Q.9- Which Series Exclude the Upper Limit of the Class-interval? The classification number is built by adding a two digit code, the Statistical Suffix (in this case 20) to the Tariff Item. Classification of Data :-The process of grouping data according to their characteristics is known as classification of data. Your email address will not be published. Organisation of Data class 11 Notes Economics Chapter 3 in PDF format for free download. (ii) Spatial Series (Geographical Series). Answer: The stages of a statistical study are. In this series there are no class intervals and a particular item in the series. Continuous Variable Variable that assume a range of values or increase not in jumps but continuously or in fractions are called continuous variables. Inclusive Series An inclusive series is that series which includes all items upto its upper limit. etc.) Q.5- Give the Names of Statistical Series on the Basis of Construction. Q.14- What Do You Understand by Raw Data? Answer: Statistics can be defined as the collection, presentation, classification, analysis, and interpretation of quantitative data. NACE (Nomenclature of Economic Activities) is the European statistical classification of economic activities. 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Statistical series is a systematic arrangement of statistical data in some logical order. Frequency refers to a number of times a given value appears in a distribution. What are the stages of statistical study? “Age” is a variable as the age of different students varies. The method of arranging data into homogeneous classes according to some common features present in the data is called classification. For example, Temperature, Height, Weight, Marks etc. Geographical Classification This classification of data is based on the geographical or locational differences of the data. Q.1- Which of the following is the objective of classification, Q.2- Temperature, Height, Weight, Marks are an example of. Some more examples are Height, Weight, Wages, Expenditure, Imports, Production, etc. Types of Statistical Classifications Chronological Classification. Upper Limit of one class is not equal to the Lower Limit of the next class. Q.- What is a Statistical Series? Sensitivity measures the proportion of positives that are correctly identified (i.e. Statistics in its Singular Sense. Bivariate Distribution A bivariate distribution is the frequency distribution of two variables. 3 Other factors affecting the comparability of crime statistics refer to the fact that only a varying proportion of criminal offences are It is obtained by successively adding the frequencies of the values of the classes. each item is given a separate value of the measurement. International Classification of Diseases (ICD), in medicine, diagnostic tool that is used to classify and monitor causes of injury and death and that maintains information for health analyses, such as the study of mortality (death) and morbidity (illness) trends. Similarly, a number of children in a family can be 1, 2 or so on, but cannot be 1.5, 2.75. Frequency Distribution It is that series in which items cannot be exactly measured. Individual Series These are those series in which the items are listed singly. (E) Continuous Series With Unequal Interval. Classification is the process of predicting the class of given data points. The ICD is designed to promote international compatibility in health data collecting and reporting. However, in the case of emboldening learning, information can be added as to whether a class classification was right or wrong. This arrangement of data helps users in comparison and analysis. ... so that the data becomes easy to understand and more convenient for further statistical treatment . For grouping or counting the number of observations, Lower limit (. Example: A discrete series is that series where individual values differ from each other by definite amount. the proportion of those who have some condition (affected) who are correctly identified as having the condition). When data are observed over a period of time the type of classification is known as chronological classification. Use the data in Table 3.2 that relate to monthly household expenditure (in ₹) on food of 50 households and To give importance to the prominent data collected while separating the optional elements. Or. Examples are assigning a given email to the "spam" or "non-spam" class, and assigning a diagnosis to a given patient … Multi-Label Classification 5. Thus, both class limits are parts of the class interval, e.g., the class intervals of 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, and so on are inclusive. ... Statistical Series Systematic arrangement of statistical data Raw data: Data collected in original or crude form. When data is classified on the basis of attributes, it is known as qualitative classification. Upper Limit of one class becomes the Lower Limit of the next class. Answer: A mass of data in its original form is known as raw data. On the basis of general characteristics, statistical series are of three kinds: According to construction, statistical series can be categorized as : Q.- Briefly Discuss the Various Types of Continuous Series. Many countries are now updating their national classification either based on ISCO-08 or to improve alignment with the new international statistical standard. Frequency distribution having classes wherein. Describing patients' preoperative physical status is used for recordkeeping, for communicating between colleagues, and to create a uniform system for statistical analysis. The ICD is the foundation for identifying health trends and statistics worldwide, and contains around 55 000 unique codes for injuries, diseases and causes of death. This type of classification is made on the basis some measurable characteristics like height, weight, age, income, marks of students, etc. Q2 :The frequency distribution of two variables is known as Thus the use of class mark instead of the actual values of the obervations in statistical methods … Classification is the process of arranging things in groups or classes according to their resemblances and affinities and gives expression to the unity of attributes that may exist amongst a diversity of individuals. The lowest value is termed as ‘Lower limit’ (, For example, in the class-interval 20-50, magnitude of class-interval is (, Mid-point is the central point of a class-interval, which lies halfway between lower and upper-class limits. This can be of particular interest for legal discovery, risk management and compliance. NACE is the “statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community”1 and is the subject of legislation at the European Union level 2 , which imposes the use of the classification uniformly within all the Member States. Workers' compensation exists to provide financial assistance and medical treatment to employees who are injured on the job. Job classification codes and statistical codes for reporting are the two primary types of workers’ compensation codes. 0406.20.90.20 is the Classification Number, specifying the exact type of grated or powdered cheese other than cheddar: Romano. To present data in a simple, logical and understandable form. Statistics for Economics Class 11 Notes Chapter 3 Organisation of Data Organisation of Data Organisation of data refers to the arrangement of figures in such a form that comparison of the mass of similar data may be facilitated and further analysis may be possible. O Classification of Data The process of grouping data according to their characteristics is known as classification of data. To consolidate the volume of data in such a way that similarities and differences can be quickly understood. Question 5. easy for a person to differentiate the sound of a human voice The International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS) is a classification of criminal ... E/CN.3/2013/11. Univariate Distribution The frequency distribution of a single variable is called a univariate distribution. This is true for other classes as well. Open End Series An open end series is that series in. Hence, variable means the characteristic which varies or differs or changes from person to person, time to time, place to place etc. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) The DSM is one of these classification systems, developed in the US in 1952. ; Specificity measures the proportion of negatives … c. To bring out points of similarity and dissimilarity among various groups. In such a classification, data are classified either in ascending or in descending order with reference to time such as years, quarters, months, weeks, etc. Share with your friends. Data classification enables the separation and classification of data according to data set requirements for various business or personal objectives. For example, if the weight of 5 students in a class is exactly 65 kg, then the frequency of data item 65kg is 5. To point out the important characteristics of the data at a flash. Since ancient times, attempts have been made to classify mental disorders. Classification Predictive Modeling 2. For example, a number of workers or number of students in a class is a discrete variable as they cannot be in fraction. Q.15- Name the Series, Which Have Class-interval. Individual series refers to that series in which items are listed singly, i.e. CBSE Class 11 Statistics Chapter -1 Important Questions. In contrast, there is unmonitored learning in which the classes of the data are not predetermined, but also must be learned. The two extreme values of each class are called class limits. When the data are classified according to geographical location or region, it is known as geographical classification. Briefly Explain Its Two Kinds. (B) Statistical Series Can Be Divided as: (a) On the Basis of General Characteristics. Qualitative Classification This classification is according to qualities or attributes of the data. The term variable is derived from the word ‘vary’ which means to differ or change. Chronological Classification When data are classified on the basis of time, it is known as chronological classification. Those variables which can take all the possible values (integral as well as fractional) in a given specified range are termed as continuous variables. (i) Time Series; Here if we take length of class interval as 10 then the number of class interval will be 55/10 = 5.5 or 6 which is less than the desired number of classes. Example in the class 40-50 the class interval is 10 (i.e. Under this classification, data are classified on the basis of some attributes or qualities like honesty, beauty, intelligence, literacy, marital status etc. Quantitative classification is also called classification by variables. “Price” is a variable as prices of different commodities are different. Whenever we employ statistical methods for the collection, classification, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of quantitative data, we term statistics as a singular noun. 50 minus 40). Question 2. 25). Classes are sometimes called as targets/ labels or categories. Organisation of data refers to the arrangement of figures in such a form that comparison of the mass of similar data may be facilitated and further analysis may be possible. It is known by adding the values of upper and lower limits and dividing the total by 2. This is true for other classes as well. The items assume a range of values and are placed within the limits is called class interval. Written methods and set of guidelines for data classification should determine what levels and measures the company will use to organise data and define the roles of employees within the business regarding input stewardship. Collection of Data; Organisation of Data For solutions and study materials for Class 11 Statistics for Economics, visit BYJU’S or download the app for more information and the best learning experience. The third chapter of NCERT Statistics book Class 11 deals with a significant concept of statistics, i.e., classification. Raw Data A mass of data in its crude form is called raw data. Concept of Variable A characteristic or a phenomenon which is capable of being measured and changes its value overtime is called a variable. The data arranged according to location or geographical considerations form a spatial series. it is known as Geographical Classification. Binary Classification 3. Quantitative or Numerical Classification Data are classified in to classes or groups on the basis of their numerical values. Discrete Series or Frequency Array It is that series in which data are presented in way that exact measurement of items are clearly shown. Example: Types of Continuous Series & Their Conversion, – Class Size = l2– l1=10 (for all) Sensitivity and specificity are statistical measures of the performance of a binary classification test that are widely used in medicine: . Class Frequency. The above-mentioned concept is for CBSE Class 11 Statistics for Economics – Meaning and Objectives of Classification of Data. Although the specification states that you need to know the DSM-IVR or the DSM5, I’ll write about both here because it’s useful for the issue and debate of ‘how psychological understanding has developed over time’. Q.1- What is Meant by Classification of Data? The above-mentioned concept is for CBSE Class 11 Statistics for Economics – Meaning and Objectives of Classification of Data. Mid Values Frequency Series Mid value frequency series are those series in which we have only mid values of the class intervals and the corresponding frequencies. The modern classification system consists of 6 categories, as described below. However, a properly constructed and validated classification such as the NS-SEC removes at least one barrier to explanation. The primary objectives of data classification are: Following Are the Basis of Classification: If the different values that a variable has taken in a period of time are arranged in chronological order, the series so obtained is called a time series. Mid-value or Mid-point is the central value of a class-interval. Further statistical calculations are based only on the values of class mark and not on the values of teh observations in that class. Q.7- What Do You Understand by the Class Limits? Despite each being as widely used as the other, the ICD and the DSM conceptualise and classify mental disorders in different ways. It is also called ‘Temporal Classification’. A planned data analysis system makes fundamental data easy to find and recover. For example, Population can be divided on the basis of marital status as married or unmarried etc. It is also known as ‘Spatial Classification’. Starting from the objective to characteristics of good classification, this chapter covers it all. Further statistical calculations are based only on the values of class mark and not on the values of teh observations in that class. Quick search helps you quickly navigate to a particular category. The class frequency is the number of times the items corresponding to a class interval repeat in the series. 18 June 2018 ¦ Geneva: The World Health Organization (WHO) is today releasing its new International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). It is the process of arranging data into homogeneous (similar) groups according to their common characteristics. In statistics, classification is the problem of identifying to which of a set of categories (sub-populations) a new observation belongs, on the basis of a training set of data containing observations (or instances) whose category membership is known. Multi-Class Classification 4. Cumulative frequency series is a modification of the simple frequency distribution. Cumulative frequencies may b expressed on the basis of lower class limits of the class-intervals. When such mid-values are given, it is called mid-value series, In a frequency distribution, if the lower limit (, When the class size i.e. To allow a statistical method of the material gathered. (iii) Condition Series. In this series, data are classified according to the changes occurring in variable according to a condition, such as Height, Weight, Age, Marks, Income etc. Figures can consequently be ordered in a few sections holding common traits. Quick Search Help. For example, we may present the figures of population (or production, sales. Classification This tutorial is divided into five parts; they are: 1. Q.8- What is Meant by Magnitude of a Class? Classification predictive modeling is the task of approximating a mapping function (f) from input variables (X) to discrete output variables (y). The most common workers’ compensation codes are classification codes. Class frequency: The number of observations corresponding to a particular class is known as the frequency of that class . This is a Very nice app to learn and make notes of any chapter, Your email address will not be published. The class midpoint is equal to the average of the upper class limit and the lower class limit. Discrete Variable These are those variables that increase in jumps or in compete numbers. Example: A continuous series is that series which represents continuous variables, showing a range of values of different items of the series. As follows Imbalanced Classification Example: Income (Rs) No. Objectives of Classification :- a] To simplify complex data b] To facilitate understanding c] To facilitate comparison d] To make analysis and interpretation easy. When data are grouped according to time, such a classification is known as a Chronological Classification. If we take class length of 5 then the number of classes will be 55/5 = 11, which is 1 less than the … When data are classified with reference to geographical locations such as countries, states, cities, districts, etc. Frequency Distribution (tally bars) with class interval 11. Q.- Briefly Explain the Basis or Methods of Classification. Class-11-commerce » Economics. Class 11 Notes PDF Free Download 1. Required fields are marked *, Meaning and Objectives of Classification of Data. Cumulative Frequency Series It is that series in which the frequencies are continuously added corresponding to each class-interval in the series. It was not designed to offer better statistical associations than Social Class, (SC) and Socio-economic Group, (SEG) but to improve the possibility of explaining them. Generally, we construct various classes that have a range of values from the data. NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A table, in which the frequencies and the associated values of a variable are written side by side, is known as a frequency distribution. Revenue Introduction 4.1 Revenue Definition 4.2 The Four Sectors of Government – Revenue Issues 4.3 General Revenue NACE groups organizations according to their business activities. the gap between (, It can be converted into Equal Interval Distribution by either. 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For example, mid-point of class 10-20 will be: Mid-point = (10+20) / 2 = 15. 2. Variables which are capable of taking an only exact value and not any fractional value are termed as discrete variables. When data is classified on the basis of characteristics which can be measured, it is known as quantitative classification. These series may be presented in two ways, Frequency Series Frequency series may be of two types. Classification Classification is the process of arranging things in groups or […] All values in this class are assumed to be equal to the middle value of teh class interval or class mark (i.e. Types of Statistical Series Statistical series are of two types. Q.3- What is Quantitative Classification? of persons Q.2- What is Meant by Geographical Classification? Briefly Discuss the Various Kinds of Statistical Series. Class-11-humanities » Economics. Frequency distribution is also known as continuous series or series with class-intervals, or series of grouped data. ‘Class’ means a group of numbers, in which items are placed such as 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, etc. Exclusive Series It is that series in which every class-interval excludes items corresponding to its upper limit. Q.12- What is Meant by the Term ‘frequency’? Class divisions are given, which can also be done by sampling. The most widely established systems of psychiatric classification are the DSM and the ICD. Q.11- Which Method Includes Both the Class Limits in the Class of a Continuous Series? It is mainly a data management process. Class interval: The difference between the upper and lower limit of a class is known as class interval of that class. Once a data-classification scheme has been designed, security standards that stipulate proper approaching practices for each division and storage criteria that determine the data’s lifecycle demands should be discussed. Question 1. _________ of data is the process of arranging data into homogeneous groups according to their common characteristics. What is statistical classification?what is its importance? Organisation of Data. Note that all Classification Numbers belonging to a given Tariff Item will have the same duty rate. A variable refers to quantity or attribute whose value varies from one investigation to another. For example, the height of a single student is not a statistical data but the average height of students in a class is. Data classification is the process of sorting and categorizing data into various types, forms or any other distinct class. Raw data cannot be easily understood, and it is not fit for further analysis and interpretation. 3.11 Miscellaneous Topics 3.12 Special Topics: Statistical Nature of Data 3.13 Special Topics: Classification Issues for Washington, DC 3.14 Joint Financial Activities of Governments 3.15 Tables Chapter 4. Organisation of Data b. The grading system is not intended for use as a measure to predict operative risk. The updated classification was adopted in December 2007 and is known as ISCO-08. For solutions and study materials for Class 11 Statistics for Economics, visit BYJU’S or download the app for more … Classification of data is the process of arranging data in groups or classes on the basis of certain properties. – Mid Value = (l2 +l1) ÷2. It searches only titles, inclusions and the index and it works by starting to search as you type and provide you options in a dynamic dropdown list.. You may use this feature by simply typing the keywords that you're looking for and clicking on one of the items that appear in the dropdown list. The process of arranging data in groups or classes on the basis of marital status as married or unmarried.. Variable that assume a range of values or increase not in jumps or in fractions are called class limits ways! 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