- Rebel Officer Leia Organa - Amilyn Holdo - Lando Calrissian - Poe Dameron. Honorable mention goes to syringes and AAT gear. Whenever a Rebel ally takes damage from an Empire enemy they have a 50% chance to gain Foresight for 2 turns. For farming ideas check out best character farming locations. Shaman is literally one of the easiest gears in the game. *Upgrade 7: +20% Damage and +3% Turn Meter Gain. 85. 85. SWGOH Rebel Officer Leia Organa Counters Based on 296 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Rebel Roundup is an Assault Battles event that requires Bounty Hunters and Imperial Troopers characters. Rebel Officer Leia Organa. This isn’t a quick level up, shoot em’ up kind of game. However her 11.45% Armor and 7.54% Resistance increases are both strong to add some important survivability.. ROLO gains a high Physical Damage increase of 2,883 along with an extremely large Physical Critical Chance increase of 33.88%. Cookies help us deliver our Services. 82 % Geonosian Spy 2. IF RNG Jesus doesn't gift you with it from Raid. ... Rebel Officer Leia Organa. She seems pretty strong against empire. So you're left with 25 days of begging guildmates. There are 3 tiers: Hard, Very Hard and Bonus. Leia gains 10% Turn Meter, an additional 10% Turn Meter if the target had full Health, and an additional 10% Turn Meter if the target is Empire. 85. Mk 4 stun gun, need 20, used 185 times = 3700. I would personally also weigh gear after G11 much lower since I usually don't farm it unless it gives +speed or is mostly free to obtain. I added it all up and gave each toon a score from 0-100 based on how easy it is to get them to max gear. Those 5 pieces on Plo after G11 are all super annoying so that has to be adding a lot to his score. Enemies struck more than once suffer Ability Block for 1 turn. 660 for 2 is insane tho. I don't know how you are handling the data, but it might be taking the full piece and not taking into account other stuff! I took raid-only gear into account and also the free daily challenge gear, so this is should be pretty accurate. This is normally difficult because swgoh.gg doesn't work that way, but it seems like you have data broken down by each character and gear level, so I think you could do that. Main Focus: Speed, of course. 50 % Chief Nebit 85. Some characters can be acquired from multiple locations within the game, this page contains a list of all locations and shows the best places to farm. So, Mk3 Holos have a drop rate of 20-25% (we'll just assume all purple gear is 23% for this), and you can farm a max of 17.25 per day on average with 2 50 crystal refreshes (240+240+90x3=750 energy=75 chances), giving you 17.25x7=120.75 per week. The recommendations on this page are based only off of the other available locations that character can be acquired from and does not take into consideration other items available from hard missions, other … This isn’t a quick level up, shoot em’ up kind of game. She'll be good in raids though. I completely agree. Preloaded TM. Exactly. Maxed with crit chance and it's like a 5 turn cooldown. Note: Rebel Officer Leia Organa will have her name and appearance altered for this battle (Rebel Officer Leia Organa (Bespin)). After a year of playing and mostly being in the top 5 in raids, Pit Raid gear is basically free for me. Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4 Gear 5 Gear 6 Gear 7 Gear 8 Gear 9 Gear 10 Gear 11 Gear 12 Gear 13 Remove Ads SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. Most of the Carbantis Fives needs are part of another bigger gear piece (for example thermal detonator or stun gun). She's also yet another Rebel, which is bound to annoy people. The appeal around SWGoH has to do with the details. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. This list does not including shard farming to get toons to 7* - its only gear. https://github.com/offsky/swgoh. *Upgrade 7 (ZETA): +10% Offense and the first time each turn Leia Resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff she gains 35% Offense (stacking) until the end of her next turn. It's probably already been gueesed and discussed, but based on what territory battles has brought us, I'm willing to bet the requirements will be Hermit Yoda, Captain Han Solo, Rebel Officer Leia Organa, Commander Luke Skywalker, and Lando Calrissian. The first time each turn a Rebel ally Resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff, they gain 30% Turn Meter. Top Rebel Officer Leia Organa Characters by Health Speed Health Protection Potency Tenacity Armor Physical Damage Critical Damage Special Damage Filters Rebel Officer Leia … ... First Order Officer. Maybes: Rebel Chewie, Lobot. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a turn-based battle game which requires a massive amount of patience and attention to detail, whether you’re FTP or PTP. Rebel allies have +20% Tenacity and 20% Critical Chance. If you wanted to be super accurate, you'd merge the gear drop levels for higher level gear with the drop levels for lower level gear - like, each Mk 3 Holo drop is also worth 1.8 Mk 2 Holo and 2.5 Mk 2 syringe or whatever - but that seems like an insane amount of work. And here is the raw data if you want to make your own list using a more sophisticated formula. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. 51 % Magmatrooper 85. I applaud this idea and the work you've done behind it, but I think you need to reconsider your weighting factors. Yeah I love these kind of posts as well, looking at their character strategy masterpost, it seems these have been around for a long time but for some reason they weren't popular I guess. For raid gear, assume 3.5 chances per week for Heroic Pit, 2.34 chances per week for HAAT. Chewbacca & C-3PO are required for this tier but will not be used in battle. Mk 3 Holos, need 20, used 249 times = 4980. Tenacity Up. Light Side • Attacker • Leader The first time each turn Leia Resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff she gains 5% Turn Meter. https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/6af5j6/total_farmable_gear_for_100_game_completion/. Sorry, this is not accurate. GK is way harder to gear than Phasma. Nice idea, but this still needs a lot of work. The amount … Like most characters in SWGoH, Speed is essential for Princess Leia. Fives by himself needs 7 full carbantis to get to G11, without taking into consideration Detonator or guns, yet apparently he is a 14, like he is not the sixth easier character to gear, hell no. Special (covert): 7-star Light Side + Captain Han Solo + Rebel Officer Leia Organa Platoon (recon): 7-star specific chars Deployment: dump remaining unused units . Mk 5 furnace salvage are 357.42 (so maybe 9x as rare). I think you highly underrate Carbantis among other things. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. SWGOH has been putting out new rebel characters faster than we can acquire and gear them. I mean that is what you get for posting something. Whenever a Rebel ally takes damage from an Empire enemy they have a 50% chance to gain Foresight for 2 turns. Cuffs/Guns/Carbantis are the factors that bottleneck most gearing. I would like to see it if you do. Rebel allies have +20% Tenacity and 20% Critical Chance. On the other hand, the heavy emphasis on crits screams a weakness to Kenobi, zBarriss, Rex and other Crit dependent characters that are meta at the moment. Refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier. Jedi Apprentice Rey: Finn, Poe, Rey, Veteran Smuggler Han & Chewie. You need 13 days to get ONE (2 pieces from guildies, 2 pieces from guild store for 660) minimum). So in the end, you have a number required which you can divide by the number you can expect, which gives you a better weighted average. Mk 5 stun gun, need 50, used 123 times = 6150. Abilities and effects that grant Turn Meter are normally applied to your units and falls under 3 types of application; Self, Ally, and All Allies. Whenever a Rebel ally takes damage from an Empire enemy they have a 50% chance to gain Foresight for 2 turns. So like somebody else pointed out, people have wanted rock-paper-scissor style meta and this very clearly counters zVader and a lot of other Empire teams. Whenever a Rebel ally takes damage from an Empire enemy they have a 50% chance to gain Foresight for 2 turns. Her unique, Against All Odds, has a high chance of granting allies Critical Chance Up, as well as a high chance of recovering 5% of her Max Health.Her basic, Hair Trigger, has a chance to attack up to three times and each attack has a chance to grant her 10% turn … I'm in favor of smaller zeta abilities that cost less. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. 69 % Kylo Ren (Unmasked) 2. They've added even more zeta characters without discussing any possible increase in zeta opportunities. You don't have raids in your gear location data, are you just assuming if stuff isn't in that table it is raid only? I know others will have very different experiences, but that's my 2 cents. Another idea would be to completely ignore all white and green gear. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where … This is more in line with what players expect to actually do with their characters. As if they hadn't punished debuffs enough already. I would agree, I also think pit gear is weighted too heavily. It's clear that some toons are harder to gear than others, and I was curious to see if this could be quantified. Jump to:navigation, search. You need captain Han Solo as well, how he is obtained has not yet been announced. This is such a joke. First, drop G11 gearing except for anything that gives +speed (I think it's mostly just mk6 thermals). Again: not too accurate, but still a better idea of what people need. If you wanted to make this more accurate, here are some suggestions. I don't know why they hate debuff teams so much at CG. SWGoH Territory Battles Resources: BluesOneCZ – article “Territory Battle Datamine Analysis” on Reddit Warrior Presents – video “Complete TB Strategy Guide” on Youtube It's one thing to say that Mk5 Stun Guns have the same weight Mk7 Biotech Implant, for instance, because they both require 10 energy to farm, but you need a hell of a lot more Mk5 Stun Guns than you do Mk7 Biotechs, which makes a much bigger bottleneck. Perhaps a level 7 zeta takes less materials? The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. (Cooldown 16), *Upgrade 7: Maximum Hits + 2 and Cooldown - 2, Fully upgraded: Deal Physical damage 10 times to random enemy targets. Special 1: Rebel Barrage Base: Deal Physical damage 6 times to random enemy targets. Team Strategy. I just looked at Plo's gear and he actually seems pretty easy. Finally, she … Starting off, Rebel Officer Leia Organa, aka ROLO, gains a slightly below average Health increase of 17,892. So, Mk 5 fusion furnace salvage: need 50 of them, used 91 times = 4550. Well between ROLO and CLS they are clearly trying to push the ep 5 rebels as the anti-debuff crew. If you wanted to be super accurate, you'd merge the gear drop levels for higher level gear with the drop levels for lower level gear - like, each Mk 3 Holo drop is also worth 1.8 Mk 2 Holo and 2.5 Mk 2 syringe or whatever - but that seems like an insane amount of work. Unique: Dauntless Base: Leia has +30% Tenacity. This is more like "rounding." Leader: Battlefront Command Base: Rebel allies have +10% Tenacity and 10% Critical Chance. Base: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Buff Immunity for 2 turns. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Enemies struck more than once suffer Ability Block for 1 turn. Looks like the same user started that thread! It should take into affect who is worth gearing also. Here is a new ranking with Carbantis given more weight. Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4 Gear 5 Gear 6 Gear 7 Gear 8 Gear 9 Gear 10 Gear 11 Gear 12 Gear 13 Remove Ads SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. Fully upgraded: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Buff Immunity for 2 turns. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. UNIT NAME: Rebel Officer Leia Organa ALIGNMENT: Light CATEGORIES: Rebel, Attacker, Tenacious Rebel Attacker that counters debuffs and is more effective against healthy targets. General Kenobi is only a 49? Etc. TOPICS: Hoth Leia Mods 2.0 Rebel Officer Leia Rebels ROLO Territory Battles Territory Battles Rebel Assault Posted By: ljcool110 October 25, 2017 Welcome to the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at the best mods for each SWGoH character. Her special is very strong when there is fewer units. but once again, you gave Carbantis more weight, but for some reason now Fives is not the 6th most easiest but the 5th, so there is some mistake with this. Power 29347; Speed 172; Health 85. EDIT: I might have an idea of where the mistake could be. Turn Meter Gain is a battle mechanic that decreases the time needed for the unit to take a turn. Don't be mad about people telling you the ranking is wrong. It's nothing special, but it's better then contributing to the game's already out of control power creep. The first time each turn Leia Resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff she gains 15% Turn Meter and gains 35% Offense (stacking) until the end of her next turn. 70 % Darth Traya 4. So Mk 5 fusion furnace salvage is 3.5 x [raid pit drop rate], which I have no idea and depends on a LOT of factors like placement, but just for the sake of this example we'll pretend it's a 1/22 chance (1 of the 22 total items) to get 30 of them (20-40 on average for high-ish Pit placement) + 1/22 chance to get a full one (50 total), so 3.63 drop rate per raid, which comes out to 12.73 per week in the Pit. Dark Side • Support First Order. Mk 5 stun gun salvage is 50.93, but Mk 4 stun gun salvage is only 20.52. She can only be obtained through TBattles. Gotta counter that oh so strong Vader meta apparently lol. 41 % Aurra Sing 85. I see you've already done that with Carbantis, but another thing you might want to consider is the frequency with which gear is required. Nice job by the devs in recent days with the info/explanations and the frequency of them. Click here for valuable gear guide. I would weigh Carbantis much more heavily because at least for me, that's the biggest bottleneck. Its all relative anyway. Get valuable gear only with crystals, get all credit gear. Next, adjust the weighted value based on how many of each piece you could expect to get in a week with 2 normal energy crystal refreshes. Nightsister Initiate, Dengar and Rebel Officer Leia Organa are the none tanks with the highes requirement of Carbantis (450, all 3 are attackers) The two tanks with the lowest use of carbantis are Plo Koon and Mace Windu (Both Jedi and both have very very niche uses), and Poe is also pretty low at 100. Unlocks at Gear Tier IV. 335 votes, 43 comments. *Upgrade 7: The first time each turn a Rebel ally Resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff, they gain 30% Turn Meter, Fully upgraded: Rebel allies have +20% Tenacity and 20% Critical Chance. Empire already sucks in comparison to Rebels.. what we need are more ways to counter Rex, Chaze, GK and those (as they are 90% of top in all arenas). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Leia gains 5% Turn Meter, an additional 5% Turn Meter if the target had full Health, and an additional 5% Turn Meter if the target is Empire. You can start by taking the gear totals for each individual piece of gear, and assign them a weight based on total needed. Exactly, why do we even need more Empire counters..? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. The first time each turn a Rebel ally Resists a detrimental effect or … Whenever a Rebel ally takes damage from an Empire enemy they have a 50% chance to gain Foresight for 2 turns. This ability's cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever Leia scores a Critical Hit or suffers a debuff. 68 % Mother Talzin 2. Third, completely redo your gear weighting schema. Tenacious Rebel Attacker that counters debuffs and is more effective against healthy targets. Unique: Dauntless Base: Leia … Press J to jump to the feed. Oh good, I can stop worrying about how long it will take to get her. Excellent against empire and especially Zader, but not super effective against non-debuff teams. Empire stages she excels at. Profile Characters Squads GAC History Ships Mods Zetas Gear Needed Galactic Legends Gear Needed Checklist Settings Player Navigation Sort (Power) Filters ... Rebel Officer Leia Organa 2. Cookies help us deliver our Services. He has Ima-Gun Di at 28, and he needs 200 of them (Carbantis) to get him to G10. Maybe she is specific for territory battles but I'm not really impressed by that kit at all. That's all I can think of, that there are several vs. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. They come from challenges but are needed in such crazy amounts that they definitely fall in the "hard" bracket instead of the "easy" one or however you rate things. 89.2k members in the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. She's also another Rebel so you could easily run 2-3 Rebel teams if you like having multiple teams. Unlocks at Gear Tier IV. Now take those numbers and plug them in to the gear requirements and see what you get. This ability's cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever Leia scores a Critical Hit or suffers a debuff. So Mk 3 Holos are 4980 / 120.75 = 41.24. SWGoH developer updates confirming Gear Level XII, Hermit Yoda, Captain Han Solo, Rebel Officer Leia Organa and Territory Hoth Battles. From SWGoH Help Wiki. (If you really wanted to get fancy you'd also adjust the Mk 3 Holo rate and Mk 6 syringe rate up slightly from the chance of getting a full furnace drop from the Pit, but that's also a lot of work.). Makes sense based on the requirements for Commander Luke Skywalker were the cast from A New Hope. Gear on Plo is wasted and should be used on someone else. SWGoH: NEW Territory Battles info, Hoth Han & Leia, Hermit Yoda and Gear 12 TOPICS: Captain Phasma Cubs Fan Han Hermit Yoda Hoth Han Hoth Leia Rebel Officer Leia Territory Battles Posted By: ljcool110 August 8, 2017 So, I took the available data for what gear every toon needs, what that gear is crafted from, where that gear can be farmed, and what the energy cost is for farming that gear. They will be replaced by another character (Threepio & Chewie) whose stats are scaled based on Chewbacca's stats, including mods. 85. All enemies gear 12, Level 85, and Elite except Commander Luke who is Boss. Commander Luke Skywalker, Hermit Yoda, Lando Calrissian, Rebel Officer Leia Organa, Captain Han Solo. The first time each turn a Rebel ally Resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff, they gain 30% Turn Meter. (Cooldown 14) Unlocks at Gear Tier II. You heavily underrate carbantis. Still not anything to write home about, but I feel like people will find a spot for her in HAAT and Rancor. Fully upgraded: Leia has +10% Offense and +40% Tenacity. 42 % Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) 85. FOTP shouldn't cost the same as zFinn, they aren't in the same league. Imperial Troopers get a unique ability called RAPID FIRE and Bounty Hunters get a unique ability called MANY DISINTEGRATIONS. I'm loving these kit breakdowns. See this old thread for instance: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/6af5j6/total_farmable_gear_for_100_game_completion/, Look at the author of that old thread you just quoted :). Unit Strategy <<<>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability. https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starw... Rebel Officer Leia Organa (aka ROLO) was introduced the other day, and I must say I was a little underwhelmed at first. The first time each turn a Rebel ally Resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff, they gain 30% Turn Meter. Again, don't take me wrong, just pointing stuff out so you can improve your stuff :). With Luke lead she gains a bunch of TM. I wonder if swapping her in specifically to go against Palp led teams will work for arena. Second, drop gear requirements for levels 1-4. Are you valuing AAT raid only the same as Pit raid only? This caused the 0-100 scale to get a little off, but you get the idea. Profile Characters Squads GAC History Ships Mods Zetas Gear Needed Galactic Legends Gear Needed Checklist Settings Player Navigation Sort (Power) ... Rebel Officer Leia Organa 85. I suspect that Rey’s character progression in SWGoH will mirror Luke’s Journey and that she will have her own event series. Thanks Rip for letting me show off these beauties for todays Review. (I'm looking at you cody!). Comander Luke Skywalker, Rebel Officer … Mk3 Carbantis are the same, except you can add 3x20 from that total (average 20 from challenges 3 times a week), so 180.75. Details of how to use and mod Admiral Ackbar within specific teams can be found on the following pages: