Effects: transportable items that one owns. Effect definition, something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence: Exposure to the sun had the effect of toughening his skin. antonym.com It's the final result after all the positive and negative components are combined. I. closed. Effect definition is - something that inevitably follows an antecedent (such as a cause or agent). ""Because this body builder took steroids, the net effect of his training was much more impressive." See more. concluded. Another word for side-effect: spin-off, result, consequence, outcome, legacy | Collins English Thesaurus Free Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and related words. Definition: a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. That experience had a strong effect … net definition: 1. material made of threads of rope, string, wire, or plastic with spaces between them, allowing…. It's the final effect resulting from a combination of many different effects, some of which add to the final effect, some of which detract from it. Learn more. ... net effect. only before noun a net effect or result is the final one, after everything has been considered. Find more ways to say net, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. in the phrases in or into effect), to become operative or begin to produce results, basic meaning or purpose (esp. Search net effect and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Comprehensive list of synonyms for not affected and not having an effect, by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus Synonyms for positive effect include positive impact, beneficial impact, beneficial effect, positive influence and useful effect. An effect is "a change that results when something is done or happens," or "a particular feeling or mood created by something." Find another word for affect. 7 accomplish, achieve, actuate, bring about, carry out, cause, complete, consummate, create, effectuate, execute, fulfil, give rise to, initiate, make, perform, produce. net yield. All rights reserved. an undesirable one, the tendency of alternating current to concentrate in the surface layer of a conductor, esp. All rights reserved. The practice of monitoring the effects of medical drugs, especially in order to identify and evaluate previously unreported adverse reactions, [Med.] Understand income effect meaning and … realized. The net effect of this policy has been higher employment but lower wages. Log in. Synonyms: belongings, chattels, duds… Find the right word. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. To have an effect To make something exist again or happen again Free thesaurus definition of not affected and not having an effect from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. satisfied. Synonyms for cumulative effect in Free Thesaurus. a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word Synonyms for cause and effect include causality, causation, causativeness, connectedness, connection, destiny, fate, interconnection, karma and cause. Synonyms for net energy in Free Thesaurus. the phenomenon in which an atomic nucleus in a crystal of certain substances emits a gamma ray without any recoil to the atom. What does "net effect" mean? Top synonym for this effect (another word for this effect) is for this purpose. aftereffect, aftermath, backwash, child, conclusion, consequence, corollary, development, Another way to say True Effect? net product. Another word for synonym. At NetEffect we understand that technology is only potential power. Synonyms for For effect in Free Thesaurus. Another word for put into effect. Antonyms for The Net. 79 synonyms of net from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 118 related words, definitions, and antonyms. synonym.com. The applications include the very precise standardization of the volt, the production of heat as the result of a current flowing through a conductor, an increase in length of certain ferromagnetic materials when longitudinally magnetized, a change in temperature of a thermally insulated gas when it is forced through a small hole or a porous material. Find another word for effects. Synonyms for in effect include really, effectively, essentially, virtually, in reality, practically, almost, in essence, in fact and in truth. income effect synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'incomer',incommode',incomplete',incompetent', definition. Suppose young Darryl Dawkins had washed out, as Willoughby did. net incomes. the splitting of a spectral line of a substance into several closely spaced lines when the substance is placed in a magnetic field, English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary     English Definition. Usage: the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise; his decision had depressing consequences for business; he acted very wise after the event Find another word for net. Another word for in effect: in fact, really, actually, essentially, virtually | Collins English Thesaurus Synonyms for effect ɪˈfɛkt This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term effect. Synonyms for after-effect include aftermath, aftershock, outcome, repercussion, result, aftereffect, backwash, consequence, corollary and effect. resolved. Find more ways to say synonym, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Search net effect and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Whether simply for the love of words, as the ideal solution for all good writing, for work and study, or for expressing yourself well, the online … Ex: In his job as a pharmacovigilance officer, Andrew develops diagnostic tools to improve drug safety, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. You can complete the list of synonyms of net effect given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. wages after taxes. The study of the emitted gamma rays (Mössbauer spectroscopy) is used to determine the energy levels in a nucleus, the structure of molecules, etc. Synonyms (Other Words) for Effect & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for Effect. Affect is a verb, and effect in this sense is a noun. "the net effect" = the result in light of an important variable "I put a lot of sunscreen on, so even though I was sunbathing on the beach all day, the net effect of the sun on my skin was difficult to see. Try entering an expression like “from there” and find new ways to express the concept of cause and effect. decided. Or do you just have an interest in foreign languages? aftermath, conclusion, consequence, end result, event, fruit, issue, outcome, result, upshot, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, fact, force, influence, power, reality, strength, use, validity, vigour, weight, drift, essence, impact, import, impression, meaning, purport, purpose, sense, significance, tenor, action, enforcement, execution, force, implementation, operation, actually, effectively, essentially, for practical purposes, in actuality, in fact, in reality, in truth, really, to all intents and purposes, virtually, become operative, begin, come into force, produce results, work, accomplish, achieve, actuate, bring about, carry out, cause, complete, consummate, create, effectuate, execute, fulfil, give rise to, initiate, make, perform, produce, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus. This effect synonyms and This effect antonyms. Another word for impact: effect, influence, consequences, impression, repercussions | Collins English Thesaurus Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! A synonym (sin--uh-nim) is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word.When words or phrases have the same meaning, we say that they are synonymous of each other.The term synonym comes from a combination of the Ancient Greek syn, meaning with, and onoma, meaning “name.”Synonyms are regular and essential … Synonyms for effect. Synonyms for Net Income (other words and phrases for Net Income). Either way, this quiz on Spanish words for animals is for you. Synonyms for have the effect of include contribute, promote, advance, further, make for, lead to, cause, give rise to, result in and produce. n. # take-home. Top synonyms for net effect (other words for net effect) are direct consequence, net result and direct result. Net Effect synonyms. GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY WORDS AT PLAY. Monitoring and Execution give technology the real power your business needs. Synonyms for to no effect include ineffective, futile, ineffectual, inefficacious, in vain, non-successful, unavailing, unsuccessful, useless and vain. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! in a job interview, to be unduly influenced by an unfavourable (horns) or favourable (halo) first impression based on appearances, any one of the phenomena which occur when an electric current passes through a very thin insulating layer between two superconducting substances. Another word for effect: result, consequence, conclusion, outcome, event | Collins English Thesaurus any sound artificially produced, reproduced from a recording, etc., to create a theatrical effect, such as the bringing together of two halves of a hollow coconut shell to simulate a horse's gallop; used in plays, films, etc. 187 synonyms for effect: result, consequence, conclusion, outcome, event, issue, aftermath, fruit, end result, upshot, impression, feeling, impact, influence. Although affect may be more common as a verb, the use of effect as a noun far outstrips that of affect. 31 synonyms of affect from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 89 related words, definitions, and antonyms. in the phrase to that effect), an impression, usually one that is artificial or contrived (esp. Another word for WWW. [US] The series has aroused considerable interest. n. take-home income. Antonyms for effect. Find another word for net. Effect, in the most common way we use it, is the result of some influence. English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus. This is a visual list of 111 alternatives for the word 'Great'. something that is produced by a cause or agent; result, power or ability to influence or produce a result; efficacy, the condition of being operative (esp. The effect is used in Raman spectroscopy for studying molecules, an effect that occurs when a price or wage increases as a result of temporary pressure but fails to fall back when the pressure is removed, the phenomenon that when people are asked to recall in any order the items on a list, those that come at the end of the list are more likely to be recalled than the others, the repercussions of an event or situation experienced far beyond its immediate location, a reduction in the energy required to remove an electron from a solid surface in a vacuum when an electric field is applied to the surface, the phenomenon in which a current is produced in a circuit containing two or more different metals when the junctions between the metals are maintained at different temperatures, any unwanted nontherapeutic effect caused by a drug, any secondary effect, esp. A current flowing in a channel between the highly doped source and drain is controlled by the electric field arising from a voltage applied between source and gate, an effect occurring in greenhouses, etc., in which radiant heat from the sun passes through the glass warming the contents, the radiant heat from inside being trapped by the glass, the application of this effect to a planet's atmosphere; carbon dioxide and some other gases in the planet's atmosphere can absorb the infrared radiation emitted by the planet's surface as a result of exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation, thus increasing the mean temperature of the planet, a phenomenon observed in some semiconductors in which a steady electric field of magnitude greater than a threshold value generates electrical oscillations with microwave frequencies, the production of a potential difference across a conductor carrying an electric current when a magnetic field is applied in a direction perpendicular to that of the current flow, improvement in the performance of employees, students, etc., brought about by making changes in working methods, resulting from research into means of improving performance, a tendency to allow one's judgement of another person, esp. synonym.com. Find more ways to say effect, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. But suppose it hadn't worked out. 79 synonyms of net from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 118 related words, definitions, and antonyms. You can complete the definition of net effect given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Definition dictionary : translate English words into Definition with online dictionaries. take-home. Synonyms for 'with effect from': original, initial, early, opening, all along, inaugural, new, early on, at first, from the (very) first Affect: to act upon (a person or a person's feelings) so as to cause a response. at high frequencies, thus increasing its effective resistance. Search words or phrases to find synonyms, antonyms, and related words, all distinguished by color … net-force | definition: to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means : Synonym.com is the web's best resource for English synonyms… The heat produced is additional to the heat arising from the resistance of the wires, the ejection of electrons from a solid by an incident beam of sufficiently energetic electromagnetic radiation, any phenomenon involving electricity and electromagnetic radiation, such as photoemission, the effect observed when electromagnetic radiation falls on a thin film of one solid deposited on the surface of a dissimilar solid producing a difference in potential between the two materials, the production of electricity or electric polarity by applying a mechanical stress to certain crystals, the converse effect in which stress is produced in a crystal as a result of an applied potential difference, the production of a magnetic field by applying a mechanical stress to certain crystals, the converse effect in which stress is produced in a crystal as a result of an applied magnetic field, the constriction of a beam of charged particles, caused by a force on each particle due to its motion in the magnetic field generated by the movement of the other particles, a positive therapeutic effect claimed by a patient after receiving a placebo believed by him to be an active drug, the effect on the phenotype of interacting genes when their relative positions on the chromosome are altered, as by inversion, the process whereby the first few items on a list are learnt more rapidly than the middle items, the change in wavelength of light that is scattered by electrons within a material. 39 synonyms of effects from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 40 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Antonyms for net energy. other words for put into effect. A similar expression is "net … in the phrase for effect), to cause to occur; bring about; accomplish, the emission of an electron instead of a photon by an excited ion as a result of a vacancy being filled in an inner electron shell, the reflex curling upwards of the toes (instead of inwards) when the sole of the foot is stroked, normal in infants below the age of two but a pathological condition in adults, the idea, used in chaos theory, that a very small difference in the initial state of a physical system can make a significant difference to the state at some later time, a phenomenon in which a collision between a photon and a particle results in an increase in the kinetic energy of the particle and a corresponding increase in the wavelength of the photon, a series of similar or related events occurring as a direct and inevitable result of one initial event, a phenomenon, observed for sound waves and electromagnetic radiation, characterized by a change in the apparent frequency of a wave as a result of relative motion between the observer and the source, the influence of an experimenter's expectations on his results, a unipolar transistor consisting of three or more electrode regions, the source, one or more gates, and the drain. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! It is explained by wave mechanics and is the cause of alpha decay, field emission, and certain conduction processes in semiconductors. 1 aftermath, conclusion, consequence, end result, event, fruit, issue, outcome, result, upshot. Find more ways to say net, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ended. Another way to say With Effect From? Another word for affect: influence, involve, concern, impact, transform | Collins English Thesaurus effects | definition: property of a personal character that is portable but not used in business | synonyms: personalty, personal property, private property, personal estate, personal effects. Are you learning Spanish? Another word for effect. What are … 45 synonyms for True Effect (other words and phrases for True Effect). Net: a fabric made of strands loosely twisted, knotted, or woven together at regular intervals. ... profiteer get capitalise take advantage profit pyramid net gain acquire capitalize sack up sack clear cash in on Cherchez effect et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais de Reverso. Search net effect and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Synonym.com is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Understand income effect meaning and enrich your vocabulary effect 英文释义:an outward appearance; "he made a good impression"; "I wanted to create an impression of success"; "she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting"; effect 中文翻译: n. 1.结果。 2.效能,效果,效力,效应,作用,功效;影响。3.感触,印象;外观,现象。4.旨趣,意义。 For each gas there is a temperature of inversion above which the change is positive and below which it is negative, the production of double refraction in certain transparent substances by the application of a strong electric field, a slight elliptical polarization of plane polarized light when reflected from one of the poles of a strong magnet, another name for Thorndike's Law (see Thorndike, sense 1), the phenomenon in which magnetic flux is excluded from a substance when it is in a superconducting state, except for a thin layer at the surface. Another word for effects: belongings, goods, things, property, stuff | Collins English Thesaurus guaranteed annual wage. Synonyms for Effect (other words and phrases for Effect). What is a Synonym? Compare: That experience affected me very much. Net worth definition, net assets. accompanying effect synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'accompany',accompaniment',accounting',accommodating', definition. the increase in stress in an area of a component near a crack, depression, etc., or a change in section, such as a sharp angle: can be enough to cause failure of the component although the calculated average stress may be quite safe, the increased sensitivity to radiation of living organisms, tissues, etc., when they are exposed in the presence of oxygen, the production of heat at one junction and the absorption of heat at the other junction of a thermocouple when a current is passed around the thermocouple circuit. n. # take-home. This new concept of a dictionary of synonyms and analogies, also known as a thesaurus, is based on an analysis of millions of texts in a wide variety of languages. 2 clout (informal) effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, fact, force, influence, power, reality, strength, use, validity, vigour, weight. To this/that effect definition: You use to this effect , to that effect , or to the effect that to indicate that you have... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples pay and allowances. Princeton's WordNet (2.00 / 1 vote) Rate these synonyms: consequence, effect, outcome, result, event, issue, upshot (noun) a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon income effect synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'incomer',incommode',incomplete',incompetent', definition. Another word for net. full. The practice of monitoring the effects of medical drugs, especially in order to identify and evaluate previously unreported adverse reactions, [Med.] a special effect created on the stage by lighting, sound, etc. Effect as a Noun. Another way to say Effect? the phenomenon in which a temperature gradient along a metallic (or semiconductor) wire or strip causes an electric potential gradient to form along its length, the phenomenon in which an object, usually an elementary particle, tunnels through a potential barrier even though it does not have sufficient energy to surmount the barrier. Search net effect and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Synonym.com is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Find more ways to say WWW, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms for The Net in Free Thesaurus. effect, Auger effect, Babinski effect, butterfly effect. the phenomenon in which light is scattered by particles of matter in its path. Antonyms for cumulative effect. Another word for net. We are dedicated to your success and will work nonstop to help you grow, thrive, and make a difference. effect vs. affect Synonym Discussion of effect. The thesaurus contains more than 145,800 unique entries from three top sources: Collins Thesaurus of the English Language - Complete and Unabridged, The American Heritage Roget's Thesaurus, and WordNet. SINCE 1828. Antonyms for For effect. Definition and synonyms of net from the … Understand accompanying effect meaning and enrich your vocabulary IT Built for Business As a business executive, You understand the value of technology Why NetEffect? Take a look at this Find more ways to say put into effect, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. [US] The series has aroused considerable interest. effectn. "Net" in this case means a calculated total after deductions, like your net pay. It enables a beam of light to become visible by illuminating dust particles, etc. Find 2 synonyms for Net and other similar words that you can use instead from our thesaurus. Synonyms for With Effect From (other words and phrases for With Effect From). Woorden die (ongeveer) hetzelfde betekenen als ‘effect’, met toelichting en mogelijkheden om verder te zoeken. See more. How to use effect in a sentence. Synonyms: effect, consequence, event, issue, result, outcome, upshot. Ex: In his job as a pharmacovigilance officer, Andrew develops diagnostic tools to improve drug safety, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English definitions from our dictionary. (Note the word order.) Synonyms for to that effect in English including definitions, and related words. A comprehensive, trustworthy and easy-to-use online resource, Collins English Thesaurus has been researched and written by experienced lexicographers from across the globe and reflects all varieties of world English. ( Opposite meaning ) for effect ( other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso similar... 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