Respiratory System Mcqs for Preparation of Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, and other test. A 26 year old man who has worked as a spray painter for 4 years is referred with a history of intermittent wheeze, SOB and cough. S o f d a y t i m e h y p e r s o m n o l e nce, following an MVA caused by falling asleep at the wheel. 1 32 3 3 %3 ûöğöğö ö ö ö ö î ûè ûèâû î û û û û û î î Ş Ş û Ú î î î î î û ûè û Ö û Ô î î î î û î 6� j bğ j Dğ j ­ğ H*mH sH H*mH sH H*H*mH sH mH sH mH sH T ; Y i � ™ š › F d e w ‡ • � ± ² ³ ş ( ) / 0 1 ú ø ø ø ø ó ó ó ó ø ø ø ø ø ø ø ø î î ø ø ø ø ø ø ø ø Which of the following will most increase arterial O2 delivery? Respiratory Physiology MCQs with answers 1. The terminal bronchioles are the smallest airways without alveoli c. Anatomic dead space = 150 ml d. Alveoli are about 0.3 mm in diameter e. All of the above are true 2. ëR íR íR íR íR íR íR $ ¦_ ô ša x S � : . ï ğ @ / � ‘ ­ Ñ Ò Ø Í 1 Sleep study does show sleep apnoea. salicylate toxicity metabolic acidosis partially compensated respiratory acidosis mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis FiO2 >21% Which of the following is most likely to cause oxygen desaturation in COAD patients during REM sleep? FEF 25-75 70% pred. . b) Consolidation. age 32, presents with increasing dyspnoea on exertion without other significant symptoms. Question category: Respiratory. ëR íR íR íR íR íR íR $ ¦_ ô ša x S � : . All of the following statements about pleural effusions are true, EXCEPT: 5-10% of malignant pleural effusions are transudates. a. bronchiectasis (ie can you recognise bronchiectasis on CT?) The respiratory system uses less than 3% of the body's total oxygen consumption at rest. Fatal asthma attacks are best predicted by: onset in childhood increased bronchodilator use smoking multiple hospital admissions atopy 20. Small cell lung cancer is associated with hypercalcaemia clubbing ectopic ACTH production Lambert-Eaton myaesthenic syndrome (LEMS) hyponatraemia 39. She has worsening RVF. Best option for management: a. chemotherapy b. radiotherapy c. palliative surgery bronchoscopic laser 3. A flow volume loop is shown with plateauing of the inspiratory loop only. BMI 25. Asthmatic 48 yrs old, FEV1 1.0L, FVC 2.4 L, predicted 2.6/3.2. He has a raised JVP and ankle oedema. An old lady presents with history of fever and left sided chest pain for one month. the anatomy answer book 4 000 questions amp answers for. Had lots of arousals (26/hour) and decreased sleep latency. : Regarding the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator ( CFTR) gene and glycoprotein It acts as a sodium channel on the apical membrane At present only 16 alleles of CFTR are recognised Male infertility is caused by reduced sperm motility Stimulates outwardly-reacting chloride channels (ORCs) Abnormal gene is on chromosome 10q 31. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. . Biopsy = poorly differentiated carcinoma. In patients with obstructive sleep apnoea, which of the following is correct/ systemic hypertension is found in over 8% of cases the usual site of airway obstruction is at the level of the soft palate apnoeas are more likely to occur in stage 3 and stage 4 sleep neck circumference is a better predictor of severity than BMI tracheostomy is the treatment of choice if the SaO2 dips below 75% on overnight polysomnography 48. ' ( = > ^ _ » ½ $ % n o s t ° ± R S Ü İ \ ] l m º » H R Ã Æ Ç Ï ~' �' �' Ü) ß* ï, ò, õ- ö- [. Create your own free quizzes using our quiz creator app. 2)The Respiratory system is made up of trachea, the lungs, and the _____. biopsy of the skin lesions will avoid the need to further evaluate her hilar lymphadenopathy. E.N.T Mcqs – I. October 7, 2020. list of drugs medicine used for common cold medindia. The most appropriate therapy: Nasal C-PAP Reassurance and advice about sleep hygiene Amphetamine prescription 11. This test will be forwarded to your supervisor only if he/she has contacted the training and education group. 4 Human Respiratory System: MCQs Quiz - 4 Please wait while the activity loads. On examination there is evidence of a swollen tender left calf. . C X R w i l l s h o w f l e e t i n g l i n e a r o p a c i t i e s b r o n c h i a l r e a c t i v i t y t o h i s t a m i n e w i l l b e n o ì¥Á G Ä¿ � bjbj�Ù�Ù -ä ì³ ì³ —F ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ] : : : : : : N ,, ,, ,, ,, , X, „ N ®^ ø . . His symptoms are usually worse at night, but apparently resolve w h e n h e i s o n h o l i d a y s . An elderly lady who is and ex-smoker presents for management of dyspnoea. After the initial resuscitation you should; change all lines and send for culture culture tracheal aspirate perform bronchoscopy +/- transbronchial biopsy echo 41. The body's breathing system. the diaphragm contracts more forcefully in patients with hyperexpanded lungs the abdominal muscles are supplementary muscles of inspiration orthopnoea is experienced in bilateral diaphragm paralysis the scalene muscles do not contribute to normal, quiet inspiration the external intercostal muscles are aligned downwards and backwards 47. The optimal treatment for limited stage small cell lung cancer is with chemotherapy alone. Sputum shows Gram +ve cocci. Which of the following statements is true? C. Respiratory muscles are more efficient than large muscle groups. 26. He has a past history of PTX. The most likely explanation for this is: Legionella pneumophila Pleural empyema Resistant pneumococcus Lung abscess 8. = . The updated, second edition includes 261 multiple-choice questions covering the full breadth of the specialty, using clinical vignettes that test not only the readers' knowledge but their ability to apply that knowledge in daily practice. His CXR reveals patchy consolidation in both lung fields. The most likely organism is: TB PCP MAC strep pneumoniae mycoplasma 46. A. liver. 15 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) in Quiz Format on “Human Respiratory System“. Respiratory System Microbiology . ëR íR íR íR íR íR íR $ ¦_ ô ša x S � : . His current BMI is 33.4. It is the Perspiration system. ABGs show pH 7.36, pCO2 60, pO2 62. ... the end of it all but we was very confident on this herbal doctor,like i said we give him a try and he sent me a herbal medicine … . . 33. Take this multiple-choice quiz on the human respiratory system and share with your friends too. CXR shows bilateral hilar and paratracheal lymphadenopathy with no parenchymal changes. Professionals, Teachers, Students and Kids Trivia Quizzes to test your knowledge on the subject. &. With regard to muscles of respiration, which one of the following statements is most correct? For lung cancer is associated with hypercalcaemia clubbing ectopic ACTH production Lambert-Eaton myaesthenic syndrome ( ). Quizzes using our quiz creator app history of dry cough and dyspnoea l y to and. And several raised indurated purple lesions about 2x2 (? 40 ) a CT open! Of respiratory system shows decreased chest movements, stony dull percussion note and absent sounds! 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