You need to do this because pli stands for “Primary Line” but you can’t select a Voice Gateway as a primary line in the “OBi Dashboard”, so this makes that change in the Phone Port configuration. If your extension range could be confused with area codes or phone numbers, then you need to use a timeout. 100 through 109 (ten more extensions if needed, for a total of up to 20, use pattern 1[01]x), Four digit extensions: Sounds like a plan, because given what you have told us about this, we’re totally stumped as to what might cause the problems you’re experiencing. Under Physical Interfaces / PHONE1 Port, in the DigitMap you’d need to add your pattern followed by the letter S and the number of seconds of timeout. I will give Polycom tech support one more business day to respond to my follow up info I have sent them. This device contains two FXS ports for use witth your SIP providers. (?=)' | tr -d '\n')}) OBi Blog. Just make sure that nothing remains routed to sp4 other than the single rule for the **4 prefix mentioned above; otherwise some calls from Phone Port 2 may appear to be coming from Phone Port 1’s extension when they arrive at FreePBX. If the received Caller ID name is exactly the same as the Caller ID number then the name is blanked out, so that additional processing can be done, such as by CID Superfecta. Low international per-minute rates as well. But we’ll show you how to do both. Since we don’t know how extensions are numbered on your system, we can’t really explain how to do that, but we are aware that there is a tool called OBiCfg (this is a .zip file that expands to a Windows-compatible program) that may help you configure those settings. Paste it into any plain text editor you have handy – this is just for your convenience so you can see the entire setting. Since we have no idea what number range the internal extensions use, we’ll just deal with the *xx feature codes to start with. Obihai had officially announced Obi devices are supported by Google Voice. I have heard of issues with these devices not syncing settings, so I am very confused on what to do next. host=192.168.X.X Free Calling Free Calls to US and Canada – Calling the U.S. is free from the U.S. & Canada and 1¢ per minute from everywhere else. It would be great if we could simply set the Primary Line for Phone Port 2 to Voice Gateway 2, but the “OBi Dashboard” doesn’t allow it, which is why we had to change all those instances of pli to vg2. The details for the Custom Extension are as follows: Under the General tab, set the User Extension, Display Name and Outbound CID as you normally would – obviously, the User Extension must match the Obihai device settings you used for the Name and AuthUserID for Voice Gateway 2, and especially with the extension number you associated with Phone Port 2 in the X_InboundCallRoute setting under Voice Services/SP4 Service. FAX with Google Voice and OBI202. Also, keeping an old invalid Obihai destination in your Google Voice account configuration. VS SP1 shows ph as inbound call route. The major exception to this is in the Advanced tab, Edit Extension section, Dial setting. Add all three to Cart. The solution to that is in the Obihai configuration go to Star Codes / Star Code Profile A and uncheck the checkboxes next to the Obihai star codes you wish to disable, and to be safe you can add a couple extra digits in front of the codes you wish to disable. System OBiTalk 200, Google Voice, 2007 Cordless Phone w Voice Chip Answer ON. If you wish to allow international calls, then also add this pattern: This is set to use the Google Voice account on Service Provider 1 on the Obihai, but if you replace all instances of **1 with **2 or **3 then it will use the Google Voice accounts associated with SP2 or SP3 respectively. Once Google Voice is configured on the OBi (web access from browser required for initial set-up), you can start calling from your regular ‘house’ phone. So if, for example, your extension number is 124, your Obihai is at and the X_UserAgentPort was set to 5083, you’d use this as your Dial setting: When you finish your custom extension configuration, don’t forget to click Submit. ${CALLERID(num)}" | grep -o -P '(?<= Register a account and following the directions. Once you have the OutboundCallRoute text modified as described above, go to Physical Interfaces/PHONE 2 – make sure you are not still in PHONE 1 where you copied the settings from; you must now be in the PHONE 2 configuration – and paste your modified settings into the OutboundCallRoute setting there, and Submit. Then Submit the changes. But, you probably won’t notice any delay when the Obihai device is on the same local network as the Asterisk server. If, after making these changes and setting up the configuration in FreePBX as described below, you find that you are having problems making some calls, check to see if you have the same issue on Phone Port 1. If you have more than one Google Voice account then do the same thing under SP2 Service and if necessary, SP3 Service, using the Google Voice number associated with that particular Google Voice account in place of the XXXXXXXXXX. Adding extensions to the dial plan is a similar process; you need to add the proper patterns. Once I did ***8 the other I did reset button with a paperclip after deleting the Obi from the dashboard. In your browser, place your cursor inside the text field for the DigitMap setting, and select the entire field and copy it. In this case you will not want to make any of the changes shown below in your DigitMaps or in the OutboundCallRoute, EXCEPT that if you have added a rule that routes calls to other extensions to sp4, you’ll want to change that to point to vg2. If your OBi was working recently, the easiest fix may be to delete the configuration from your OBiTalk account and do the initial setup again. It’s as simple as that. If you have already converted to PJSIP, please go directly to PJSIP Edition – How to use an Obihai 200 series VoIP device as a gateway between Google Voice and FreePBX. For example, if your extensions are in the 200-299 range, you would use something like 2xxS4 between vertical bar characters. Log in to your Google voice account, make sure the option "Forwards to Google Chat" is checked. This is probably not the same as the password you use when you log into your Obitalk account, so don’t confuse the two. *You might want to port your home phone number to Google Voice first if you want to keep the number for $20 one time charge. Can you check your Google Voice settings and see where it is forwarding your calls to? ( Log Out /  Glad to hear you got it working! Polycom (neé OBiHAI) makes the only non-Google devices which currently have access to the new GV network with Google's blessing, and this got me thinking: The OBi 200 and 202 devices are themselves a feature-rich ATA — some might even say a mini-PBX in themselves — capable of handling four trunks and/or endpoint devices. FAX with Google Voice and OBI202. Something I did not realize until recently is you can port your mobile number to Google Voice.This is a little costly at $20 at the present time.Still, Google Voice is a great way to … If you don’t do this you will not be able to use parts of this method. It would be safest to copy those over from Physical Interfaces/PHONE 1, make the necessary changes, and then paste them in to the equivalent fields in Physical Interfaces/PHONE 2, but typically each of these fields will by default be the same as their equivalents in Phone Port 1 anyway. Of you choose the later, select Google Voice from the list of Internet voice service providers. There are two basic things you need to do in the OutboundCallRoute setting you just copied: First, replace any references to pli (typically part of the text Mpli) with vg2. Also, check that the X_EnforceRequestUserID setting is not checked – this is very important; if you don’t do this then outgoing calls may not work. 4. I contacted Polycom tech support to see if the device is faulty or not, but no help by them so far. Some users may not care about doing this but for those that do, here’s how it is done. One of these items … MaxSessions: At least 6, we use 10 but that may be too many. For example, our device currently shows this in that field: IF ( $FWV < ) FWU dtmfmode=rfc2833 Note that you may need to modify the phone port’s DigitMap and OutboundCallRoute settings to allow calls to other extensions, but that is beyond the scope of this article. exten => h,1,Macro(hangupcall,). First the hardware setup, Figure 3 shows my setup for the OBi200 device I used for this exercise. The X_UserAgentPort is the same one we had you make a note of earlier, that was used in the Custom Dial String for the trunk(s) you created for outgoing calls to each of your Google Voice accounts. That’s all of the changes you need to make on the Obihai to handle outgoing calls, except for a couple that unfortunately cannot be made from the “OBi Dashboard” at this time. As the only VoIP adapter on the market that connects to Google Voice™ or dozens of other VoIP services, you can slash your phone bill but keep the features you expect from your landline phone. However, I am having similar troubles for the incoming GV calls causing the Obi200 to restart. Typically there will be two rules that need to be changed: {([1-9]x? If your area does not have 7 digit dialing of local calls then omit the last one; but if it does then replace areacode with the actual 3 digit area code. No connection is needed for the USB, though this can be useful if you require WiFi (separate OBiWiFi adapter required). This may be a firmware bug, because previously it worked without needing to have at least one replacement character. The OBi202 is a two port ATA, with a built in router, from OBihai Technology Inc. For all the other tabs, in most cases you can use the same settings that you would if you were creating a SIP extension. In rare circumstances this may cause a problem where calls come in and when you answer there is no one there, but the caller continues to hear ringing and then winds up at Google Voice’s voicemail. In case you are wondering, for us FreePBX didn’t complain about having a Custom Extension and a SIP Trunk Name set to the same extension number. *(Mpli) is changed to [1-9]x? I forgot to delete the two GVSIP accounts I added to my pbx prior to working with the Obi200 (fix to the mid year change of GV). AC adapter, telephone line, and ethernet cable to router. Upload. “Ooma is distinguished by super-easy setup, a spiffy table-top adapter with a speaker, a user-friendly web interface, clear voice quality, and low cost—just about everything you’d want from an internet-based landline replacement service.” Obihai was founded in 2010, and Polycom acquired it in January 2018. That’s totally free: $0 a month + $0 in tax and fees. Normally if that field is set correctly, your device should grab the latest firmware after a reboot, though you may need to dial ***6 to get it started. callerid=Caller ID name and number (see below) Two RJ-11 jacks let you connect up to two phones/fax machines. There is, by design, no “default route” for calls that do not match one of the expected patterns. *(Mpli)):pp} is changed to {([1-9]x? Add all … Once again, for the port= item replace X_UserAgentPort with the same port number we had you make a note of earlier, that was used in the Custom Dial String for the trunk(s) you created for outgoing calls to each of your Google Voice accounts. Also, omit the line nat=no if the Obihai device is not on the same local network as the FreePBX server, or if you experience issues with one-way audio. (?= Add the following to the end of the file (note that some lines are wrapped, so you may wish to cut and paste them into a text editor in order to view them correctly): [custom-from-obihai] Unfortunately I am having weird problems with my Obi200. Once again, just be sure to use SP4 for your FreePBX extension, or the configuration examples shown here won’t work without modification. I could get my FreePBX to answer a call but it could never send a call with … dtmfmode=rfc2833 Posted by 4 years ago. There are technical reasons for this limitation but we won’t go into those here. And also, the curl command must be installed and working on the Asterisk server; usually this is installed by default but you can check by typing “which curl” at the Linux command prompt – it should return a path, typically /usr/bin/curl. Note that we are assuming here that ITSP Profile D is associated with SP4, which will always be the case unless you have gone out of your way to change it. exten => _X!,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CUT(EXTEN,/,2)}) This is why we said to take note of the X_UserAgentPort setting earlier. Just sign into each … All is good both calls out and in from GV, and access to FreePBX *features with the digit map info. The OBi202 have 2 FXS connections, 2 RJ45 ports, 1 USB port and supports up to 4 VoIP services or … If you don't see the option in your Google Voice account, follow this guide to active the option: Missing Forwards calls to Google Chat Option in Google Voice, Your email address will not be published. Earlier in the process of troubleshooting my device, I did forget to remove the old ObiTalk device from GV so there were multiple checked as forwarding devices, it would error that the GV subscriber was no longer in service until the old device was disabled or removed. Some other technical information: The method we show here uses chan_sip, not the newer pjsip, for the connection to FreePBX. Change ). Next, we must configure the Google Voice accounts to send incoming calls to this Voice Gateway. USB for Polycom accessories OBiWIFi5G and OBiBT Supports T.38 Fax and Bring Your Own Device SIP Services like Anveo, Callcentric,, etc. After a successful upgrade the device’s web pages should be branded Polycom rather than Obihai. Log into your Obihai device’s web interface and go to Service Providers/ITSP Profile D/General and make sure that the following two settings are enabled: X_ICEEnable: Checked Obihai had officially announced Obi devices are supported by Google Voice. (Mpli) is changed to (Mvg2) – this is near the end of the text. You can port the number to Tmobile or AT&T's prepaid service (cost about $10), wait for couple days after the porting process completed , then submit the port request to Google Voice. 1100 through 1199 (up to one hundred extensions, use pattern 11xx. These … It is specifically not intended as an inducement for anyone to go out and buy a new Obihai device, because in our opinion Obihai hasn’t been treating its customers very well lately, and we have no reason to think that will change. Next, in the sip Settings tab, Outgoing tab, use the extension number as the Trunk name (this is what must exactly match the custom extension’s number for the Emergency CID setting to be honored), and then fill in the PEER Details as shown below: Trunk Name: The extension number, such as 124, deny= This method might also work on an unlocked 300-series device running certain custom firmware but we have no experience at all with that, so we aren’t saying it will or won’t work in such a case, and we don’t support such usage. Note that attempting to get the Caller ID name from the Obihai device does take a small amount of time, because it’s actually querying the device’s web interface, since there’s no other way to get it. With OBi202 you can configure up to 4 VoIP services, including E911, through the easy to use OBiTALK portal. But don’t just copy and paste that – instead, you should construct this setting according to your particular configuration. It’s also possible to use the Obitalk network as an intermediary instead of FreePBX for such calls, but if you have a FreePBX server we don’t really see much point in doing that, and in any case that’s beyond the scope of this article. Am I correct in thinking I can use an OBI202 for this purpose since there are two phone jacks on the back? If you have an Obi200 and therefore only one phone port, you’d use this at the end: Replacing ext1 with the actual extension number you are using in FreePBX. exten => _X!,n,ExecIf($["${CALLERID(name)}"="${CALLERID(num)}"]?Set(CALLERID(name)=)) Now the GV accounts act normally not adding the additional obi device that was causing issues with GV account being unavailable. We have 5 Obihai OBi202 manuals available for free PDF download: Administration Manual, Detailed Technical Specifications, … So, create a new SIP (chan_sip) Trunk. We suggest increasing this number from the default, to at least 6. *(Mvg2)):pp} – this is near the beginning of the text. If you don’t want to allow international calls, then use this instead: The next part does the same thing for calls prefixed with **2, routing them to SP2. You’re welcome, and thanks for the update. transport=udp So here is an explanation of each part, and keep in mind that each part starts with a { and ends with a } and that the parts are separated by commas. We chose this method because it is the exact same pattern you’d use to select a particular service provider when dialing from a phone connected to the Obihai. The trunks were deleted in the pbx gui, but the gvsip accounts were still active on the pbx causing an addition of fake obi devices on my google account. *(Mvg2) – this is near the beginning of the text. permit=192.168.X.X/ If that is NOT the case, and you want the Primary Line for Phone Port 2 to be a Google Voice account, then you can set that up in the “OBi Dashboard” in the normal manner. The benefits of making and receiving phone calls in a traditional way cell base line be! Do both manage to really screw things up, that ’ s on you, the! Upgrade the device and the use of vg1 going to modify this slightly the... Than Obihai ’ s how it is the FreePBX trunk that will be cancelled automatically place your cursor inside text... '' Forwards to Google Chat '' is checked click an icon to log in: you are commenting your! This limitation but we won ’ t forget to apply the configuration FreePBX! Website ; firmware Updates ; Currently Recommended firmware: v3.2.2 6259 your Details or. 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