Any ideas why? Unfortunately, many amateur players get this wrong, instead using their hands alone to swing the club. If you are hitting the ball well, and getting good results, don't be too concerned about your divot size. However, players can try the following drill to help create a shallow swing arc and decrease the size of their divots. Once again, watch the flight of your ball, look at your divot and tinker to see what works. Instead, work on shallowing out your swing plane using the tips above so you can take shallow, medium-sized divots on your iron swings. If you take your address position with the ball too far back in your stance, you will run the risk of creating a deep divot. The perfect shape is that of a dollar bill pointing directly down the target line. This usually results in weak shots, often poor contact and high ball flights. In this video, I give you a drill to teach you how to get your divots in front of the golf ball at impact. Give it a try and let me know if it helps. How high should I … Hitting a good divot is the first sight of a good golf stroke. Taking a divot after you hit an iron shot is a good thing. Swing Under a String Drill : By keeping your effort well short of 100%, you will have a much better chance to stay on balance throughout both the backswing and downswing. If you see that you aren’t taking a divot at all, you’re swing is too shallow. Banish Your Slice With These Golf Drills Fat strikes, in which you either take a divot before the ball or come in too steeply and take a very deep divot, are something every golfers has suffered from. If you play left handed, please adjust the directions as necessary. When you do watch the recording, you are going to want to keep an eye out for the mistakes that were highlighted in the previous section. 1) you can get more backspin 2) as long as the club is still descending it is still accelerating 3) you should compress the ball which means more distance . While a chunked iron shots inevitably happen to all golfers, if you’re scraping large chunks of dirt off of your clubs more often than not, look no further because we’re here to help. If you have worked through the swing problems listed above and you're still taking deep divots, take a look at the following list of other potential causes. I hit my iron shots really high. No lower body rotation. 1-802-560-3192. If the divot starts behind the ball, you have mis-hit the shot (this type of mis-hit is often called hitting the ball "heavy" or "fat"). The face on angle is also helpful when watching your shoulder turn. ( — Sanford International confirms that the Minnehaha Country Club has voted not to host the golf tournament past 2022. That's what we need to take those pure divine divots and achieve maximum distance and spin control!!! Swinging too hard. Staying too far left. the business card idea is superb as it gives the golfer immediate feedback as to where the club … Lots of golfers love taking big, juicy divots. While you might be plagued by poor swing mechanics such as the points mentioned earlier, you also may be struggling with one of the simple points on the list above. If your short game divots begin to get deep, you will know there is a problem in your technique - just like deep divots in your long game indicate trouble with your full swing. When you are ready to take the video, keep the following points in mind –. You will want to take a divot on some of your longer pitch shots, and even on some short chip shots depending on the style of shot you are trying to play. The perfect shape is that of a dollar bill pointing directly down the target line. Set atop a beautiful vista amidst the wineries of the Central Coast and surrounded by California’s natural beauty. I am in total agreement with the physical and mechanical purity of the swing, but I do stick on one You might think it's silly to put so much emphasis on what you do to the ground. Hi Robert. Insufficient shoulder turn. To record your swing on video, you will need to take a trip to the driving range along with a recording device and a friend. Huge divot striped from an 8 iron shot in the fairway during the 2011 tournament. The two common culprits are your swing plane and your release. Take your time while reviewing the recordings to make sure you are coming to the right conclusions before getting down to work on fixing your mechanics. All of the instruction below is based on a right handed golfer. Verified … When looking for a balance problem, you want to use the 'face on' angle. Having this much lag in your golf swing basically ensures you of taking a divot in front of the golf ball (click here for the instruction video). This motion is what will drop the club down into position, and it will also pull your body out of the way in order to give your hands and arms to swing the club through the ball. When I see a golfer on the range taking giant divots I know they are only moments away from disaster and probably struggle with hitting their longer clubs. Having your divot start in front of the ball is vital for ensuring a descending angle of attack and clean contact. Don't try to impress the camera. JetFan1983. Without a good shoulder turn, your backswing will consist mostly of your arms lifting the club up into the air. Specifically, clubs that are too upright for your swing and your body type may lead to steep downswings and deep divots. If you’re taking huge divots, then it’s likely you’re playing irons or wedges that don’t have enough bounce on the sole. I hear “nice ball” or “good golf shot” on the golf course but I hardly ever hear “great divot” or “great turf cut”. The club descent at the bottom of the swing, known as the attack angle, is about 4 degrees down for a 6 iron for tour pros. Most golfers who are struggling with deep divots will find their problem within one or more of the points above. Of course, there is the possibility of having too much of a good thing. Right now I am taking shallow or thin divots. An ideal divot is a shallow strip of turf, but you may find that you are taking large chunks out of the fairway when your swing gets steep. In fact, most of your swings during a round of golf should be made with about 80% effort. Sign up for the Ask Maria Featured Question of the Day. Hitting down on the ball allows you to impart backspin on the shot, which will help the ball climb high into the air. Quote; Share this post. You need to have confidence when hitting any golf shot, but confidence is especially important when playing chip and pitch shots from around the green. You want to be able to analyze your actual swing, so pick a target and make a smooth swing just as you would on the course. This will teach them to come in on a shallower angle of attack and clip the ball away. I tend to take too much divot. Does the divot ever get recognition? A steep angle of attack is when the club head approaches the ball on to vertical a path. Taking A Divot. Where is your lower body? This is the main cause of deep. While some players can get away with taking long, deep divots while still hitting good shots, that won't be a winning formula for most players. Ben Hogan once said, “the secret is in the dirt,” and Bobby explains just what he meant- and how to transform your game with the power of reading divots! Happy with where my swing is going but definitely do not take pro like divots. Players need to feel they are clipping the ball from the top of the tee peg and avoid taking any divots. If that is happening, you should be happy with the rotation that you are getting from your shoulders. usually big divots are a result of a steep swing steep swings are usually the result of starting the swing with the upper body and not the legs you want to start the down swing from the ground up, letting your hands drop into the slot before starting your turn the weight shifts forward and the hands drop, then the hips pull the shoulders When I hit my 9,PW,LW, and Gap wedge, I tend to take a super big divot (like 6-12 inches), and deep. Taking deep divots can have a negative impact on your ball flight, and it can also be dangerous for your hands and wrists. Never swing harder than you are capable of doing comfortably while maintaining your balance. If not we can start looking at your release. The golf swing is a circle, and this circle is tangent to your target line (remember your geometry class in … If I put the divot in the back you are hitting it fat, no divot thin. If you can identify your own problem from the list below, you will be a big step closer to making the necessary corrections. Improving contact with backward bend Staying bent forward like this in the … But, my ball goes where I want it and the distance I want. Some players who take divots with their irons quit on the swing as soon as the club enters the turf. If the lower body simply stays put during the downswing, your arms will be forced up and away from your body in order to find a path to the ball. When you take a divot you are hitting down or descending on the ball. Divots are nothing more than strips of earth dug up after your club hits the ball. Another good way to practice this is to actually hit balls off a tee. The ability to correctly self-diagnose your swing problems is one of the most important skills in golf. The first thing I would recommend for you without seeing your swing would be to try to shallow out your swing plane and see if that helped. To create a divot is called "taking a divot." If you are taking consistently deep divots out of the turf, there is a good chance you are swinging down too steeply into the ball. But how can you be sure? Similarly, if you are not taking a divot at all then your swing arc is too shallow and not hitting the ground correctly. As the downswing begins, it is the job of the lower body to turn toward the target and carry your weight slightly onto your left foot. The main cause of deep divots in the short game is overactive hands and wrists during the takeaway. Is the most likely reason just need to work more on relaxing the arms or is there anything else to look for? If you are able to take a shallow divot on your way through impact, however, you won't feel nearly as much force coming up through the shaft of the club. In other words...if you don't take a divot, if your divot is not in the right spot or if your divot is not the correct shape, then you've made an incorrect swing. Making an extra-hard swing is almost never a good idea, as it can cause your fundamentals to go wrong in a number of ways. Taking large divots on shots - posted in Golf Instruction: Hi All, Recently I have found a tendency on shots to take a large divot and this results in poor contact, practice swings before the real swing are great but ofter the divot on the real shot starts about an inch or two before the ball, I have been told I stand a little to close to the ball, could this be the problem ? Regular readers of this Blog know that the Low Point of any golf stroke is located in front of the left shoulder.Therefore, a standard iron shot should call for a divot located well ahead of the ball as the clubhead has to go DOWN and OUT after impact.. Place a ball a couple of inches inside the back towel and eight inches from the front towel. Ideally, you will only be taking a small amount of turf out of the ground on your average chip shot. The best way to determine if you are hitting down to steep is to check the shape and depth of your divots. With a full iron swing, Cleveland says … If you are taking massive, deep divots, it becomes very difficult to control the distance of … If your belt buckle is pointing out beyond the ball, there is a good chance that your lower body is doing its job. The result is a deep divot and a poor shot. How to Repair Divots on the Golf Course. The angle of attack you use with your irons is an important part of the swing equation, and your divot does a great job of showing you what that angle looks like. Move the golf ball a bit farther back in your stance. On a grass driving range or range mat, place two small towels on the ground in parallel lines at right angles to the target, with a gap of 10 inches between the towels. If your swing plane is altogether too steep, you will hit down on the ball dramatically and although you may catch the ball clean you may also push the ball down into the ground and kill your distance. It means that your club head is going outside the plane on the down swing. The only way to really know what it going on in your golf swing is to watch it for yourself. How can you diagnose if the grip is the cause of hook/slice? You want to record your swing from both the 'down the line' and 'face on' angles. However, if the left shoulder is coming up short, you will then need to watch the down the line angle to see how your arms are behaving. 60 Day On Course Guarantee! With no homes or big city congestion, just pristine fairways lined with century-old oak trees, lakes and natural grasses. In golf, the video doesn't lie. I'm here to tell you that you shouldn't, because they're probably being caused by a flaw. From a post I … Richard Griffith wrote me a very good email a few weeks back and asked a question about one of my basic tenets of the Surge Swing: "Don't Hit Down!". Large divots hurt your wrist, arms, shoulders, upper back, lower back, the list goes on, large divots are bad. Since the golf club can be speeding down toward the ball at 100 miles per hour or more, the dangers of a harsh collision with the turf should be obvious. It is also ideal in most cases to learn to take more shallow divots for spin and trajectory control. emmolos / CC. When you are taking too much of a divot that means that something is causing your club head to come down too steep. This perspective will allow you to get a good idea of your weight distribution during the golf swing. The conventional wisdom has always been that better golfers will take a huge divot with their iron shots, and the key to “compressing” the golf ball is to … Hunter Ranch Golf Course, located in Paso Robles, California wine country, is one of the finest, most beautiful golf courses in California. Always start with the simple things first and move on to more complex problems only if the simple fixes don't alleviate the issue. In this case, making a hard swing can lead to a deep divot if your longer backswing pushes you too far onto your left side prior to the downswing. If you hit down too steeply on the ball, you won't achieve the results you desire. For some players, the deep divot is a result of a mistake made at address – or even a mental mistake. But do you have an idea of how much ahead?. First check your divots and see if they are before of after the ball. Don't go too long making deep divots on your short game shots without trying to fix the problem or you could wind up with mechanics that are way off track. A steep angle of attack can also mean shots that are too low or too high depending on what club you are using and whether or not you are hitting off of a tee and releasing your hands early. You can see here as I’m making these swings, I’m going to be quiet here and see if you can hear one of these divots of this club thumping the ground. You are "coming over the top" The worst move you can make in golf. once this concept is understood then they hit crisp shots with a nice shallow divot. Swing Under a String Drill If your swing plane is altogether too steep, you will hit down on the ball dramatically and although you may catch the ball clean you may also push the ball down into the ground and kill your distance. For most shots hit from the turf, most great strikers of the ball take a divot a few inches in front of the golf ball. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. It is approximately half an inch deep and evenly skimmed off the surface. When you are taking too much of a divot that means that something is causing your club head to come down too steep. There are 3 advantages to this. You actually want your short swings to resemble your long swings in that your shoulders should be doing most of the work when it comes to pulling the club back away from the ball. Taking a proper divot is something that is critical to crisp and consistent iron play, but if you don't know what a proper divot is, it's tough to know when things go wrong. If the short shoulder turn is combined with a lifting of your arms, the root cause of your steep swing will have been discovered. Taking large divots on shots - posted in Golf Instruction: Hi All, Recently I have found a tendency on shots to take a large divot and this results in poor contact, practice swings before the real swing are great but ofter the divot on the real shot starts about an inch or two before the ball, I have been told I stand a little to close to the ball, could this be the problem ? And how do you know when to adjust grip (strengthen/weaken)? Assistant to the Regional Goon; Supporter; 623 4,534 posts; Location: Stalking Amanda Dufner Plays: Righty Report; Share; January 20, 2012. A divot is the piece of turf cut out of the ground by a golf club in making a stroke.. I'm looking forward to helping you with your game. Since you are only hitting your short shots something like 20 or 30 yards, you swing really shouldn't be long enough to unearth a full-size divot. Divot Location in Relation to Where Your Ball Was at Address ‘Hit down on the ball’ is a phrase that has been told to golfers struggling to improve their ball striking for decades. reading golf instructions is like becoming a surgeon on online Uni… please give yourself a xmas pressie and get a golf coach… everyone is different and proper coach will fix you in no time. Sometimes you just need to forget about hitting balls and just make perfect divots. While your deep divots are likely being caused by a mechanical flaw somewhere in your swing, that won't always be the case. Improve by Hitting Irons off a Tee. By: Maria Palozola. Loosening your grip helps relax your arms … If you are detailed about getting the ball in just the right position during your range sessions, that same task will become much easier out on the course. Tournament Director Josh Brewster says it’s … "Dear Surge, I have been devoted to the Surge Swing for almost three years now and I strive to perfect it every time I am out. While watching the down the line video, pause the video at the impact position. cnichol3 … Here's my favorite drill for learning to take good divots. Swing Arc Drill. Divots are something you tend to think more about with your full swing, but they can affect the short game as well. Thanks. SIOUX FALLS, S.D. The three swing issues below are common among many amateur golfers, and each of them can lead to a swing plane which is too steep as it approaches impact. Once you see what your swing looks like on video, you should have a pretty clear picture of what it is you need to work on. Taking a big chunk of dirt and grass instead of the ball is more than a little frustrating, but you can remedy the problem by making some minor swing adjustments. You can certainly learn to … Divots play an important role in the game of golf – yet many amateur players don’t really understand how they work and what they are trying to tell you about your swing. Why am I taking such divot, and what would be causing me to do this. While there could be any of number of issues causing this mistake, most likely your problem is going to be found in one of three places. So what does a good divot look like on a short shot? Using the down the line angle will also be helpful when you want to see how your lower body is working in the downswing. Big divots usually indicate big trouble in the golf swing. Many amateur golfers never master the skill of hitting down on their iron shots, and they struggle to gain consistency for that reason. Get two angles. If one takes the position that by "regular" divot Richard meant the kind taken in a rotational swing where one hits down on the ball, this excessive forward shaft lean could explain why he feels he hits the ball longer. If not, work on getting a better rotation from the top of the swing to improve your angle of attack. As soon as you notice your divots becoming too deep with your short shots, make an effort to use your shoulders more actively in the backswing and the problem should be quickly corrected. Loosen your grip on the club, so it is relaxed and you are not squeezing. This is a great practice tool for you, set up next to the golf ball, make some swings. Divots play an important role in the game of golf – yet many amateur players don’t really understand how they work and what they are trying to tell you about your swing. Even if you make a great backswing, you can still carve a deep divot out of the turf if you forget to rotate your lower body through the shot. For the benefit of both your ball flight and your hands/wrists, it is a good idea to learn how to take a shallow divot on a consistent basis. If you wish to hit a high percentage of greens in regulation, you will take the time to learn how to hit down on the ball. In Front . So why are you taking a deep divot in the first place? Travis Fulton shows amateurs three different ways to shallow out divots when playing with a wedge. Other Related Tips on Irons. Afraid of hitting the ball too far, these players will slow the club head down right before impact, taking away the speed required to move through the ball and the turf successfully. With a little bit of background knowledge, your divots can be one of the most powerful teaching tools in the game because they provide the physical evidence needed to decode the quality of your swing. Down the line is the angle that is looking directly down your target line with the ball between the camera and the target. Have you rotated toward the target? Mark Russo. (We respect privacy and keep all emails confidential). Shop Golf Clubs; Reviews; The BombTech Story ; Cart ($0.00) Shop Golf Clubs; Reviews; The BombTech Story; Cart ($0.00) HOW TO TAKE A DIVOT WITH GOLF IRONS. Making a big shoulder turn is another important ingredient in getting the swing plane just right. If you are pulling up a big chunk of dirt along with the grass that makes up your divot, there is a good chance that you need to work on shallowing out your swing. JetFan1983 623 January 20, 2012. Rather than a smooth rounded arc which bottoms out just after the ball creating a nice crisp divot, the club comes in steep, makes contact with the ball and then digs into the ground heaving up mounds of earth. When the club hits the ground, it quickly loses what speed it had remaining, and sticks in the ground. A good divot is the result of a correct impact position. The two common culprits are your swing plane and your release. Using irons that aren't fitted to your swing can cause you to take deep divots – even if your golf swing is fine. Without professional advice, it would be hard for an average club golfer to accurately diagnose the problem. Taking divots – accelerate through the shot. Take a … But if you take a good divot after you hit the ball, that's proof you made a good strike. Ideally, your left shoulder will pass completely under your chin in the backswing. That movement up and away will put you on a steep plane, and a deep divot will be the sure result. Seen frequently in golfers who are struggling with deep divots are something you tend to think about. Too much of a dollar bill pointing directly down the swing to improve their ball for! Of golfers love taking big, juicy divots swing and your release start looking at divot! Arms lifting the club head becomes elevated too high off the surface few inches off the.... Every golf shot, more like this, make some swings or direction to! 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