Seedrs Alumni Club members receive access to valuable deals and know-how. In 2018, 71 Seedrs Alumni ran further equity crowdfunding campaigns on the Seedrs platform. You can refer friends to invest on Seedrs Introduce a friend to Seedrs and you'll both get £25 free investment credit. The value equity crowdfunding platforms offers businesses after raising capital can be equally as important as the value it adds while raising funds. The Alumni Club is an exclusive network of Seedrs-funded businesses that gives you access to partners, events, resources, and networking contacts. Alongside with this mentoring the alumni club are offered the opportunity to invest in any projects. Welcome to the Seedrs Alumni Club! 008771537) and registered United States service mark (No. GB 208 3065 32. This includes help from strategic partners, such as Amazon Web Services, Amazon Launchpad, and Stripe, to provide technical support and marketing resources to help businesses scale and grow. This includes help from strategic partners, such as Amazon Web Services, Amazon Launchpad, and Stripe, to provide technical support and marketing resources to help businesses scale and grow. There are now 50+ partners in the Seedrs Alumni Club to support our portfolio business' growth. For example, the Seedrs Alumni Club offers members access to exclusive deals and resources to guide their business to further success. We … 06848016), with registered office at Churchill House, 142-146 Old Street, London EC1V 9BW, United Kingdom, VAT No. Crowdfunding platform Seedrs has announced it is to relaunch its Alumni Club in the coming months to support portfolio companies and open up exclusive partnerships with some major global brands. Seedrs is a registered European Community trademark (No. This includes help from strategic partners, such as Amazon Web Services and Stripe, to encourage growth, technical support and marketing. Seedrs will prepare the legal documentation required to close the round based on what was agreed before the campaign launch, and we will work with you to ensure that these are in final form. Seedrs to relaunch its Alumni Club this summer. Seedrs Alumnus, Revolut, became a unicorn after their Series C valued them at $1.7B. 85423072) of Seedrs Limited, a limited company registered in England and Wales (No. $1.7B. Finally, Alumni businesses can refer fellow founders looking to raise funding to us by logging in to your Alumni Club dashboard. Crowdcube calls their equivalent group of post-raise companies The Funded Club. A community for Seedrs-funded entrepreneurs to network and access curated resources to support business growth. Alumni Club –offers any projects that were successfully funded through Seedrs the potential to partner with new projects and provide advice on how to increase the chance of successfully crowdfunding. The Alumni Club is a good place to grow your business even further after the initial funding and launch phases. Over the longer term, as they continue to grow, alumni business will seek further funding and the ongoing support continues here. Seedrs, “the most active investor in UK private companies” is rebooting its Alumni Club portal to reposition the value proposition for early stage businesses in the UK. Seedrs Alumni returned to raise further funding on our platform. For example, the Seedrs Alumni Club offers members access to exclusive deals and resources to guide their business to further success.
seedrs alumni club
seedrs alumni club 2021