete Docter and was released on November 2, 2001. Boo's laughter is shown to be powerful enough to blow the power for an entire city block. I would do anything to … 7.) I can't believe we are waltzing right up to the factory! to get Waternoose to confess depended greatly on random chance, for instance the fact that the agents wouldn't follow Sulley after he pushed over the cans. after he and Mike are banished to the Himalayas when he opens the banishment door and sees only snow behind it. It's implied he slipped and fell in, with Boo still understanding how gross that was. Waternoose, who is gray and looks like an arachnid and a crustacean. He is the former chairman of the company, as well as being the boss and grandfather-figure-turned-archenemy of James P. Sullivan and Mike Wazowski. In the movie, monsters (Mike included) are terrified of touching objects children have touched under the belief they're toxic to them. It turns out that monsters scare children because screams are their source of electricity. Randall, who has four arms and four legs despite looking like a snake-chameleon hybrid. He does it again on the Scare Floor when everyone turns to look at him and Sulley, telling them they're rehearsing a scene for the upcoming company play. This foreshadows the ending when he still cannot determine what Many other monsters are in bright colors—Mike is a light green, Celia mentioned above is purple, and George is orange with yellow stripes, among other examples. The juror who seems to look at Steve in such an accusatory in the neighborhood. Jan 21, 2019 - Explore Max Korus's board "Monsters Inc Characters" on Pinterest.