Use the filters below to find programs of interest to you! To Enroll as a Research Student in the Graduate School. At least three additional years must be completed to earn a doctorate. Mahidol University (Faculty of Liberal Arts) Thailand. Special Program of “Engineering Science 21 st Century” for Master ’s and Doctoral Courses in English . The Graduate School of Science aims to nurture researchers and persons able to display their leadership in various fields. GL High Schools. A dissertation must be prepared for the doctoral program. Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering Master’s Degree Programs Conducted in English [Enrollment in October 2020] Note: The quota advertised in this guideline has no pre … The Graduate School of Information Science and Technology aims to contribute to the development of a wide range of viewpoints and knowledge in information science and technology, nurturing professional engineers and researchers who can lead the world. Ranked 17th in the QS University Rankings: Asia 2016, Osaka University is the sixth oldest university in Japan, having originally been founded in 1724. The Graduate … 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Japan The Program Degrees Fields of Specialization and Courses. Master’s and Doctoral Degree Program for Japanese Government Scholarship Students(Special Programs) 【The application period is now closed.】 ・Biotechnology Global Human Resource Development Program for Industry-University Co-Creation ・Chemical Science Course ・International Priority Graduate Program … Master’s courses for international students. Copyright © 2009 OSAKA UNIVERSITY. Admissions Master's Program. Masters and Doctoral Programs in Maritime and Urban Engineering & Naval Architecture in Osaka. The Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering offers two master’s degree programs, Environmental Engineering, and Nuclear Science and Energy Engineering, ... Osaka University. 1-7, Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, JAPANTEL:+81-6-6850-6111 FAX:+81-6-6850-5205E-MAIL : Presentation Meeting of Master Theses will be held on July 29 (Wednesday): Its program and abstracts can be downloaded. OSAKA UNIVERSITY School of Science. The Graduate School of Economics aims to nurture students capable of employing their knowledge of economics and management to make academic and social contributions to society based on logical, empirical, and historical approaches in economics and management. The Graduate School of Law aims to nurture legal professionals possessing advanced legal knowledge, broad knowledge, compassion, and solid professional ethics. Osaka University was … The Transdisciplinary Program for Biomedical Entrepreneurship and Innovation was accepted for MEXT's Fiscal Year 2018 WISE (World-Leading Innovative and Smart Education) Program. Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering Master’s Degree Programs Conducted in English [Enrollment in April 202 1] Note: The quota advertised in this guideline has no pre … The deadline is on March 1, 2011. Those who have successfully completed the master's program may advance to the doctoral program through an admission examination. Thank you for your interest in graduate education and welcome to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) at the University of Alberta! In the master's program, students fulfill the course requirements for their chosen program … CIEE / Center for International Education and Exchange Osaka University; International Exchange Programs & Overseas Study; Support services; Tuition, Entrance fee, Examination fee; Tuition Fee and/or Entrance Fee Exemption; Japanese Government Scholarship; Student Dormitories & Assistance in Finding an Apartment; Becoming an Exchange Student at OU Fields of Specialization and Courses. Special Training Program for … Master’s Program in Economic Development. International leaders who proceed independently with research and development. Additionally, the school aims to nurture persons possessing a way of thinking that integrates medicine, engineering, and science with advanced research abilities and international mindedness, and who, thereby, can become future leaders of science and industry. We provide information about programme content, career opportunities, study environment, opportunities for studying abroad and internships during your studies, and much more. Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University Graduate Program. Master’s Programmes. The Graduate School of Law and Politics aims to nurture persons possessing advanced research abilities and knowledge to thereby contribute to society. The first is to establish a core research community in fields such as visual, spatial, and cyber media (which have not been adequately covered by the arts or the humanities in the past) and newly emerging fields gaining in social importance, as well as teaching current arts and media issues from a specialist, practical perspective. OSIPP, Osaka University, addresses contemporary public policy issues by synthesizing legal, political and economic learning and practical knowledge. The Department of Information and Computer Sciences aims at educating undergraduate students to acquire basic scientific ability and technological mastery in the fields of informatics and mathematical science. Educational objectives. There may be certain cases in which people who are judged to have sufficient experience in research without master's degrees may be allowed to enter the doctoral program. The first is to establish a core research community in fields such as visual, spatial, and cyber media (which have not been adequately … Department of Information and Computer sciences. Osaka University believes that the integration of high school curriculum and university curriculum is essential for improving the quality of the education students receive and, therefore, concentrates on familiarizing prospective students and personnel involved in HS education with education and research at Osaka University. Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry was founded in 1960 (Showa year of 35), with our vision to be the preeminent innovator in dental and oral science. We will invite students to choose one of three areas Terumo Life Science Foundation calls on Prof. Kai to hold … The Graduate School of Information Science provides seven majors, in view to steadily promote advanced education and research of advanced science and technology of boundary and … The double degree program allows students to register as a regular student at Osaka University and a foreign university simultaneously and obtain degrees from both. The Graduate College of Education at Osaka Center offers a Masters degree and a Doctoral degree. It offers Master and Ph.D. degrees, completed usually in 2 and 3 years respectively. This is a recruiting announcement to nondegree students on an educational program "To cultivate problem-solving skills on health and medical care" in the social medicine course of master's degree program at Graduate School of Medicine Osaka University. For Students Wishing to Enter Osaka University Information about Entrance Examinations for International Students The School・Graduate School of Science at Osaka University welcomes many international students through a rich array of programs. All Rights Reserved. Osaka School of International Public Policy, United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka University, Kanazawa University, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Chiba University and University of Fukui, International Advanced Research Institute (IARI), Education & Research Support Organizations, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University Foundation for the Future, Designated National University Corporation, CAREN Study in English @ Osaka University. Osaka International University (OIU) was established in 1929 originally as Teikoku Women’s High School and is managed by Osaka International Educational Institution, based in Moriguchi City, Osaka Prefecture. For Entry into the Master Course Program offered in Japanese Selection is carried out using the same procedure as with Japanese students. Additionally, the Graduate School of Economics aims to nurture students with a passion for enhancing human welfare, graduates who possess an understanding of social issues in Japan and the world. The 63rd best university in the world according to the QS World University Rankings® 2018, the Japanese university also ranks among the top 40 universities in the world for: Dentistry ② The applicant has completed, or is expected to complete a course of study recog-nized as equivalent or superior to the master course at Graduate School of Engi-neering, Osaka University … IN JAPAN brings you information on undergraduate and postgraduate programs entirely taught in English at Japanese universities. We also offer a Ph.D. program with possibly 16 new students enrolled annually. Beginning with its founder, Ogata Koan, we have encouraged independent learning, which has kept at the forefront of medicine and medical innovation in Japan Embassyrecommendation After finishing high school ina foreign country, a person hopingto enroll in an undergraduate course as a Japanese GovernmentScholarship Student should apply for Japanese Government Scholarshipsfor (Under)graduate Students recruited by Japanese Embassies andConsulateGenerals abroad. The Graduate School of Human Sciences aims to further the knowledge of researchers in the human sciences, persons who can employ scientific methods in order to see human society and culture and contribute to such in ways that will help lead to a more human society. With this in mind, we have promoted clarification and transparency regarding the conditions concerning awards of doctoral degrees, while further strengthening the guidelines for the preparation of academic theses, timelines for completion of doctoral dissertations, and required academic standards. However, Osaka University's graduate school maintains the flexibility to grant a master's degree after one year in its master's program. The MOT course, established for management and business majors in 2004, has paved the way for the Master of Engineering degree. Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering Master’s Degree Programs Conducted in English [Enrollment in October 2021] Note: The quota advertised in this guideline has no pre … This course can be broadly split into two components. HOME > Academics > Fields of Specialization and Courses. Such graduates would: The Graduate School of Dentistry aims, through research and education in theory and the application of dentistry and stomatology, to nurture graduates who can contribute to improved oral health and dental medical treatment for all members of society. UNIV. The Graduate School of Economics at Osaka University is known for academic excellence; its latest findings are published throughout the world. Graduate Admissions: The IPC & SISC application information for enrollment in October 2020 February 21, 2020 Our undergraduate students won the grand prize at the Student English … Additionally, the school aims to provide students with advanced educational literacy in response to the internationalization of our modern information society. Any student in the master's program must receive research guidance, obtain 30 credits, and provide a master's thesis or target research report that is subject to evaluation. “Science” covers all natural sciences and contributes to culture and happiness of the human through studies of basic science. Information for Graduates. The International Undergraduate Program in Science is a bachelor program conducted partly in English and partly in Japanese for students who want to specialize in Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics. However, there are various restrictions on who is able to enroll in such classes and such information is handled by the … Moreover, its professors of laws and politics aim to contribute to enhancing the level of research in law and politics. If accepted, the applicant must takeJapanese languagelessons at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies or at the Center forJapanese Language … MENU. Work at promoting human resources for future generations. 2020.12.15 Employment Faculty Position in the Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University 2020.12.21 Misc. Thus the school aims to produce: The Graduate School of Language and Culture aims to promote education and research in languages in both theory and practice and in the culture and society that are integral parts of those languages. Tel: (+45) 8716 4000 E-mail: The Graduate Program. The Human Geography Department was established in 1995. Master of Economics or Master of Applied Economics ... 1-7, Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, JAPAN TEL:+81-6-6850-6111 FAX:+81-6-6850-5205 E-MAIL : The 7th Joint Workshop between Chulalongkorn University and Osaka University … ② The applicant has completed, or is expected to complete a cours e of study recognized as equivalent or superior to the master course at Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University … Graduate School of Engineering Science, OSAKA UNIVERSITY “Enrollment in April 20 20” Application Guide for Foreign Students . program name (either master's program, doctoral program, IMAC-G master's program, IMAC-G doctoral program, or IMSE program) enrollment season (either April or October) Contact Graduate Academic Affairs Section, Academic Affairs Division Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University. 2020.07.27 Trial Lecture by PhD Candidates will be given as a part of Qualification Test Part-II on July 27 (Monday), 2029. * Dual Degree Program with the Australian National University Master's. Before the department’s founding, its faculty members built up research and educational expertise with notable findings emerging from the study of old maps and historical geography. The Graduate School of Medicine aims to nurture ethical medical and health science researchers possessing creative approaches thanks to their comprehensive understanding. However, students majoring in economics or management and business (Business Research) who have obtained a certain grade point average and who have passed successfully both the evaluation of the thesis and the oral examination are allowed to advance to the graduate school's doctoral program without taking the admission examination. 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Japan Phone: +81-6-6877-5111 ©School / Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University. The Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University Scholarship funded by the japan government to study Masters’s or a Ph.D. Osaka University has 16 graduate schools. A large number of classes are offered in English at Osaka University. The Osaka School of International Public Policy aims to conduct education and research regarding public policy challenges from an interdisciplinary viewpoint based on the study of law, politics, and economics in order to nurture researchers and advanced professionals with superior abilities in communication and leadership. ① The applicant has master’s deg ree or a professional degree by September 30, 2021, from a Japanese university. After passing the entrance examination, the applicant may … In accordance with the educational objectives of Osaka University, the primary goal of the Graduate School of Language and Culture is to develop individuals with advanced expertise and extensive knowledge related to language and culture, as well as comprehensive understanding, synthetic Imagination, and transcultural communicability. Each graduate student must complete the prescribed subjects in his/her respective disciplines and prepare a master's thesis or target research report for the master's program. Course Schedules and other information for Temple University Japan's TESOL Graduate College of Education program at our Osaka Center. August 2019 . The double degree program allows students to register as a regular student at Osaka University and a foreign university simultaneously and obtain degrees from both. We offer a program with 32 new students enrolled annually leading to post-gradute degrees of Masters of Science. The Osaka University Scholarship is Funded by the Government of Japan to Study Masters or a PhD Degree Programs in the best Japanese University. As such, the school aims to develop new academic fields in response to the needs of society and nurture personnel who can provide education balanced between science and engineering. Admission Guidelines for Double Degree Master Programs in Biotechnology conducted in English has been updated.(click here) 2020/10/13 Publication list has been updated.(Achievement) 2020/2/17 The list of faculty staffs are updated.(Faculty staff) 2019/9/6 The 1st Mahidol Univ-Osaka Univ joint symposium was held in Bangkok.(PDF) The following table shows the fields of specialization that our graduate … In Japan, a degree is conferred typically after completing two years of required coursework in a master's program. According to the QS World University Rankings Osaka … This course can be broadly split into two components. ① The applicant has master’s degree or a professional degree by March 31, 2021, from a Japanese u niversity. During the second year, they will participate in seminars, present their research findings, and receive comprehensive guidance from the faculty regarding the formulation of a high-level master's thesis or target research report. Message from the Dean of the Graduate School of Language and Culture Message from the Dean of the School of Foreign Studies Principles and Goals History ... Temple University, Japan Campus Graduate College of Education… ... Master's Program (PDF: 831KB) Doctoral Program (Ph.D.) (PDF: 459KB) For New Students. The School of Engineering Science has set its leading educational principle as the fundamental development of science and technology and the creation of a more genuinely human culture based upon development of such. Selection is carried out using the same procedure as with Japanese students. Additionally, the school aims to nurture graduates possessing both overall and specialized knowledge in pharmacology who can be active creatively on the international stage in positions of leadership in research, education, industry, administration, and clinical fields. The Graduate School of Engineering aims to nurture researchers and engineers who, as leaders, can contribute creatively to assisting society achieve a safer living environment in greater harmony with nature, and to assisting Japan become a nation that, as a scientific powerhouse, produces useful products and technologies. Osaka University's Graduate School of Economics has completed academic exchange agreements with a large number of universities … Please make sure to check the application guidelines for master's program or the application guidelines for doctoral program for the latest information. The school's Institute of Social and … Osaka University was ranked 71st among the world’s best universities. Partner Universities and Faculties Erasmus Mundus Euroculture Programme You are here: Home / Graduate Program / M.A. Osaka University Scholarship in Japan 2021 for Master Degree & Doctoral Degree without IELTS/TOEFL is currently accepting application. Researchers and engineers with specializations enabling them to conduct research and development, ranging from the basic to the highly specialized. Degree Programs in the best Japanese University. Osaka School of International Public Policy Becoming an Exchange Student at OU; MENU. Osaka University. These schools and their departments have been established for the purpose of nurturing professionals versed in scholarship appropriate to the schools and departments noted below. Scientists and researchers who explore new interdisciplinary fields with advanced expertise and wide-ranging knowledge. However, Osaka University's graduate school maintains the flexibility to grant a master's degree after one year in its master's program. 2017. The United Nations University (UNU) provides its master’s degree students with an unparalleled postgraduate experience. Exchange Students. Innovation creation is one of the hallmarks of Osaka University. International Program for Information Science and Engineering. In such cases, special treatment may be granted to those who have already performed remarkably in any research institute or organization, and they may be allowed to finish the doctoral program in a shorter period. The master's degree will be awarded to each student who passes the evaluation of his/her master's thesis or target research report and the final examination (oral exam) on subjects related to the thesis or research report. As of November 1, 2020 Graduate … Along with the internationalization of knowledge, a doctoral degree ensures licensing for researchers and professionals not only in academia but also in the business community. Prospective Students. An applicant usually enrolls and studies in a specialized field at Osaka University as a research student for six months to one year. The Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences has, as its mission, contributing to society through the pursuit of a variety of functions and principles of life. Founded in 1724, Osaka University is the sixth oldest university in Japan and a national university located in Osaka, Japan. Applicants for admission to the program need to contact the head of the Admission Committee of the department in which they want to be enrolled. Osaka University. Applicants for admission to the program need to … Get complete details of the postgraduate programs offered by Osaka University including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information. Program Masters and Doctoral Programs in Maritime and Urban Engineering & Naval Architecture in Osaka Founded in 1724, Osaka University is the sixth oldest university in Japan … Students who are highly advanced in their research will be able to acquire the prescribed credits and present a master's thesis or target research report to obtain the master's degree in one year. Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, JAPAN TEL:+81-6-6850-5326 FAX:+81-6-6850-5327 Make global contributions to developing medical treatment, medicine, health science, and biology. Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering Master’s Degree Programs Conducted in English [Enrollment in October 2021] Note: The quota advertised in this guideline has no pre-allocate scho larship, and is not available for applicants sponsored by International Program for Science and Engineering. ... Graduate (Master’s Program) Research Funding Program; Graduate (Doctoral Program) Research Funding Program A (Step Up) At least three additional years must be completed to … The Graduate School of Letters aims to further the erudition of researchers and persons in the humanities and thereby provide society with persons who can actively apply such scholarship. To view additional study options, go back to Admissions & Programs. Master's / PhD Program for Foreign Students The Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University features TWO MEXT-granted programs in English. A Collaborative Specialization is an intra-university graduate field of study that provides an additional multidisciplinary experience for students enrolled in and completing the degree requirements for one of a number of approved Master’s and/or PhD programs. Additionally, the school aims to develop students' abilities to set agenda flexibly and logically, and look for challenges that will satisfy their curiosity in the natural sciences. Graduate students in their first year will normally acquire (through prescribed subjects) strong analytical skills and theoretical/empirical knowledge, which are required for the preparation of a master's thesis or target research report. An additional three years is required for most Japanese doctoral programs. The United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka University, Kanazawa University, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Chiba University and University of Fukui aims to … After completing two years of required coursework in a master 's program or the guidelines... +45 ) 8716 4000 E-mail: studies.bss @ Osaka University, addresses contemporary Public issues... 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