Which abbreviation does not stand for a hormone? Which of the following is an example of an anxiety disorder? Cards Return to Set Details. Which of the following hormones is secreted by the ovaries? vestibule of aorta a small space within the left ventricle at the root of the aorta. cerumen: A substance that helps keep dirt out of the ear and lubricates the skin in the ear. Ocular, ophthalmic, and optic mean pertaining to the eye. Which anterior pituitary hormone is also called somastotropin? Which of the following hormones is NOT secreted by the thyroid gland? The inner ear is located within the ____________ bone. Otic means pertaining to the ear. BPPV is thought to be caused by loose particles or degenerative debris in the balance portion of the inner ear, which have migrated (moved) to an area in which they are not normally found. Which of the following statements regarding hearing is NOT true? Which of the following statements regarding the spinal cord is NOT true? How to use tin ear in a sentence. sound or hearing: used with some adjectives and nouns. The Ear. Additional Medical Flashcards . More commonly known as earwax. All Rights Reserved. Also called outer ear . Tin ear definition is - a deafened or insensitive ear. Definition of médical in the Definitions.net dictionary. Which of the following therapeutic procedures is used to restore movement to joints and soft tissue? formal relating to hearing. Which medical term does NOT mean pertaining to the eye? Which medical term does NOT mean pertaining to the ear? Audiogram . List of 296 EAR definitions. Axon - receives impulses from pervious cell. aural adjective. Combining form meaning ear. (canal) Definition. Which surgical instrument is used to grasp tissue? What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the ear. Which of the following statements regarding the inner ear is NOT true? Otic means pertaining to the ear. Term. Autic. Which of the following terms means that the growth is enclosed in a sheath of tissue? lacrimal apparatus. AV (atrioventricular): AV is the standard medical abbreviation for atrioventricular, a combination that means pertaining to the atria (the upper chambers of the heart) and the ventricles (the lower chambers of the heart). The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the automatic nervous system. Aural refers to the ear or hearing, and oral to the mouth or speaking. Which of the following pairs regarding the TSM system for staging tumor is mismatched. What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the ear? Roentgenology is another name for what medical specialty? What is the WPS button on a wireless router? Which part of the brain consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus? What are the advantages and disadvantages of individual sports and team sports? Which type of anesthesiology is also known as a nerve block? Which of the following terms means a change or transformation from the original. In the anatomical divisions of the abdomen the center square of the middle row is the _____region. (3) Obsolete for atrial. Which term means instrument to view inside the eye. LISTS; Vocabulary.com Dictionary; Advanced Search; List Builder; Random Word; aural. The thymus gland is located in the mediastinum just below the heart. The removal of a small piece of tissue for microscopic examination to assist in a diagnosis is called? Which of the following terms means the development of an emotional dependence on a drug? Sign up here. Which of the following abbreviations is NOT a parenteral route of drug administration? What is the point of view of the story servant girl by estrella d alfon? external structure located on both sides of the head. For example, the AV node is an electrical relay station between the atria and the ventricles. Which of the following terms means insufficient sugar in the blood? Temporal. vestibule of ear an oval cavity in the middle of the bony labyrinth. Which of the following terms refers to the normal loss of hearing associated with aging? auricle (pinna) Definition. Med Term Final Exam study guide by julieirizarry includes 60 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. Which medical term does not mean pertaining to the eye. a. umbilical b. lumbar c. hypogastric d. iliac. A) ocular B) optic C) ophthalmic D) otic Which medical term does NOT mean pertaining to the ear? Term. Which part of the brain coordinates voluntary body movements and maintains balance? Is Betty White close to her stepchildren? PLAY; LOOK UP. external ear: n. The outer portion of the ear including the auricle and the passage leading to the eardrum. ear [ēr] the organ of hearing and equilibrium. Which layer of the eye contains the sensory receptors for sight? Exposing tumors to X-rays or gamma rays is called? Which of the following types of medications neutralizes poisons? Which of the following terms means stopping the flow of blood? A. Otic . The opening to the outer ear is the? Meaning of médical. Which of the following statements regarding the retina is NOT true? 65. acoustic: Definition. Malingering is an example of what category of mental disease? Study Ear Medical Terminology Flashcards at ProProfs - ear med term﷯ ﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯ Which of the following statements regarding glands is NOT true? Which layer of the eye is responsible for supplying blood to the eye? Otic means pertaining to the ear. Which of the following structures is NOT part of the external ear? Which of the following is the location of the nucleus of a neuron? Which of the following hormones is NOT secreted by the anterior pituitary? medical a small bone in your middle ear between the hammer and the stirrup (as) deaf as a post phrase. Which term means pertaining to within the skin? Benign means not life-threatening; paroxysmal means a brief burst; positional indicates the problem occurs with a certain body movement to a given position; and vertigo means a spinning sensation. The point of the sharpest vision is the optic disk. 04/28/2012. What are the difference between Japanese music and Philippine music? Which of the following pairs is mismatched? Which of the following categories of drugs is another name for a drug's trademark name? Which abbreviation stands for a pathological condition? The ossicles conduct vibrations across the inner ear. Question 2 1 / 1 point Which medical term does NOT mean pertaining to the ear? Glucagon works through the liver to lower blood glucose level. From the Greek "otos" pertaining to the ear. Which of the following is the elevated portion of the convolutions on the surface of the cerebrum? Which of the following terms refers to the number of deaths in a particular population? vestibule of mouth … Which of the following terms means the degree to which a substance is poisonous? short tube that ends at the tympanic membrane. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for PERTAINING TO THE EAR [otic] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word otic will help you to finish your crossword today. Which of the following statements regarding the nervous system is NOT true? vestibule of ear: [ ves´tĭ-būl ] a space or cavity at the entrance to another structure. auditory adjective. The vibrations are transmitted through three tiny bones, called ossicles, in your middle ear. Sound waves come in through your outer ear. Which medical term does NOT mean pertaining to the eye? auditory nerve noun. The spinal cord extends from the medulla oblongata down to the sacrum. a. epidermal b. hypodermal c. intradermal d. interdermal. Created. Medical Terminology Ch.13. a. umbilical. Subject. Medical Terminology Related to the Ears - Chapter Summary and Learning Objectives. An insulinoma may cause diabetes mellitus. Renal is the medical term that means pertaining to the kidney. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Which of the following statements regarding insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is NOT true? (2) Pinna of the ear. The outer ear consists of the auricle or pinna and the external acoustic meatus. Not all medical terms have prefi xes. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? Auricular means pertaining to the outer ear.prefix (ear) - otsuffix (pertaining to) - al or ic What is the first and second vision of mirza? Neurological cells conduct electrical impulses. Which of the following terms means to surgically cut out? external auditory meatus. (See Plates.) Answer to 101) Which medical term does NOT mean "pertaining to the eye"? Auricular means pertaining to the outer ear.prefix (ear) - otsuffix (pertaining to) - al or ic. Question options: A) acoustic B) auditory C) auricular D) aural Hide Feedback Acoustic means pertaining to hearing. Ophthalmoscope. Description. Which of following is a function of a occupational therapy rather than physical therapy? Which layer of the meninges forms the tough and fibrous outer sac? It's also called type 2 diabetes mellitus. Which of the following hormones is critical in emergency situations? Answer: C. Learn More : Share this Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Plus on Google+ « Prev Question. Tears are produced by the. Are you involved in development or open source activities in your personal capacity? Click here to study/print these flashcards. Which term means surgical incision into the eardrum? Which of the following therapeutic procedures assists a person to learn to walk again? cerebrovascular: Pertaining to the blood vessels in the brain. Which of the following glands is both an endocrine and an exocrine gland? auricular adjective Referring to: (1) Atrial auricular. Create your own flash cards! a nerve in your ear that sends signals relating to hearing and balance from your inner ear to your brain. Term. Otic. Which of the following therapies is also called brachytherapy? Your ear has three main parts: outer, middle and inner. Copyright © 2021 Multiply Media, LLC. Which of the following statements regarding the inner ear is NOT true? It is made up of the outer (external) ear, the middle ear, and the inner (internal) ear. Information and translations of médical in the most comprehensive … pertaining to hearing: Term. You use all of them in hearing. What are the qualifications of a parliamentary candidate? The anterior portion of the sclera is the? The inner ear is located within the _____ bone. Auditory, aural, and auricular mean pertaining to the ear. If your impeached can you run for president again? Which of the following statements regarding neurological cells is NOT true? Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? If you have excellent aural abilities, it means that your ears work well. very deaf. The semicircular canals are the sensory organs for hearing. The CNS consist of all the following but the? What does médical mean? external ear n. The outer portion of the ear including the auricle and the passage leading to the eardrum. Top EAR abbreviation meanings updated December 2020 audio-prefix . Which of the following statements regarding the thymus gland or its hormones is NOT true? Which of the following terms means the study of human work? auricle (pinna) Definition. By learning to recognize a few of the more commonly used medical prefi xes, you can fi gure out the meanings of terms that may not be immediately familiar to you. Which part of the brain controls body temperature, appetite, sleep, sexual desire, and emotions? This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Which of the following hormones is responsible for stimulating the development of ova and sperm? lists common prefi xes. Phonophoresis is a treatment procedure that uses? Which of the following the terms means the spread of cancer to another part of the body? A term interchangeable with anterior is: a. dorsal b. posterior c. ventral d. cephalic. altered (hyperventilation). Which of the following structures are the sensory receptor cells active in dim light? Aural means "pertaining to hearing." Which of the following statements regarding glucagon is NOT true? Tympanic means pertaining to the eardrum. Cornea. What does EAR stand for? Which term means softening of the sclera? Which of the following hormones is responsible for regulating carbohydrate metabolism in the body? c. ventral. Which of the following is the soft metallic element use as a radiopaque X-ray dye? Sensorineural hearing loss: Definition. They reach your middle ear, where they make your eardrum vibrate. Cornea. Cranial and spinal nerves are part of the central nervous system. Disease or malformation of outer or middle ear and all sounds is weaker and muffled since it is not conducted correctly to inner ear: Term. adj., adj vestib´ular. Which of the following terms refers to both ears? external structure located on both sides of the head. Surgery performed on the abdomen for the purpose of determining if cancer is present is called? Fecal is the medical term meaning pertaining to stool. ____________ is an agent or drug that, when administered to an organism, helps control body water balance by reducing urination, opposing diuresis. Appears for example in otitis (inflammation of the ear), otolaryngologist (an ENT doctor), otoscope (a device for looking in the ear), etc. Which layer of the meninges is applied directly to the surface of the brain? What does it mean when there is no flag flying at the White House? Which of the following terms means the use of a medication to relieve pain? Which term means record of hearing. Damage or malformation of inner ear (cochlea) or the cochlear nerve and sounds are distorted because nerve impulse is incorrect : Term. cerebrovascular accident: The medical term for a stroke. Which of the following is NOT part of the brain stem? Major depression is an example of what category of mental disease? Which of the following is NOT one of the ossicles? Pertaining to 2nd and 3rd ossicles of middle ear Pertaining to the vestibule and cochlea Labyrinthitis Myringomycosis Myringomastoiditis Tympanosclerosis Cochleitis Otitis Otitis media Vertigo . Undergraduate 1 . How long will the footprints on the moon last? Level. Which of the following statements regarding the eye muscles is NOT true? Binaural. External auditory meatus. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Which of following terms means excessive calcium in the blood? Test and improve your knowledge of Medical Terminology Related to the Ears with fun multiple choice exams you can take online with Study.com Which of the following is the valleys separating the convolutions on the surface of the cerebrum? Psychoanalysis is an example of which type of mental health treatment procedure? What is the timbre of the song dandansoy? Which of the following terms means use of good posture and position while performing activities? We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Which of the following is NOT a layer of the eyeball? The semicircular canals are the sensory organs for hearing. https://quizlet.com/59471913/medical-terminology-flash-cards Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. Aural means "pertaining to hearing." Medical. Endocrine glands secrete hormones into ducts. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Which of the following statements regarding endocrine glands is NOT true? Examination of cells to determine their structure and origin is called? A medical terminology combining form is nephro- as in nephrotoxicity. Next Question » If the answers is incorrect or not given, you can answer the above question in the comment box. A. Otic B. Ocular C. Ophthalmic D. Optic. Which of the following is a CSF containing cavity inside the brain tissue itself? Which of the following terms refers to both ears? Which of the following terms means a period of time during which of the symptoms of the disease leave? The anterior portion of the sclera is the. 6 Suffi xes Suffixes are placed at the end of words to change the original meaning. Total Cards. patho-: Derived from the Greek "pathos" meaning "suffering or disease." Otic means pertaining to the ear. Which of the following terms means a response to a drug other than the desired effect? Which of the following terms refers to something that is cancer causing? Which of the following structures is responsible for refracting light rays. Cochlear means pertaining to the cochlea.the cochlea is found in the inner earCochleaCochleathe answer would be cochlea because it sends waves through the liquid inside of it. Auricular means pertaining to the outer ear.prefix (ear) - otsuffix (pertaining to) - al or ic Which of the following term means insufficient sodium in the blood. Which of the following terms means a process of treatment to help a person with a disability attain maximum function? Which part of the brain serves as a center for relaying impulses from the eyes, ears, and skin to the cerebrum? Which of the following surgical positions is lying face up and on an incline with the head lower than the legs? Exocrine glands secrete hormones into ducts. audiogram: Definition. Choose Your Words aural / oral / verbal. Which of the following statements regarding diabetes mellitus is NOT true? Or the cochlear nerve and sounds are distorted because nerve impulse is incorrect or NOT given, you can the... System is divided into the central nervous system and the inner ( internal ) ear an incline with the.. A wireless router story servant girl by estrella D alfon wireless router media Vertigo they are easier to.. Number of deaths in a sheath of tissue for microscopic examination to assist in a particular population the most …. 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